4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg Artist: Tyler Boss Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: June 29, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 9
9.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The titular 4 Kids figure out what's going on... and develop a plan of their own... and eat some pizza.

  • 10
    All-Comic - Matthew Strackbein Jun 30, 2016

    Publisher Black Mask Studios does a good job of giving credit where it is due going to such lengths as listing Clare Dezutti for color Flattening and Courtney Menard for Wallpaper Design. On a book like this the flats, design and the Lettering, the latter by Thomas Mauer (Rasputin), are no small feat and do as much to tell the story as the writing and art. The content is dense and a single misstep would crumble what might as well be a house of cards in the wrong hands. On the other hand, these folks should have license to reinvent the rules as they see fit, because within two issues – chapters,that is –theyve proven more than apt at making an extraordinary comic book reading experience. Besides, actually making a comic is only half of the experience, the rest of which occurs between the page and the reader and that's where 4KWIB does not fall short. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Ross Sweeney Jun 28, 2016

    If you were down with the Goonies, and Abrams sickly imitator, youll absolutely love this series – besides everything else thats great about it (the art, the setting, the deepening sense of mystery), theres just a real sense of joy to be had as you read it, a deep-seated vein of precisely pitched humour thats balanced perfectly with the drama of the story. You care about these characters, and its because their endearing nature, purely and simply, will make you smile, if not outright laugh. Black Mask have once again put out an absolute belter of a series, and I can only echo Kieran: pick this series up. You will not regret it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Hctor A Jul 2, 2016

    4 Kids Walk Into A Bank has raced out of the gate with 2 great issues. The tone on this book is perfect for its subject matter, with the almost palpable danger of an impending confrontation being balanced out by an ever-present unique sense of humour. Combined with the incredible art, it definitely makes this a comic you should be reading. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Pablo Arriaga Jun 29, 2016

    4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2 has a very unique charm that's uncommon in comics of recent, thus becoming another assured hit from Black Mask Studios as one of the best singles this week, and one of their best series overall. Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Jun 29, 2016

    When it comes down to it though,4 Kids Walk Into a Bankcomes packed with so many well crafted jokes and authentically real character that it's hard not to get sucked into its charming if cynical world. It never takes itself too seriously, usually punctuating hugely dramatic moments with a well earned zinger, while having enough heart to make it worth your time and money. The book just really is that good and demands your attention. If you can track down a copy, definitely give the issues a shot, it's as enjoyable as a feel good kids movie with the good feelings replaced with a healthy dose of cynicism and reality. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    FanboyNation - Anthony Ray Bench Jul 13, 2016

    4 Kids Walk Into a Bank #2 is a fantastic issue for what's lining up to be a brilliant series. The characters are enjoyable, the story is fun, intriguing, and suspenseful, and it has a very wonderful sense of nostalgia without feeling stale and played out. Check this book out, I doubt anyone would be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Project-Nerd - Alex J Cox Jul 4, 2016

    This chapter had less Elmore Leonard-styled crime and more Wes Anderson whimsy, which made it a good balance to the crime-heavy first chapter. The world and the characters created by the creative team is both fun and dangerous, two things that pretty much encapsulate childhood. Ilook forward to an interesting chapter three! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Jun 28, 2016

    4 Kids Walk into a Bank #2 isn't quite as impressive as the first issue, but that doesn't stop it from being better than most comics on the stands. Moving our narrative forward in a fun, engaging manner, the creative team continue to spin a unique yarn, with there being plenty to leave readers eager for more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Capeless Crusader - Jeremy Radick Jun 29, 2016

    4 Kids Walk into a Bank #2 confirms the promise of the debut issue by delivering another issue filled with great comedy, heartfelt coming-of-age storytelling, and thrilling crime atmosphere. If you have ever wondered what it would look like if Elmore Leonard wrote Stand By Me, here's your answer. It's a treat, and I'm giving it a 9/10. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jun 30, 2016

    4 Kids Walk Into a Bank is an exciting new book, that feels like it has limitless potential going forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jul 4, 2016

    This series has stepped on the gas pedal, and if you haven't been reading it, I recommend picking up the first two issues. Rosenberg and Boss create a comic book that isn't of the norm, which is exactly what the industry needs more of. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Jul 1, 2016

    4 Kids Walk Into a Bank # 2 was a solid follow up to the first issue. We got more characterization with our main cast. We got some very sharp artwork that allows reader to immerse themselves in the story. There was some good moments of plot development for the issue, even though the main plot is no longer that evident … or is it. There are multiple wheels spinning and Rosenberg deals with all of it like a champ. 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank # 2 is a fun ride that allows our characters to group while setting up situations that are both funny and serious with an authenticity that I don't often feel in many comics today. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Jay Loving Jun 28, 2016

    The back cover of this issue categorizes the title as Crime/Humor. That may seem an odd pairing at first blush, but there is no better way to describe 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank. Black Mask Studios has scored a win with this book. It is edgy, original and certainly worth your attention. Read Full Review

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