In the wake of "CULL" and setting the stage for "FRACTURE," the sixth storyline of the critically acclaimed LAZARUS, this series takes us into the year +66 with six separate stories. Casey Solomon has caught the eye of the Lazarus, but gaining the Family's attention can be as much a curse as a blessing. Will Dagger Selection destroy Casey, or will survival mean something worse?
Lazarus is a series that genuinely improves your comic book reading experience. It's a phenomenal, action packed story, that reads like a building storm, and is definitely a need in your subscription. I HIGHLY recommended it, buy it now! Read Full Review
Lazarus X +66 #1 is a strong start for this mini-series, giving us a simple, yet effective narrative that fits into the world Rucka and Lark created perfectly. In doing so not only do we get a familiar product, but we also get something that feels both fresh and standalone. Read Full Review
Very interesting look into the rough and tumble world of the Carlyle special forces' training. Read Full Review
This opening issue is largely set up. Depending on how the rest of the series goes, this story could have progressed further. Solomon and Cervantes journey to becoming Daggers has just begun. While potential obstacles werent fully explored, Im curious to see whats in store next issue. Read Full Review
A small piece of a larger universe that I'm peeking into. I could take it or leave it, but let's see where we go in issue two. Read Full Review
An intense issue with a satisfying ending. A great way to expand on the Lazarus story without getting the main book bogged down in too many side plots.