T^2's Profile

Joined: Feb 20, 2016

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T^2 added Saga to their pull list Dec 14, 2016


Y: THE LAST MAN writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN returns to comics with red-hot artist FIONA STAPLES for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Star Wars-style action collides with Game of Thrones-esque drama in this original sci-fi/fantasy epic for mature readers, as new parents Marko and Alana risk everything to raise their child amidst a never-ending galactic war.

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T^2 added Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps to their pull list Dec 14, 2016

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps

"SINESTRO'S LAW" Chapter One
With no backup and only his ring and battery to keep him alive, Hal Jordan streaks toward battle with the Sinestro Corps, while his greatest foe prepares to wipe the last Green Lantern of them all out of existence!

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Great start for two of my favorite characters

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Sciver
Released: Jul 13, 2016

Superstar artist Ethan Van Sciver returns to the world of Green Lantern! In the absence of the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro and his fear-inducing Yellow Lantern Corps patrol the universe as its sole protectors-but deep in space, a green light still burns. Harnessing the remainder of his will, Hal Jordan must become a one-man GL Corps to defeat his...

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T^2 rated Green Lanterns #1 Jun 22, 2016

Green Lanterns #1

By: Sam Humphries, Robson Rocha
Released: Jun 15, 2016

"RED PLANET" chapter one
New Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz promised to protect others in brightest day or blackest night, but as "Red Planet" begins to rise, the partners find themselves confronted with a unimaginable threat from Bleez and the Red Lanterns!
THEY SAID IT: "I am psyched for GREEN LANTERNS!" says writer Sam Humphries. "M...

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Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead

By: Cullen Bunn, Various

In these stories from GREEN LANTERN/NEW GODS: GODHEAD #1, GL #35-37, GL CORPS #35-37, GL NEW GUARDIANS #35-37, RED LANTERNS #35-37, SINESTRO #6-8 and GL ANNUAL #3, Highfather learns that ring-wielders stole secrets of cosmic importance from beyond the Source Wall! Now, Highfather must breach the wall but first, he needs his own set of rings!

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T^2 rated Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 Jun 3, 2016

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Jun 1, 2016

Creative powerhouse Geoff Johns puts the ring on again as he, cowriter Sam Humphries and artist Ethan Van Sciver debut a new era of emerald greatness! Rookie Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz tackle the universe's toughest beat: Earth.
HOT TICKET: Geoff and Ethan brought Hal Jordan to epic status with the original GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH...

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T^2 rated DC Universe: Rebirth #1 May 29, 2016

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 25, 2016

It all begins here. Do not skip to the last page. Do not let a friend or message board ruin this comic for you. The future (and past) of the DC Universe starts here. Don't say we didn't warn you!
THEY SAID IT: "Rebirth is about focusing in on the core of the character and their respective universe," says writer and DC Entertainment Chief Creati...

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T^2 rated Omega Men #12 May 26, 2016

Omega Men #12

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: May 25, 2016

Beset on all sides by his former slaves and imperial rivals from across the galaxy, the Viceroy of the Citadel makes a last, desperate stand against Kyle Rayner and
the Omega Men!

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T^2 reviewed Omega Men #11 Apr 27, 2016

So pumped for what it about to happen!!! The build up was real in this issue!!!

Omega Men #11

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Apr 27, 2016

Crippled and desperate after their brutal defeat on Karna, the Citadel brings an all-out war to the Omega Men as the team attempts to unify all the worlds of Vega in a last stand against their conquerors.

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T^2 reviewed Omega Men #10 Mar 30, 2016

Cool fighting scenes with Kyle. The story builds some major tension with the characters, that hopefully leads into an epic conclusion!! It was the first dry issue of this series but I bet the build up will all be worth it next issue!!

Omega Men #10

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Mar 30, 2016

The explosive revelations of issue #9 have turned all eyes toward Vega, and the Citadel must act fast to crush rebellion and maintain control over the most valuable resource in the cosmos. The Viceroys first target? Karna, the insurgent, jungle homeworld of the Omega Man by whom he feels most betrayed: Tigorr, his own wayward son. The epic final ac...

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T^2 rated Omega Men #9 Mar 9, 2016

Omega Men #9

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Mar 2, 2016

With her grand plans for Kyle Rayner completely shattered, Princess Kalista finds herself with no choice but to follow the former Green Lantern into the deadly heart of the Citadel to persuade the Viceroy to do the impossible: make peace with the Omega Men.

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T^2 rated Omega Men #8 Mar 9, 2016

Omega Men #8

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Jan 27, 2016

The Omega Men are back as their space-spanning series continues! The teams mysterious plan for Kyle Rayner reaches its shocking endgame when the outlaws bypass the energy shield surrounding the off-limits world of Voorl! In doing so, will they discover the true cost of life in Vega?

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T^2 rated Omega Men #1 Mar 2, 2016

Omega Men #1

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Jun 3, 2015

The Omega Men are back in an all-new series! Theyve murdered White Lantern Kyle Rayner and now, the universe wants them to pay! Who are these intergalactic criminals and is there more to their actions than meets the eye?

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T^2 rated Green Lantern #50 Mar 2, 2016

Green Lantern #50

By: Robert Venditti, Mark Irwin
Released: Mar 2, 2016

In this extra-sized issue, its a battle for the fate of Earth! Parallax believes Hal Jordan has failed this universeand now, hes prepared to wipe Hal out of existence! Hal has to get over the shock that Parallax still exists so he can unleash the power of his gauntlet to stop him! Its a battle neither Jordan can win, and one that will change both f...

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T^2 added Unfollow to their pull list Feb 24, 2016


A dying social media mogul leaves his billions to be split evenly between 140 random peopleor however many of them are still alive at the moment of his death. Rob Williams (MARTIAN MANHUNTER, THE ROYALS: MASTERS OF WAR) and Michael Dowling (Death Sentence) assemble a cast that includes a young black man trying to get by in St. Louis, an Iranian rep...

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T^2 rated Sinestro Vol. 3: Rising Feb 20, 2016

Sinestro Vol. 3: Rising

By: Cullen Bunn, Various

As the new guardians of justice in the universe, Sinestro must keep his army of fear mongers in check. But now, with a new base on Warworld, Sinestro can establish his Corps as a force to be reckoned with across the cosmos! Collects SINESTRO #12-15, LOBO #10-11, plus the Sneak Peek story from CONVERGENCE: ACTION COMICS #2.

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T^2 added Sinestro to their pull list Feb 20, 2016


Thaal Sinestro has lost everything he's ever loved: his home, his family, his only friend. But no matter how desperate he becomes, Sinestro will never be without fear...a lesson his one-time ally, one-time enemy Lyssa Drak is eager to teach him! Can he take back the despicable Yellow Lantern Corps? Or does the universe have a new destiny in mind fo...

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T^2 added Omega Men to their pull list Feb 20, 2016

Omega Men

The Omega Men are back in an all-new series! Theyve murdered White Lantern Kyle Rayner and now, the universe wants them to pay! Who are these intergalactic criminals and is there more to their actions than meets the eye?

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