Plutona #1

Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Emi Lenox Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 2, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 33 User Reviews: 17
8.4Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

A brand new heartfelt super-hero series by JEFF LEMIRE (DESCENDER, Hawkeye) and amazing newcomer EMI LENOX! PLUTONA follows the story of five suburban kids who make a shocking discovery while exploring the woods one day after school...the body of Plutona, the world's greatest superhero. A dark and heartbreaking journey about friendship and coming of age all through the lens of the superhero genre.

  • 10
    All-Comic - Alex Mansfield Aug 27, 2015

    Subtle, nuanced, charming, and downright elegant, Plutona #1 delivers on its premise and then some. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 10, 2015

    Overall, Plutona works on so many levels. I never referenced the story events because the surprise at the end shouldn't be spoiled. Just know that this story puts the characters first and the action, what little there is of it, distantly second. Lemire and Lenox have really captured the attitude, dialogue and feelings of kids and if it was just a story about them growing up with the daily life of school and peer pressure, it almost feels as though that would be enough. Luckily for us, there's so much more and I can't wait to see it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 2, 2015

    You may know what's going to happen in this first issue but there's no telling what comes next. Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox do a wonderful job setting up the story. As this is the first issue, it's what necessary. We need to find out who the main characters are and they do a remarkable job showing us and making us become invested in what they're about to face. If that wasn't enough, we also get a cool back up written and drawn by Lemire. Don't miss the party on this one. We have a great set up and I can't wait to see the story soar from here. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdist - Benjamin Bailey Aug 5, 2015

    You, like me, are no doubt always on the look out for something fresh and new to add to your weekly read pile. You want something that feels different, but is captivating and easy on the eyes. Well, starting this September, Plutona should be your new thing. Buy the first issue and spend some time with two comic creators who are doing fantastic work. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 11, 2015

    Plutona #1 is the perfect example of a series hitting the ground running, so assured is the collaboration between Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox. Lemire's script is wide ranging in its scope and more focused in its emotion, resulting in the rare read that leaves you invested from the start. Lenox and Jordie Bellaire further take command in crafting a world as compelling as it is captivating, their silent moments every bit as powerful as those spoken. Mark your calendars, set an alarm, write the date backwards on your forehead. However you choose to remind yourself, buy Plutona. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Sep 7, 2015

    Just a magical beginning mixing familiar genres and tropes creating something better. Read Full Review

  • 9.5 - John McCubbin Sep 4, 2015

    Plutona may not be the most imaginative of tales, but that doesn't stop it from blowing my mind. Between its gripping coming of age narrative and the mysterious overtones, we get a thrilling tale that is full of interesting characters. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book store this week. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Black Nerd Problems - Jordan Calhoun Sep 2, 2015

    Overall, Plutona #1 is a pleasant surprise and I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes. I'm in. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 7, 2015

    It's hard to tell where this series goes from here - is it super-hero based or fashioned for the real world? Whatever the case, the element of the unexpected is what makes it fun! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopMatters - Matthew Fay Sep 8, 2015

    Plutona #1 is a beautiful beginning to what could be another great story from Lemire. The artwork by Emi Lenox gives the story much of its emotional bulk, particularly in character's expressions, such as in the hollowness of frightened eyes. The story and characters are effectively down to earth even in a miraculous world, focusing the reader on those below the capes and costumes. With the end of one hero's journey, it's the beginning of another, and it's one definitely worth following. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicsverse - Jake Lee Sep 14, 2015

    All in all, PLUTONA #1 succeeds in telling a story about humans in a world of heroes. Charming and sometimes uncomfortable, I can see fans of I KILL GIANTS feeling right at home within its pages. If that isn't high praise, I don't know what is. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerd Rock From The Sun - Neil Bason Sep 2, 2015

    There is so much to love about Plutona. The warmth of familiarity, the strength of characters, the beautifully natural flow of dialogue, the delicately detailed artwork and half light wash of colours, oh, and the massive potential for an adventure that transports us into those places we've loved so many times before. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Chase Magnett Aug 17, 2015

