Bosnia, 1993. Roman Zizek is selling weapons to every faction involved in the conflict.
Each month I find myself loving this series more and more. Zero #9 is a sobering look into the past of Roman, a character who is increasingly fascinating. Zero is an assured yet experimental comic. The level of craft on display each issue is second to none. Read Full Review
Zonjic pulled off one of the best issues that this series has ever seen. His ability to tell the story right along with Kot helped make this installment so incredible. It doesnt have the flash or shine of some of the bigger name comics but Zero features a depth of story-telling that eludes many of those same titles. In a market where great creator-owned comics are becoming more heralded and more prominent with every passing month, heres to hoping that someday, someday soon, Zero gets the credit it so sorely deserves. Read Full Review
Zero continues to be a captivating series as though it is a quick read it manages to deliver so much depth and emotion. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
This was a great issue with fantastic storytelling. This is what this book has been about since the beginning, and it is why readers keep coming back. Most one-shot books don't hold an audience but this one does for the simple reason that Kot writes it so well and the book always looks great no matter who is on art. Read Full Review
I continue to root for "Zero," with its slow and gut-wrenching storytelling, but "Marina" left me queasy in other ways. Hopefully the next issues can maintain this level of artistry without the problematic plotting. Read Full Review
While initially lacking some thrill, Zero #9 makes up for in art and for turning out to be a very important piece to the overall big picture. Read Full Review
With the second story arc coming to a close, Kot has delivered on creating a series that has featured a different artist and vignette every time. The world he has created does not suffer any losses as this fragmentation, and in many ways it feels even better as a result. It will be interesting to see how this second arc wraps up. There is a definitive shifting sensation in the series over the past few issues and it positions the series in a great way to become something new, yet again, moving into the next arc. Read Full Review
I caught my breaths being drawn out and my eyes widening multiple times. Its an intense read. Read Full Review