Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #2

Event\Storyline: Fire And Stone Writer: Christopher Sebela Artist: Ariel Olivetti Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 5, 2014 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 4
7.2Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

A terminally ill scientist’s desperate experiment yields deadly results, and offers the Predators a chance to hunt an invincible new game!

  • 10
    Bloody Disgusting - Eric Switzer Nov 5, 2014

    Now it is clear how the four titles work together: "Prometheus" and "AVP" are Acts one and two of the story, as "Prometheus" ends where "AVP" begins. "Aliens" gives a backstory and clues us in on why everything went wrong in "Prometheus", and the story "Predator" runs concurrently with issue 2 of "AVP" and shows us what happens to Galgo after he escapes from the Geryon and is also the book that will end the entire story. It is an incredibly well crafted event. Everything from the release order to the reveals in each individual issue is carefully planned out. I can't express enough how impressed I am by "Fire and Stone'. My only hope as an insatiable fan is that it inspires other creators to do similar events. I hope they release I hard cover in reading order rather than by series. I will be being this trade as gifts for every one I know that knows awesome when they see it. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Hulking Reviewer - Dave Gogel Nov 5, 2014

    SUMMARYI was a huge fan of this issue, excellent action showcasing all of the creatures. Despite only two characters, the dialogue was still intriguing. This fit the Alien vs. Predator theme perfectly and it's a shame that neither movie could grasp this simple concept. Pick up this issue, just look out for flying claws as you do so. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Chad Waller Nov 6, 2014

    AvP:FaS Issue 2 sees the continued chase between Elden and Francis, and it is one hellova chase. It's a real shame that the dialogue just comes off so poorly. Still, the comic is worth the read. It's brutal, quick, and even manages to be creepy at parts. I have no idea how this is all going to end, and that's also a plus. There's nothing predictable here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Nov 5, 2014

    Alien vs. Predator: Fire and Stone #2 turns the fortune of this series around, creating a thoroughly enjoyable second part. Delivering some clever developments, with some dramatic dialogue, the creators manage to remind us why these creatures are so deadly. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 5, 2014

    Having Francis as our only human contact here isn't exactly the best thing as it's hard to like him and I'm not actively rooting for him to survive considering some of the actions he took back on LV-223. With this issue, it's more about Elden and the Predators for the most part as Francis tries to survive and find a way to push back against them to ensure his survival. Elden's just as bad as Francis in a lot of ways as he talks a whole lot and is just generally unlikable for different reasons, but he at least has a reason to be ticked about everything. Yet with what he's become, you'd hope that he'd find a more constructive way of moving forward beyond something so base as revenge itself. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Nov 5, 2014

    Although I cannot rate the book higher than a 3, I will say that it is a must-read 3. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Russ Whiting Nov 6, 2014

    Otherwise, you'll have to get like me: patiently waiting for the next issue, hoping that the whole shebang comes together in a more satisfying route than the one we're being led towards now. (And the Aliens and Predators get to prove they're not second bananas to the newcomer.) Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson Nov 4, 2014

    As it is, it feels almost like I'm going to have to grit my teeth and get through the last two issues, rather than savouring the conclusion to what should be a compelling arc. Personal taste perhaps, as I'm sure some people will get a real kick out of the addition, but I'm really not a fan of where it now appears this series is heading. Read Full Review

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