"The Q Gambit" begins here! The crew of the new STAR TREK film franchise encounters the classic Trek villain Q for the first time, only in this all-new 6-part galaxy-spanning adventure developed in associataion with screenwriter/producer Roberto Orci! The mischievous Q sends James T. Kirk on quest that will see the Enterprise joining forces with familiar faces from Star Trek lore, beginning with the crew of a certain space station...
This issue, being just the first of six (the longest single story arc the series has seen outside of movie tie-ins) sets up dire stakes for the alternate timeline, and plays around with time travel in a way which will surely delight and frighten Trek fans in equal measures. I know I'm excited, and hope the longer run gives this story time to breathe and finally deliver a truly epic story. Read Full Review
Star Trek really ups it's game with The Q Gambit so far proving to be the Star Trek event of the year. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
The conclusion of the issue will leave you more than eager to see what's going to come next, and now that the leg work of setting up the story has been done, one can only assume that the story will start to move a lot faster, but with five issues left in the story arc, there should be as much room for both character work and action as there was in this issue. Read Full Review
For those nostalgic for the Enterprise of yesteryear, but still not bitter enough to hate the JJ-Verse on principle, this one will please you. Read Full Review
Ok, this series just pulled me back in! Great issue!!