    Plutona is a comic about childhood. The inclusion of superheroes feels like garnishment in the first issue, saved for a page of prologue and final reveal. The heart of this one issue is the five children at its core. Lenox and Lemire put all of their efforts into bringing them to life on the page, and the results speak for themselves. In these five children, both of the world and in many way innocent of it, it is possible to see reflections of the people we once were and wished to be. They all live on the crucial moment before adolescence when every choice could mean the world and the world could mean anything. The stakes of Plutona are high, not just because they reflect the perspective of children, but because the potential found within each of them feels truly limitless, if only for this one moment. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Overmental - Andrew Tran Sep 2, 2015

    In short, I'll take quiet Lemire over waxing-operatic Lemire any day of the week, if it means getting more work likePlutona. It's not going to change your destiny or anything, but it's definitely educational for anyone interested in effective sequential storytelling, or a good ol' fashioned ‘band of kids'-type tale, with a hero comics' spin on it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    BGCP - Leighan Harkess Sep 3, 2015

    Enjoyable introduction to the characters and story, intriguing to see how the series will continue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Sep 3, 2015

    Plutona is off to a very strong start, turning the superhero genre on its head to tell an intriguing mystery about the death of a hero, and how these children will deal with being the ones who find the body. Pick this up at your local comic shop or digitally today. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard Aug 31, 2015

    Plutona is about a five children, not the superhero that they find, and that's what makes this title special. While there isn't too much to gawk at story-wise, the character-work is exceptional and natural. Emi Lenox and Jordie Bellaire bring the characters to life and together they make this story work in more ways than it should. This should be a solid series and anyone interested in seeing strong characters come together as opposed to great superheroes should certainly give this one a try. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Sep 3, 2015

    I am definitely glad I read this issue, and I'm looking forward to more of Plutona already. The people at Image don't seem to ever rest, putting out comic after comic. This is one of the newer ones, and I hope it gets time to be properly fleshed out. So far we have some suburban kids just hanging out. Having been raised in the suburbs, I understand their pain of monotony. But they finally get some adventure. Who knows where it'll take them? Wherever it is, I'm eager to go with them! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 3, 2015

    Plutona offers up some potential here with what it wants to do but it's the kind of book where it'll take the second issue to really make or break it. Most of what we get here is very familiar in terms of story and the execution is done in a solid way but if not for the cape aspect of it there's nothing that really sets it apart at the moment. But Lemire and Lenox do a solid job of building interesting and familiar characters of the age they're at, which means even though there's not a lot to them they're still pretty accessible and open to potential with how they'll react to the situation. I'm definitely enjoying Lenox's artwork here as it's pretty appropriate for it as something more realistic would feel out of place. With this being only four issues it's definitely a small investment of time and money and the quality of the work is definitely there to pull it off. But I'm reserving judgment until we get a bit more out of it as the first installment is mostly just a tease. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Sep 3, 2015

    If you're looking for a mature story that addresses the hidden hurts of adolescent life, Plutona is the best offering on the stands. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 14, 2015

    I was ready to dismiss "Plutona" #1 as "Stand By Me" meets super heroes, but Lemire, Lenox, Bellaire and Wands bring along a balanced cast and fun, lively art. These five kids are on five separate journeys that have led to an intersection. Unfortunately, that intersection crosses the corpse of one of the heroines of their world. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but I have no doubt Lemire and company are going to make the readers' journey just as adventurous as the one in front of Mei, Mike, Ray, Teddy and Diane, who are discovering their identities and realizing their connections to one another and the world around them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Aug 20, 2015

    Plutona #1 is a good comic, and a good start to this series. While the story is fairly light and almost nonexistent until the end, the strength of the character work makes up for almost any shortcoming this comic has. If you are looking for another Jeff Lemire book or a comic with a classic adventure kids' film feel, check it out this September. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Sep 1, 2015

