Omega Men #9

Writer: Tom King Artist: Barnaby Bagenda Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 2, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 35
8.6Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

With her grand plans for Kyle Rayner completely shattered, Princess Kalista finds herself with no choice but to follow the former Green Lantern into the deadly heart of the Citadel to persuade the Viceroy to do the impossible: make peace with the Omega Men.

  • 9.6
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Mar 7, 2016

    One of DC's best decisions was to let this book run its course. If you want original, unique voices then you need to get this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 3, 2016

    I wasn't sure if King could maintain things with this issue after what he did the last time around but he damn well pulled it off and set things up for Kyle to really be interesting with how he tries to resolve this. I'm excited to see what comes next for this group as the chaos is likely to just expand from here, especially now that hard choices are going to have to be made. The book continues to be a treat across the board and once again Bagenda just absolutely nails everything here with the visual placement, the layout design itself, and all of the little details that creeps into it here and there both in character and background. This is once again one of those books that you really do read several times to soak up all the details and savor it each and every time. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Comicsverse - Phil Casey Mar 9, 2016

    See larger imageThe Omega Men (2015-) #9With her grand plans for Kyle Rayner completely shattered, Princess Kalista finds herself with no choice but to follow the former Green Lantern into the deadly heart of the Citadel to persuade the Viceroy to do the impossible: make peace with the Omega Men.Kindle Edition:Check Amazon for Pricing Digital OnlyRelease date March 2, 2016. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Mar 3, 2016

    After nearly a year, and The Omega Men can still be truly shocking. Sure, you already know to a certain extent that this won't be as easy of an ending as Kyle Rayner hopes it will be. But, Tom King is able to subvert so many of your expectations in such interesting ways, while still delivering on the obvious and inevitable turns that have to happen. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Mar 3, 2016

    The Omega Men #9 is a fantastic comic. These storytellers are firing on all cylinders and the master plan they have been executing since the beginning of the series is paying dividends now for readers as the mayhem kicks into the next gear. This title is a sure bet every month and issue #9 is no exception to that rule. One can only hope that Rebirth features something as unique in tone as Omega Men, because this series is something special in DC's lineup. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Mar 4, 2016

    The Omega Men #9 marks the beginning of the end for this band of terrorist/freedom fighters. King and Bagneda have set the stage for an emotional roller coaster. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Mar 10, 2016

    Though both King and Bagenda have some moments that don't do justice to the consistency or the subtlety they've brought to this title, their off day still leaves us with one of the best books DC is putting out right now. The creative team positively nail the emotional beats of this story and pit practicality against nobility against savagery against hope, all to impressive results. This issue marks the beginning of the (presumed) end to this amazing experiment, but it's clear that The Omega Men is far from done with us. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 7, 2016

    When the stakes are high enough, there are no rules - and there are no heroes, either. That's the ultimate moral of Omega Men, a counterintuitive comic that winds up becoming so much deeper thanks to its ongoing conflict about the ethics of war and rebellion. Having lifelong do-gooder Kyle Rayner front and center in this book has wound up being a truly shrewd decision - not only is this not the kind of fight he typically engages himself in, but this also not the kind of book that DC Comics typically publishes. It's rough-edged, scarred and cynical, but with a world of complexity to dig into. It's not easily digested, or even easily liked. But at the end of the day - perhaps like the Omega Men themselves - it's the kind of book we desperately need. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Papi Nacho Mar 8, 2016

    Something about this issue didn't quite work for me the way rest of the issues have worked for me. I can immediately discount the art, because that of course has remained constant and the dialogues is as sharp as ever. The story is also finally done cooking and into it's climax. So then what is it? Well I think it has to be two things… First Kyle Rayner is a complete moron this issue, the thing he does is just daft. Also, as a non-American, that whole American Way speech absolutely did not connect with me and just made me think the character was acting even dummer than he previously was. Anyways, with the in mind, I give this book a... Read Full Review

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