Punisher #9

Writer: Nathan Edmondson Artist: Mitch Gerads Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 6, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
6.8Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

• In the middle of the Pacific, THE PUNISHER finds himself fighting alongside--or against?--BLACK WIDOW for access to a deadly criminal network.
•  But the clock is ticking. Will Frank and Natasha be able to complete their mission before they are taken down by their enemies...or each other?
•  See the rest of the story in BLACK WIDOW #9!

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Jonathan Schultz Aug 8, 2014

    Not that Mitch Gerads art was bad to begin with but it really was excellent in this issue. I really enjoy his rough looking Frank and his pretty, deadly Natasha. Also, the fighting sequences are pretty rad and I like the sound effects. With the last page I am very excited to see where this series is going especially after seeing how things play out the way they do in this crossover. Things are still looking pretty grim for Frank Castle, what fate awaits him with so many things happening out of his control? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Aug 6, 2014

    Friend from Foe has proven to be a great crossover, as though I do question the choice of format, looking forward to returning to both characters personal stories, it was nice to see them working together. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 7, 2014

    Perhaps what frustrates most with this issue is the way it seems to circle right back around and leave Frank in a similar position to where he was when he started. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Punisher Central - Neil Byce Aug 6, 2014

    In conclusion, I typically like crossover events and think that they add substance to stories like the Punisher but this one left me scratching my head. Unless I am missing something big here...which I very well could be, I am going to go ahead and say that I think that this issue was the weakest so far in the series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    coby Aug 9, 2014

    Coby's Top 5 Comic of the Week

    This is the "Friend from Foe" crossover storyline, and I dug it. It's two comics with the same setting: a boat. Crossbones and some of his cheap goons rig the boat to explode. The timer's set for 4 minutes. In each of the respective books, you see what Punisher and Black Widow did in those 4 minutes. This is a really unique concept that comes across as very cinematic in its portrayal. These two books have always felt to me like they kind of go hand-in-hand, and the crossover works wonderfully here. I also have mad respect for The Punisher because of how accurate it is--the writer either has a hell more

  • 6.5
    Al B. Harper Jan 20, 2015

    This issue didn't really add anything and the Black Widow issue was much better (pencils, inks, story, etc.).

  • 7.5
    Dalekbuster523 Oct 22, 2016

  • 7.0
    iPodwithnomusic Mar 11, 2018

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