Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #1

Event\Storyline: Cataclysm Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 6, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 6
7.5Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

• AGE OF ULTRON ripped a hole into the Ultimate Universe
• GALACTUS came through...hungry
• Is this the last stand of the Ultimate heroes?

  • 9.0 - Stuart Conover Nov 9, 2013

    The art and writing, short as it was, is great. I'm eager to see if this is going to be the actual end of the Ultimate Universe or if its the first good secret Marvel has been able to keep for us in quite some time. I'm also curious to see how Reed Richards will get dragged out of prison and into the fight since I'm sure that'll end up happening. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GoCollect - @MrAnonymous Nov 10, 2013

    With the rumors circulating that this may indeed be the end of the Ultimate comics line once and for all, it would be a disservice to yourself to not pick up this issue and in fact this entire mini series. I'm sure that even if this doesn't end the Ultimate universe, it will have lasting repercussions that you will want to witness first hand. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Nov 6, 2013

    While it is a lot of setup and doesn't strive to surprise its readers, the high amount of action, the showcase of Galactus and the Ultimate universe along with the strong art and colorization makes this first issue a rather successful one. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 6, 2013

    There's been a lot of hype around this book because it may or may not destroy the Ultimate Universe. That being said, this book does live up to the hype. It's an all out war and incredibly satisfying throughout the issue. We get a larger scope of what's going on here as the book splits its time between the Ultimates fighting Galactus and Miles Morales saving people on the ground. The writing and art are incredibly solid, for the most part. I did have one gripe about how Bagley was drawing Ganke and Miles because they looked quite a bit different, especially in Ganke's case, from their main-series counterparts, but overall, I was very happy with this first issue and you will be too. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Stuart Kirkham Nov 8, 2013

    There's nothing particularly mind-blowing about this issue, but it's nice to see Bagley's Spider-Man again and it does a good job kicking off what is sure to be a story with huge ramifications. Hopefully it will consist of more than just an extended battle scene with a big purple dude, lots of characters dying in heroic ways and the earth cracking in half on the final page. These characters deserve more than that and with Bendis at the helm their is hope that they will get the treatment they deserve, as he's possibly the only person that loves them more than the fans do. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Nov 6, 2013

    Picking up from the events of Age of Ultron and Hunger, this tightly packed issue kicks the series off with several bangs, whimpers and lightning bolts. It's light on plotting, with Mile Morales/Spider-man, the Ultimates and Fantastic Four helplessly throwing themselves against the jolly purple giant to no avail. Yet it has an epic grandeur to it that feel as though it is all headed"somewhere. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Refueled - superiorchris Nov 7, 2013

    Bendis and Bagley deliver a great start to the end of the Ultimate universe. It is only fitting that the creators of this universe are the ones to end it. The action is fast and hard hitting with beautiful splash pages. The threat to the ultimate universe feels all to real. You will pick up this issue and not be disappointed. It will only leave you with hunger for more. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Nov 7, 2013

    Great way of showing just how screwed Earth may be that there is a cosmic level threat such as Galactus on Earth and no one is prepared. Considering everything they have been through up to this point, you just know that fighting Galactus will bring about the same excitement which makes this book one that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Anything can happen and we just have to hope that it isn't the end. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Nov 6, 2013

    Bendis and Bagley re-teaming brings back fond memories, even though this isn't quite their best work together. The story starts to feel like Ultimatum, but the duo wisely keep it grounded on the desperation of Miles as he struggles to save people from Galactus' onslaught. This is a fairly solid start to what could be the last story ever told in the Ultimate U, so the real tension rides on whether or not we'll ever see these characters again. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Nov 11, 2013

    This was a very good start for the event, as although it felt like a little too much too quickly it would still have a lot of exciting moments, showing that this event will be far from dull. It will however need to slow down a touch if it wants to become a great story though, as the high pace is a little too much. I would however still highly recommend this issue and can't wait for the next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 11, 2013

    "Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand" #1 is a solid enough read, providing comic fans with a fitting crossover between the Ultimate Universe and the 616 Marvel Universe. After the final page of the story, Marvel delivers some additional kindling for the speculation fire by placing a full-page ad in the inside back cover that inquires: "Is this the end of Marvel Comics?" Obviously, it isn't, but if it were to be the end, this is most definitely the opening chapter. Many a crossover has promised to alter the landscape of comic book universes forever, but "Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand" #1 actually sets that in motion. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Dec 3, 2013

    Like de-caffinated coffee, the impact of Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #1 is limited. However, the circumstances of the story that tie it into the aftermath of Age of Ultron, which is still unfolding, give the plot some badly needed emotional weight. For once, Ultimate feels like a part of a greater narrative that involves more than just destroying things that can't be readily destroyed in Marvel's 616 comics. It gives the impression that this will fundamentally change the nature of Ultimate Marvel in a way that involves more than just global destruction and shock tactics. The gravity of the story is still muted, but the scope is refreshingly fitting. Read Full Review

  • 4.3
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Nov 8, 2013

    Skip, though it'd be a browse if this was the actual first issue and not part 8 of an insanely decompressed story that already cost readers at least $20. Read Full Review

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