Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #4

Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Boo Cook Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: October 22, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Alice Obiefune always wanted to see a space station, one of those proper ones, like on television, with impressive bulkheads, sweeping corridors, and stunning views of eternity. Maybe with an exotic matter wormhole nearby, if it's not too much trouble. Aliens optional, but a bonus as long as they're friendly. That's just one of the reasons Alice and the Doctor have come to a remote space research facility. Tracking the temporal trail of the slippery SERVEYOUinc corporation, has the Doctor found more than he bargained for? And will this entity from between the stars be the death of them all?

  • 9.2
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Oct 30, 2014

    All in all, this is yet another fantastic issue of a series that is becoming one of my favourites. This is a fantastic comic for Doctor Who fans, though I'd also recommend it to non-fans looking to get into the series. So far this book has perfectly captured the spirit of the show and has made itself accessible enough that anyone can read it regardless of how well you know the show. It seems we're starting to move into longer story arcs and some wibbly wobbly time travel stuff, so if you're not already reading this series I highly recommend you jump on now, regardless of you stance on Doctor Who. This is series is a ton of fun and hasn't had a single misstep so far. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Oct 25, 2014

    Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor edges ahead as the best Doctor Who series from Titan, but being one issue ahead of the Tenth, and three ahead of the recently launched Twelfth this could easily change. Nevertheless it's an exciting trip that all Whovian's will love. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Oct 29, 2014

    I'm looking forward to the next issue, and to how it's going to fit in to the larger picture of the series overall. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Oct 29, 2014

    Overall it's a solid issue, even if the story is what saves it this time around. It's hard not to miss the Eleventh Doctor with series floating around, but I suppose it's better than not having it at all. If you're still not reading Titan's Doctor Who titles then I don't know what to tell you. You must dislike good storytelling and interesting sci-fi inspired worlds. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 3, 2014

    Regular artist Simon Fraser will be back with issue #6, and it's nothing against Cook -- who's done some good art elsewhere -- but I'm eager for Fraser to return. This isn't an assignment that works well for everyone, and Fraser is clearly better suited to the book. Fortunately the comic ends on a lighter note with another 1-page tongue-in-cheek strip by Marc Ellerby; the perfect chuckle with which to close out the comic. "Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor" #4 is ultimately a reminder that when it comes to licensed comics, the art can slightly derail what is otherwise a promising book. Read Full Review

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