• Shanna and Wolverine are separated, and Shanna teams up with...Amadeus Cho?
While we see some repetition over in the Wolverine/Shanna scenes, Frank Cho manages to deliver a solid issue thanks to his gorgeous art and the Amadeus Cho scenes. Read Full Review
This was another good issue. Not amazing, but fun. Simple, not overly complicated, just fun. Read Full Review
This series just keeps getting better, and better, and I can't believe how good it is. This issue didn't just develop the story more, it also gave us action, excitement, humour, and suspense at the same time, and I can't wait to see the next issue, and hope that Cho continues this level of quality. I would easily recommend this issue as it was brilliant, and the story is shaping up to be the best Wolverine story for a while. I'd also recommend anyone that dropped this series after issue 1 to give it another try, as it just keeps getting better, and better, and I'd be surprised if you were disappointed. Read Full Review
But ultimately, the story never seems to be going anywhere when Wolverine is in the spotlight. This book would be much better off if it was merely a team-up between Amadeus and Shanna. Cho doesn't seem to have an interesting Wolverine story to tell, so the fact that the character is becoming more and more a guest star in his own book is proving to be a very good thing. Read Full Review