Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1
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Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1

Event\Storyline: Death of Wolverine Writer: Gerry Duggan Artist: Scott Kolins Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 29, 2014 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 8
8.5Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

• Did you know Wolverine is dead?
• I bet some people would love to get their hands on his DNA to clone him...
• Logan's old pals Deadpool and Steve Rogers are gonna make sure that doesn't happen.

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Oct 30, 2014

    Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1 has to be the most entertaining aftermath to the Death of Wolverine that I've read yet, with the quirky antics of Deadpool allowing a lighthearted look into Logan's demise. It also has some thrilling action, and some humorous references, coming highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 29, 2014

    Combine that with a shockingly deep finale, and Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America might be the best Marvel book out this week. It's a smart tie-in that doesn't just rest on its jokey laurels, instead elevating Deadpool and teaming him up with the most unlikely of allies. It's these sorts of pairings that make the Marvel Universe as rich and robust as it is, and Duggan, Kolins and Staples should be praised for putting together a comic as good as this. Even Wolverine himself would be proud. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Oct 29, 2014

    DEATH OF WOLVERINE: DEADPOOL AND CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 is a great issue. It's consistently funny and does an effective job making these two open up and talk about Wolverine. It may not make you laugh out loud with every single joke and it may not make you need to grab a tissue for the emotional beats, but it's definitely worth the cover price ($4.99!) and it doesn't feel like they're blatantly cashing in on Wolverine's demise. If you've read The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and DEATH OF WOLVERINE, that'll make this one-shot adventure even more satisfying. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Nov 3, 2014

    Forecasting aside, this is a fun book that doesn't disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - AJ Nov 1, 2014

    So far, this one-shot has been much better than the Death of Wolverine: Logan Legacy, and I can't wait to see more along the same lines. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 1, 2014

    This is the kind of one-shot that will sneak up on you. You probably pass this by on the rack but this comic is well worth stopping and at least looking at the first few pages. This is a very good self-enclosed story that definitely captures the best of the Captain America-Deadpool-Wolverine dynamic. I suggest giving this a shot despite the price point. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Henry Varona Nov 2, 2014

    Overall, I greatly enjoyed this one-shot story. It was exactly what I wanted, a simple story that was done-in-one. Most of the tie-ins for the Death of Wolverine are mini-series, but this issue makes a case for strong, condensed storytelling. With smart gags, strong characters, and brisk pacing, I really enjoyed my foray into a forgotten favorite. I just might end up buying the next issue of Deadpool because of this book. Now that's unexpected. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Stuart Conover Nov 1, 2014

    For as fun as the issue was, we see it come to a close on a more serious note. Wade has a decision to make and it is going to be an important one. So important that he actually takes the time to step back from just going forward headstrong and in a rare moment is introspective about the decision he has ahead of him. Will he make Wolverine proud with his actions or will he end up showing what many believe to be his true colors? Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Multiversity Comics - Jess Camacho Oct 31, 2014

    While this issue as a whole is not a "classic", it is quite enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Herald - Jeff Ayers Oct 30, 2014

    On the whole, this is a throw away story. It's fun, but you almost get the feeling a few times it might not even be happening, because Captain America especially seems really out of character. Is this all just a psychotic episode that Deadpool is happening? Again, we may never know the true answer. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 3, 2014

    "Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America" #1 is not necessarily going to prove as memorable as "Captain America Annual" #8 (referenced in this comic book), but it does give readers a fun romp in a team-up adventure that is neither predictable nor boring. At the end of the story, however, readers are left to wonder what Deadpool is going to do without a clear path to follow for that next in the series of events. Given Deadpool's visibility in the Marvel Universe, I'm sure we won't have to wait too long. Whether or not that next adventure involves Captain America remains to be seen, but with Duggan writing Deadpool's adventures, it certainly won't be dull. Read Full Review

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