Batman And Robin Eternal #5

Writer: Steve Orlando, amp, Various Artist: Francis Manapul, Scot Eaton Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 4, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 12
5.6Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

Grayson vs Red Robin! Grayson digs deeper into Red Robin's true origins. Will he find the answers he seeks, or will it splinter the Bat-team forever!

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Nov 10, 2015

    Tim is not happy. He feels Dick is endangering his parents by exposing them. It ends with Tim accusing Dick of being just like Bruce and feeling betrayed by Dick. Dicks reasoning is sound- knowing Tims past he had to find out if what he knew about Tim was true. This has set Tim against Dick and with last issue surprise ending, it puts Tim as an outsider in the Bat-Family. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Nov 10, 2015

    One great strength of a weekly series such asBatman and Robin Eternal is that it is, at least in theory, a coherent story in twenty-six parts. That is also a major drawback of the book. When telling a story with that many chapters, it is inevitable that some installments will be utilitarian sections devoted to moving the pieces of the narrative around into configurations for the next major character event or plot revelation. Batman and Robin Eternal #5serves such a purpose, although the end of the story sets up a potentially interesting conflict between two characters who have long begged for major interaction. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Rainbow Hub - Logan Dalton Nov 6, 2015

    Batman and Robin Eternal #5 has solid art, especially when Ronan Cliquet busts out some unique layouts and detailed close-ups of Harper Row and Cassandra Cain during particularly impactful moments like when Orphan calls Cass and monster before disappearing in smoke. Steve Orlando also has a good handle on the character interactions, especially Harper and Cassandra, and writes a Dick Grayson, who is uncannily becoming a lot like Batman in Bruce's absence from the cape and cowl. Unfortunately, Tim Drake's new backstory ruins a lot of the character's endearing qualities as his personality and relationship with his family are put on hold for his role as brainwashed assassin of Mother. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Nov 5, 2015

    While still entertaining, the progression of the story has definitely stalled out. Instead, we are provided with enough shock and awe to stave off our curiosity while we wait for answers to the bigger questions that Batman & Robin Eternal poses. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Nov 4, 2015

    A reasonably fun issue, marred a bit by abrupt tonal shift and forced character conflict, but moving the plot to the next stage. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Nov 5, 2015

    This issue tackled various story lines, all following some version of a Batman sidekick (even though Bluebird hasn't technically had the honor of being Batman's child soldier yet) with some things explained well and others left to the “just because” scenario (Bluebird tries to explain why she decided to follow, but it's not a realistic explanation). There's plenty of action this issue, but it falls short of the humor that was fused with issues prior. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 4, 2015

    BATMAN & ROBIN ETERNAL has hit a small bump in the road. This issue wasn't bad but wasn't on par with previous issues. It offers a great fight scene but there's not too much build towards anything else. With a mystery this big, you come to expect things during each issue and while this was a fun book to read, it didn't deliver much in the way of hooking the reader in. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Nov 5, 2015

    It's too early to say just how Batman and Robin Eternal will eventually compare to its weekly predecessor, but as of now the early returns are mixed. Read Full Review

  • 5.5 - John McCubbin Nov 5, 2015

    Batman and Robin Eternal #5 was yet another disappointing entry in this weekly series, and I can only hope that things get better from here. As having such a good start, it would be a shame to see it go down hill from here. Read Full Review

  • 5.4
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Nov 6, 2015

    I won't lie, part of what colors my impressions of this issue and what has come so far is my lack of patience after waiting four years to finally start seeing these character relationships being reestablished after DC decided that throwing babies with the bathwater was such a great idea. I think I will be more happy when "Batman & Robin Eternal" is over and perhaps some books starring these characters in smaller bunches are launched. But the biggest sin this issue commits is that it was just boring to me. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 5, 2015

    Weekly series always have a few clunker issues, but this is far from the worst of them. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Dark Knight News - Ryan Lower Nov 5, 2015

    Overall, an okay issue at best but can be skipped. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 4, 2015

    I'll keep this simple: this felt like the weakest issue of the series thus far. While the writing isn't all that bad (though I hope these false leads don't become regular occurrences, as they were in the previous series), it didn't feel like a whole lot happened besides a few things. And then there's the artwork " three different artists and three inkers (though Steve Pugh does his own inking) provide art for this book and it shows. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 4, 2015

    It's starting to feel like a long time since the stellar first issue of this series.  Steve Orlando gives fans the worst issue of this series by a longshot and if I wasn't reviewing it, it might have been my last.  The dialogue and characters are way off here and the story does nothing to excite me at all.  The art follows suit and did nothing to wow me and even made me wonder why so many people were needed to bring it.  I had high hopes for this series, but the last few issues and this one in particular has beaten it out of me. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Inter-Comics Podcast - Daniel Cole Nov 6, 2015

    That fantastic issue one seems like something from a happy fever dream, a perfect entry point to a series that continues to descend in quality. To call issue five a low point is unfair but it is the weakest issue so far. It certainly has nothing to keep the reader interested. Filled with terrible dialogue, visually bland action and little to no story progression, issue five is a perfect jumping off point for any sane comic book reader. Read Full Review

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