Kate Bishop finally turns up!A lovely day trip to Central Park for a group of cheery youngsters.LIES! It’s not lovely as they’re being pursued by bad guys and it’s not a day trip as (er) it’s at night.A shameless retcon into Marvel Boy’s history!
If you're looking for a different take on superhero comics, then I highly recommend this comic. It never panders, fires on all cylinders, and continues to impress with every issue without slipping backwards. Read Full Review
Marvel NOW! has been quite successful for me, and even the misses are books that are creatively stretching for something exciting and unique, but this issue puts a solid cap on Young Avengers as my favorite book of the relaunch. (Hawkeye predates the NOW!, or else I'd have a fight in my cerebral cortex for that crown.) It's impossible to tell where the writer and the artist begin and end, and the story is not only exciting, it feels like a natural extension of things that have come before in various other books. (Amazingly, no one on this team is a new creation.) Young Avengers #4 hits the right notes, with amazing art, cultural reference that feel spot-on, historical comics references that work, and a nice ensemble of characters with just a hint of bastardry, earning a dead-solid 5 out of 5 stars overall. You should definitely be reading this book if you like your comics fun, frenetic and oh-so-very-pretty, folks... Read Full Review
Young Avengers #4 is a shot of adrenaline, exactly what the book needed to keep people coming back for more. Whip smart, gorgeously illustrated (McKelvie, Norton and Wilson make a fantastic team), and all-around bad ass, this is the Comics of Cool at its most breezy and fun. But dont mistake breezy and fun for low-stakes or light-hearted. The tension is rising. Thankfully, with the team all together well, almost; Speed wont return until #6 there are more personalities than ever for the characters to bounce off, and that gives the book a manic energy that makes Young Avengers #4 a must-read for anyone even remotely on the fence about the title. Read Full Review
McKelvie's art is as bright and energetic as Gillen's writing. His innovative layouts are a refreshing change from the standard fare we usually see and his double page spread of Noh-Varr's high-flying stunts is a special delight. Now that our Young Avengers are coalescing into a team, their individual voices are beginning to shine through. Gillen and McKelvie deliver another solid issue in a series that's quickly becoming a highlight of Marvel's monthly lineup. Read Full Review
Yeah, I still love this comic. What more can I say? Everything about it was great. Loki's constant attempts at manipulation is always fun, finally bringing Kate and Noh-Varr to the rest of the group was something I've been waiting for, and I'm still digging the story. So yeah, win for me! Read Full Review
Young Avengers #4 is another solid entry to a great series. You can say a lot about this book, but you can't say it isn't fun. With it's cast of characters, snappy writing, and spectacular art; this is definitely a book you should be reading. So go NOW! Read Full Review
Marvel seems to be letting their creators run wild on their properties, and (creatively speaking) it's been paying off. Hawkeye finds Matt Fraction doing the most Matt Fractiony comic he could make short of Casanova itself and Rick Remender is going so Fear Agent on Captain America that I'm shocked Marvel editorial even allows it.Young Avengers is a strong contender for my favorite book because, depending on who you are, chances are I like Phonogram more than I like you and the guys who made that are making this one and people forgot to tell them they're making a Marvel comic. Read Full Review
If this issue suffers from anything, it's the fact that it's not double sized. Just when the action hits its peak, the issue ends and an agonizing month wait begins as we anticipate the next issue. When most other Marvel titles double ship all the time now, having titles like Young Avengers be strictly monthly makes the wait seem twice as long " but when the quality is this high, that's hardly a complaint to make. Young Avengers has been impressive since the start, but I think this issue has the series really hitting its stride. Read Full Review
Young Avengers is a shot of energy in Marvel's lineup of comics, and with Nova is showing that comics need not be dark and brooding to be entertaining. This issue features great characterization, laughs, a strong plot, and the set up of some very interesting elements going forward. Read Full Review
Young Avengers looks to be part of the movement at Marvel spearheaded by books like FF, Savage Wolverine, Daredevil, and Hawkeye to create books that poke holes in the expectations of readers with unconventional but gorgeous art, witty, rapid fire writing and storytelling, and a connection to, but a freedom from the larger Marvel Universe. It's more than refreshing, it's the shot in the arm Marvel has needed, and a formula more books should follow. Young Avengers has had some issues maintaining its energy early on, but if issue #4 is an indicator of the book's trajectory, Young Avengers will start living up to its great potential. Read Full Review
Even the cover of "Young Avengers" #4 is a treat; the two sets of arrows zooming across the page feels very retro and mod, and the contrast between bow and laser is a nice touch on the two characters. Is there anything that "Young Avengers" can't do at this point? I think not. If you aren't reading "Young Avengers" you're missing out on one of the top superhero comics currently being published. Trust me, read this book. Read Full Review
The combination of McKelvie, Norton and Wilson continues its hot streak. What makes this series so wonderfully unique is its presentation. It acts as another instance of a more creative layout of the panels during the brawl at MJ's helps the action flow. Read Full Review
Young Avengers yet again proves to be the Marvel NOW! book that manages to balance being serious and humorous at the same time. This issue has built up to something big to come as they take on the swarm of infected and as we await to see what it is that Loki has up his sleeve since it's hard to believe he'd leave them without a good reason. Read Full Review
Young Avengers is a pretty fun and funky book so far, even when it threatens to get a little too hip for its own room. Then again, it's a tough call sometimes to tell the difference between something seeming a bit "clever" and my own responses tending towards the jaded and disdainful. Despite that occasional question, this series is good stuff. Read Full Review
After two disappointing issues, the energy returns to this title, finally starting to live up to the promise it displayed when it first came out. Read Full Review
Young Avengers #4 cliffhanger, ok, give me the next issue! I need to know how this first arc ends! Read Full Review
Young Avengers is a master class in what superhero comics should be. You get the sense that Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie care about these characters, and with all the work they put into this book, it's hard not to feel the same way. Read Full Review
This was a surprisingly brilliant issue, and probably equal to best along with the first issue. It showed that the series could still be fun, and although it's still far from perfect, with the base of this story still being terrible, it shows hope for the future of this series, and that the next story might actually be good. I would recommend this issue, but not the series as a whole so far, as with only two good issues, as well as two poor it's probably better to either get this issue for the fun it holds, or wait for the next story to start (issue 5). Read Full Review
If readers are looking for quality writing and art, Young Avengers should be on their pull list. Each issue has consistently been nothing short of great. Marvel isin the business ofpublishing titles that are simply fun to read and enjoy and this is no exception. Read Full Review
This is a fun comic. The dialogue is good, the jokes are witty and the characters are entertaining. The idea that this evil villain is controlling their parents is a weirdly specific, but I'm willing to let that fly. The problem is – and this is only a problem for me – I don't care about the characters. I can't help it. I was never big into the original Young Avengers, so I just have no connection to Hulkling or Wiccan. Noh-Varr has always been a weird character, and I never read the Journey into Mystery stories that featured Kid Loki. I'm loving Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, but this doesn't feel like the same character. This is a good comic, it's well drawn and well written, but on a purely personal level, I just don't think it's for me. Though I may pick up the issue that stars Speed and Prodigy. I like the two of them. Read Full Review