• The Empire is rounding up fugitive Alderaanians...
• ...that doesn't sit well with their Princess.
• But what can one woman do against an Empire?
The superior Star Wars comic book of the week. This is the title you use to convertpeople into fans of the films and comics. Recommended. Read Full Review
There were many that picked up this series hoping to see a change in the character, in order to make her more approachable. The earlier issues in this miniseries were a bit slow to get started, but at this point the series has found its heart and its hero. Princess Leia might still have a long way to go before reaching the cult status of some other Star Wars characters like Wedge Antilles or Boba Fett, but with stories such as this one she could finally be on her way. Read Full Review
The Princess Leia series continues to be a really fun and engaging work as we get a better look at the character and her form of diplomacy and interaction with other people. This is one of those humanized, compassionate and understanding leaders that routinely get mocked for what they do, because she strives to be the best person she can, even with all her failings that happen. The survivor's guilt is an interesting angle to play, since it was lost in the films to be sure, and providing a contrasting personality with Evaan certainly helped. Showing more diverse characters and survivors only expands it overall, and this installment pushes us well towards the finale of the arc as positions change and we're going to see Leia set things right as best as she can. Here's hoping for a good conclusion – and another series being announced, as there's so much to explore here. Read Full Review
Dodson’s artwork is beautiful, with smooth lines and emotive pencils; you can see the care, nurture, and thought in Leia’s eyes. Clearly, I’ve been mistaken all these years to not give any Star Wars books the time of day. I’m officially a fan—of Princess Leia, at least. Read Full Review
The script jumps between the two plotlines at random and feels disjointed as a result. Hopefully the fifth and final issue can tie everything together in a more satisfying manner. Read Full Review
Princess Leia remains a treat, but unfortunately, the Dodsons' art takes something of a nose dive in this issue. They're usually so good, but I guess they've hit their limit. Read Full Review
Though Princess Leia #4 isn't a terrible issue, I won't be sad to see the series disappear from my pull. Having a rather meager plot, that relies too heavily on the personality of it's main character, this penultimate chapter feels nothing more than a means to an end. It does however do a wonderful job of leading us into the finale, leaving me somewhat excited. Read Full Review
Ive been a supporter of at least the ideas behind this series since the beginning, but after four issues, from where Im sitting things seem to have peaked with issue #2. This issue in particular feels like it was the biggest detour from the direction the story should be going in. Hopefully things will turn back around in next months concluding issue and whatever plan Mark Waids Princess Leia has for dealing with the Empire turns out to be a satisfying one. Read Full Review