Phil Casey's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 16
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #51

Apr 22, 2016

This arc has been fairly mediocre so far, which is a shame. If itreally is the last time we will see the New 52 Superman, then he is not getting the send-off that he deserves. Grant Morrison, Geoff Johns, and Greg Pak set a higher bar for the New 52 Superman, and it's a shame that “Super League” hasn't reached that standard yet. For the die-hard Superman fans, of course, this issue is still necessary as a stepping stone to the new era of Superman, if not much else.

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Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 9, 2016

The main issue for me is that it does not feel like a good launching point for new readers. “There were two Supermen and one of them died, and the older one is now the new Superman and he's taking over” is a fairly convoluted plot device for story telling, and all the lead up to this sort of underscored that point substantially. However, this is a good issue. The writing is pretty good, the plot is strong, and the art is the best part of all. Pick up ACTION COMICS #957 and give it a read.

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Action Comics (2016) #958

Jun 27, 2016

All in all, this is not a bad issue. There are a lot of good things going for ACTION COMICS #958, and honestly, seeing where Jurgens and Peter Tomasi (over on SUPERMAN) take the Kent family is very intriguing. I do suggest giving this a read. It may feel like well trodden territory, but it's only the second issue, and there is a lot of possibility ahead.

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Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jun 12, 2016

Overall, it's a solid first issue. If you have not read Aquaman and want to get started, it is a good launching pad of an issue. Abnett is a very good writer, and the issue showcases everything that makes Aquaman great in a short period of time. Even without much action, this issue showcases what makes Aquaman such a dynamic character; his role as ambassador, leader, andsuperhero; and his tug of war between the land and sea. Most importantly, the issue underscores his relationship with Mera, which is decidedly one of the best love stories in comics. Anyone who has had any passing interest in Aquaman should give this a read and get ready for what promises to be a good series.

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Drax (2015) #4

Feb 26, 2016

DRAX #4 is a great action packed story by CM PUNK, Cullen Bunn, and Scott Hepburn featuring Drax and Terrax, who are looking to bring down Fin Fang Foom! The plot is a lot of fun, if a little convoluted, but the art is spectacular, making the whole experience a blast!

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Drax (2015) #5

Mar 30, 2016

This book keeps delivering, and though the climax of this five issue story arc left me wanting a little more in the way of a satisfying conclusion, the rest of the issue (along with the other four issues) was fun and good enough to allow a little leeway in that regard. I look forward to seeing what CM Punk and Cullen Bunn release next month in what is surely Marvel's most action packed book on the shelves on the moment. Do yourselves a favor, action lovers, and go check out DRAX.

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Drax (2015) #6

Apr 28, 2016

This issue feels sort of like a transition issue; not too much happens in it, and it takes a lot of time to set up the action this time around. It is almost the exact opposite of last month's installment which led off with a lot of action and closed out anticlimactically. To be clear, this issue was pretty decent and it keeps on the lighter side of things. A lot of the humor is sort of a swing and a miss though, though the intent and reasoning behind the humor is not in vain. If you are fan of comics that are fun and a relatively quick read, and are a big CM Punk fan (considering his sizable following), then this series is for you.

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Drax (2015) #7

May 27, 2016

This is an altogether strong issue. Punk and Bunn definitely deserve kudos and recognition here. Anyone who likes Guardian material, Punk, or Drax should definitely read this issue and give this series a go.

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Omega Men #8

Feb 2, 2016

This book is an absolute must-read. With sales continuing to struggle, this is a book that needs to be seen through to completion. It is a spellbinding piece of art, and it's already one of the best books of the decade.

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Omega Men #9

Mar 9, 2016

See larger imageThe Omega Men (2015-) #9With her grand plans for Kyle Rayner completely shattered, Princess Kalista finds herself with no choice but to follow the former Green Lantern into the deadly heart of the Citadel to persuade the Viceroy to do the impossible: make peace with the Omega Men.Kindle Edition:Check Amazon for Pricing Digital OnlyRelease date March 2, 2016.

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Spider-Man / Deadpool #6

Jun 30, 2016

All in all, this is a fun issue. Anyone who is a COMEDY BANG BANG! fan should absolutely read this one, and anyone who likes zany, goofy comedy should also pick it up. It's been a whilesince I've read a DEADPOOLbook, but I think this issue was definitely written in aspirit that Deadpool fans will appreciate. Give it a read. Until next time, thanksbye.

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Superman (2011) #51

Apr 7, 2016

If you are looking to start reading SUPERMAN books for the first time, or are planning on doing so. This is a good start. This book is nothing but set up. New writer, new artist, and Tomasi is going to be one of the driving forces leading to Rebirth. It is too soon to speak of anything substantial as it is the first issue of an eight issue arc, but it's the start of a promising journey.

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Superman (2016) #1

Jun 18, 2016

All in all, this is a solid issue. Unlike last week's ACTION COMICS #957, this issue doesn't get bogged down by the head-scratching, convoluted plot that led up to this issue. This issue felt like a true #1 and is definitely a good launching point for people looking for a place to start reading Superman. What Tomasi does with the character going forward is anyone's guess, but as far as first issues go, this was a pretty solid one. Give it a read.

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Superman (2016) #9

Oct 23, 2016

This was a decent read. It's quick, action-packed, and all in all pretty inoffensive. If you like your Superman books to be bookended with excitement, this issue is definitely one to pick up.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #29

May 22, 2016

So with the final issue of the series coming up in SUPERMAN #52, there are certainly still a few questions. Will the New 52 Superman actually die, or is it a bit of a red herring? A lot of people online certainly speculate that he will be replaced with his Post-Crisis self, and then promptly bite the bucket. If that is the case, then Tomasi will certainly have sent him out with an anti-climatic thud, as opposed to a death beholden to that of a superhero. Tomasi is also working on the character for Rebirth, so that does not leave me, personally speaking, with a lot in the way of excitement. We will see how Tomasi sends off the New 52 Superman yet though, as SUPERMAN #52 puts the punctuation on the series before Rebirth.

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Wonder Woman: Earth One #1

Apr 17, 2016

The book is, in short, a true accomplishment - definitely the best work to come from the Earth One titles. There have been some minor rumblings about a Volume Two, but even if this stands independently, it is absolutely a must-read. It's a great take on Wonder Woman, especially as viewers are just coming away from the more violent version depicted on the silver screen. This is a great call back to when the character sold at her best. This book also stands as a reminder that Morrison still has it and is one of the best writers that the medium's ever seen. So, do yourself a favor: Pick up this book and give it a read, because it's marvelous.

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