Indestructible Hulk #10

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Paolo Rivera Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 10, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 11
7.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

DAREDEVIL guest-stars!HULK vs. urban crime!

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 11, 2013

    This was a phenomenal issue, and one of the best in the last few issues, really taking the level up a notch. It had outstanding action, as well as a fantastic villain, also having some moments that were extremely fun. It also had some interesting concepts, and developments throughout, and I seriously hope that this is continued from sometime in the future. Due to this I'd highly recommend this issue, as well as the rest of the series, and especially the last issue as well. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Nick Rowe Jul 10, 2013

    The art on this issue creates a harmonious bond with the writing, even more so than the prior issue. It was easy to see from the beginning that Matteo Scalera would deliver inspiring art for this fantastic comic, and in the span of a single issue he has already shown hes prepared to swing for the bleachers. His action is clear, dynamic, and translates the imperative of each situation without excessive use of page space. Lacking a single dedicated splash page, Scaleras movement on every page makes as dramatic an impact as a splash would have, while not sucking up space for the benefit of more story. His Daredevil action shots were particularly impressive, making DD feel as if he were gliding through the air, accompanied by his Hulk who maintained an overbearing presence in every panel. Considering the all-star cast of artists who have already graced Indestructible Hulks pages, Scalera has accepted the challenge and is making a huge, unique impact in his wake. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Michael Bowie Jul 13, 2013

    I really cannot say enough good things about this series. With the exception of the rare stories like Planet Hulk and World War Hulk, I've never paid a whole lot of attention to the Green Goliath. No though, Mark Waid has done wonders for my opinion of the big guy, and while I may not be ready to call Hulk one of my favorite Marvel characters yet, I can definitely call Indestructible Hulk one of my absolute favorite books these days. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 11, 2013

    Daredevil fans will enjoy this issue, as Mark Waid winds up leaning more on the Man Without Fear than the Hulk himself. Thankfully, Daredevil winds up being a likeable protagonist, so watching him try to contain a blinded Hulk still is entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jul 10, 2013

    Matteo Scalera, once again, does some mighty fine work. His Hulk is imbued with a carnal rage that leaps off the page. Everything feels bigger than life, which is obviously a good thing for a Hulk book. There are few moments where movement becomes an issue, however. It'll take you a moment to figure out exactly what is happening. Did the subway train crash into Hulk or did he jump out of the way? You'll have to study the panel to put the pieces together. Still, the good far outweighs the bad in Indestructible Hulk #10. This is another good issue of a really great comic series. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Analog Addiction - Tony Couto Jul 12, 2013

    With Indestructible Hulk #8, Waid and Scalera deliver your more run of the mill team-up story, instead of the introspective tale that was crafted with the previous Thor team-up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jul 15, 2013

    It's certainly not a bad story, and it's good that Waid spends some time on what makes the Hulk interesting -- his power and unpredictability -- but as an extended action sequence the issue isn't particularly compelling, and the wrap-up feels rushed. Despite its flaws, it's still part of a superb Hulk run, and Waid writing more Daredevil is never a bad thing. On that basis, even as a sub-par entry for the series, it's still better than most. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jul 15, 2013

    Matteo Scalera’s art is really hit or miss in issue #10, mainly due to the mouths of the characters. They are over-pronounced, to the point that they often make their owners look like monkeys. It might be Scalera’s obvious manga influences, or just that he has an issue with scale. Whatever the case, the mouths tend to give the whole issue a comedic vibe it doesn’t need. Scalera needs to step up his game. Read Full Review

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