Wonder Woman: Earth One #1
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Wonder Woman: Earth One #1

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Yanick Paquette Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 6, 2016 Cover Price: $22.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 25
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

In this new installment of the New York Times best-selling Earth One original graphic novel line, Grant Morrison (THE MULTIVERSITY) joins with Yanick Paquette (SWAMP THING, BATMAN, INC.) to reimagine Wonder Woman for a new era. Encompassing the vision of her original creator, William Moulton Marston, Morrison presents a Diana who yearns to break free from her mother and the utopian society on Paradise Island to learn about the forbidden outside world. Her dreams may come true when Air Force pilot Steve Trevor crashes on their shores, and she must defy the laws of the Amazons to return him to Man's World.

Is she ready for the cultu more

  • 10
    Comicosity - Emma Houxbois Apr 6, 2016

    If Morrison himself were anywhere in the comic, it was among the Fates, contriving of the circumstances to facilitate a dialogue between Diana and the audience, the complete inversion of stepping in to meet with Buddy. If ever there was a comic that needed to carry with it a sense of incompleteness without the audience, this is it. Whatever your assessment of what Morrison and Paquette have laid out is, the message is clear: gamble a stamp on Wonder Woman: Earth One. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Comicsverse - Phil Casey Apr 17, 2016

    The book is, in short, a true accomplishment - definitely the best work to come from the Earth One titles. There have been some minor rumblings about a Volume Two, but even if this stands independently, it is absolutely a must-read. It's a great take on Wonder Woman, especially as viewers are just coming away from the more violent version depicted on the silver screen. This is a great call back to when the character sold at her best. This book also stands as a reminder that Morrison still has it and is one of the best writers that the medium's ever seen. So, do yourself a favor: Pick up this book and give it a read, because it's marvelous. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Apr 5, 2016

    Grant Morrison has reached back to give fans a different take on Wonder Woman that is new, exciting, yet still familiar. This book is easy to get into, but with itstwists and turns andbeautiful art, is very hard to put down. I highly recommend this to every comic book fan, but if you are a Wonder Woman fan, I demand you pick it up. You can thank me later. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopOptiq - Logan Dalton Apr 16, 2016

    Like most of Grant Morrison's comics, Wonder Woman Earth One is a layered narrative that explores the character and icon of Wonder Woman, what she meant in the 1940s and what she meant today. Morrison and Paquette give Diana a real humanity and arc as a character as she goes from loathing man's world to deciding to help women everywhere and turning her back on her heritage. They let her be a woman first and then a superhero towards the very end, which is refreshing and why this comic is worth a read for Wonder Woman newbies (Like me.) and experts. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Apr 5, 2016

    Overall then, while there are certainly aspects of the book that are likely to cause some controversy, I found this to be a bold, exciting re-imagining of the story of greatest female superhero of all time. Not the definitive origin perhaps, but undoubtedly smart, provocative and wrapped up in a truly mouth-watering visual package. Whatever way you look at it, Wonder Woman: Earth One is a book which deserves to be read, discussed and debated for years to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Vanessa Gabriel Apr 6, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Earth One is a story of war and peace, power and compassion, men and women, of a mother and her daughter and sisterhood. For many, it will not be what you expect, and for some readers, it won't be what you want in a comic. Except, Wonder Woman: Earth One is exactly what we need. I invite you to submit to the vision of Morrison and Paquette, as it is a truly singular interpretation of our Wonder Woman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Nick Enquist Apr 6, 2016

    A great addition to the "Earth One" line, Wonder Woman Earth One is a fantastic, and mature look at the classic superheroine. While some might be put off by the excessive dialogue and lack of action it touches on unique themes that are rarely talked about in superhero comics. The art is definitely some of the best in the market now, and is more than worth the asking price. Another great Wonder Woman book on the market. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Apr 6, 2016

    It's a book I'm sure I'll be coming back to a couple of times, since one time through definitely wasn't enough to quite grasp everything going on. It definitely feels like there should be more, and if we get another volume, I think this one will retrospectively become a lot better. Even if we don't, I think this stands pretty well on its own as a different interpretation of Wonder Woman's character. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 6, 2016

    Wonder Woman can be a tough character to crack, but this graphic novel does the job by embracing her Golden Age roots, bondage and all. Aside from Paquette's mesmerizing art, this book's strongest asset is Morrison's decision to downplay Diana's warrior traits in favor of her compassionate side. Whatever pacing problems this book might have as the creators navigate the limited page space available, that characterization sets this book apart. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Apr 1, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Earth One is not a comprehensive origin for the character. Indeed, Morrison's truncated version only pays lip service to certain elements"like the origins of her costume"in favor of characterization. Readers who want a lengthier, detailed story which stays closer to the World War II roots should look to the ongoing Legend of Wonder Woman for a "fuller" picture of the character. But for those who want a quicker story, as well as a Morrison comic which isn't as cerebral as his past works, it's not a bad read and worth a look along with the many other versions of the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Apr 8, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Earth One vol. 1 may not have been the story I hoped for, but that doesn't mean that it was less than impressive. Giving us a bold, yet familiar take on the character, the creative team would give us a more safer entry to the polarizing Earth One universe. That said the lack of villain prevented it from captivating on an extraordinary level, with it feeling more like the first chapter in a much longer story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine Jun 16, 2016

    Overall, I think this a good story. Morrison has a good grasp on Diana as a character and Paquettes art with Fairbairns colors are truly excellent. If youre looking for a truly new take on the character, you might be disappointed. Morrison sticks to the main ideas and concepts with new details here and there. Most of it works really well but a few things dont. I definitely recommend this book. Its an engaging read that is fun and quick with some interesting ideas. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Gregory Paul Silber Apr 5, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Earth One is a sexy, daring take on the character that brings Diana back to her roots while giving her a breath of fresh air. It's problematic, to be sure, but I admire it for taking risks. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood Apr 13, 2016

    I am cautiously optimistic that all of this was set up for something more interesting down the road, I'm just not sure why we needed that many pages and a hardcover format to set up so little. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CourtOfNerds - Kevin Carley Apr 12, 2016

    Should you buy it? If you own the other Earth One books or are a Wonder Woman fan, than yes. But $22.99 is allot for a book, and if you aren't either of the two mentioned, I will say a tepid maybe. It's not bad if you ignore all the little things wrong with it.  Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Ryan C. (trashfilmguru) May 8, 2016

    Certainly Paquette's art here is gorgeous throughout and his lush, organic style " coupled with the vibrant tones of colorist Nathan Fairbairn " gives the book a sleek, elegant, and graceful look that goes well with the quasi-lyrical, almost free-flowing nature of the script. And I enjoyed the classically-tinged dialogue that Morrison employs throughout. But I can't help feeling that, on a purely conceptual level, a lot was left "on the table" here, as the saying goes. Wonder Woman is a character rife with deliciously intriguing contradictions (a feminist icon consistently portrayed from a "male gaze" perspective is bound to be, I suppose) and rich in philosophical and thematic possibilities " yet most of that is barely even hinted at here, much less actually explored. I suppose the inevitable sequels will do some of that, but at $22.99 (okay, I only paid about half that, but still) per volume, the next one's going to have to get busy doing just that real quick. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Apr 12, 2016

    As much as it pains me to accept the reality of the situation, I have to be honest in saying this is my least favorite book in the Earth One line. I will still give a followup book a chance, as it could be a large improvement. If you're looking for a great retelling of Diana's origin, I suggest you pick up The Legend of Wonder Woman, a mini-series that is still ongoing at the time of this publication. Read Full Review

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