    Was this issue perfect? Of course not- but it was a great start for what promises to be a very interesting and entertaining story. Lemire shows once again why he was one of my favorite writers in the business right now, and Lenox creates a solid start to what is bound to be an imagination filled career. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Andr Habet Aug 27, 2015

    What Descender is to A.I., Plutona is to Speilberg's other film Stand By Me. Plutona's characters may just be average teens, yet the team behind this comic makes the group's interactions compelling and likable despite their sometimes lame behavior. I hope we find out just what game Mike seems to be obsessing about. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Sep 4, 2015

    Behind such a talented group of creators, 'Plutona' transcends its genre with endless charm, brilliant pacing, and an intriguing mystery. It begins familiar and ends with endless possibilities. Jeff Lemire, ever the literary snake charmer, has hypotized us again with a captivating new tale in 'Plutona.' Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Martin Doyle Sep 2, 2015

    With Lemires name on the cover, Plutona always looked like a safe bet, and it certainly doesnt disappoint. With an intriguing mystery at its heart, relatable characters, and gorgeous artwork, youd have to be a dead superhero not to pick it up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Gaumer Sep 2, 2015

    At worst, 'Plutona' #1 is a fun, quaint, and quirky way to spend an entertaining half an hour meeting rich and compelling characters who end up connected by something truly thrilling and terrifying. But, at best, 'Plutona' #1 is the beginning of an emotional and socially worthwhile story of friendships, overcoming fear, and shrugging off awkwardness that all coming-of-age stories can teach, and reteach, each and every one of us. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Aug 11, 2015

    Like with a lot of his work, Lemire offers an assured, if not entirely unique, spin on these concepts. But he's walking proof that a strong storyteller can pretty much do anything with any set of conventions and still make them interesting. This time around, the talented Lenox only helps him realize this. Together, the two of them are conjuring something that totally feels like it will be special. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Sep 2, 2015

    Overall, I enjoyed the book. I have read enough of Lemire's work to have a little faith in the story. Still, I do hope that the main course and following desert are more fulfilling and substantial. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Rainbow Hub - Emma Houxbois Sep 5, 2015

    InPlutona, however, all of the marketing and the core of the narrative so far has been conducted over the title character's dead body, which defines the rest of the narrative as being a difficult uphill climb if there's to be any serious engagement with that choice. The backup story only seems to compound matters by revealing her to be a single working mother who needed a babysitter in order to operate as a superhero, which comes across as a vicious, exploitative backhand. I want to believe in this comic if for no other reason than to be able to enjoy the remarkable artwork without reservation, but I know without a doubt that Lemire is capable of far more than what's on display in the opening issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Sep 1, 2015

    I want Plutona to surprise me in #2, and I think it will. Lemire, Lenox and Bellaire have put a lot of really good pieces in place, even if they are a little bit familiar. The key will be in turning readers' expectations on their head in subsequent issues. For a five-issue miniseries, this is paced about as well as I could have hoped, I'm just hoping that there's more to the characters than what we've seen here. For now, we've got a fairly by-the-numbers set-up with a chance to deliver big. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 5, 2015

    "Plutona" is a decent read. Lemire introduces the four characters, gives them unique voices and launches the murder mystery plot. The comic is backed up with very solid artwork. However, the comic is fairly ordinary by Lemire standards and doesn't do anything to set this comic apart from so many other "real life super hero" stories. This is one to check out and keep an eye on. I mildly recommend this comic book. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Sep 4, 2015

    Plutona #1 is one of those books that is setting the stage for a greater story to come. It builds out unique and different characters, although they are a little stereotypical; however, there is plenty of room for growth. The story wades along slowly, really focusing on the relationship between the characters until the very end when they are really bonded in finding out where Mike disappeared to. The artwork is good and Lenox uses some good tactics to display the change of time and also introduce each of the characters. Read Full Review

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