The brand-new original official comic series based on the critically acclaimed NBC crime drama The Blacklist, starring James Spader, written by series script coordinator Nicole Dawn Phillips! When the FBI is framed for the public killing of a political activitist at an open-air rally, Reddington recognises the hallmarks of a dangerous, media-manipulating Blacklister, known as Leon Kiklinski, aka The Lobbyist. So begins the latest case for the FBI's covert counter-intelligence unit codenamed The Post Office. But is this new Blacklist member working alone or is there a mysterious puppet master behind the scenes orchestrating a planned semore
While I didn't love the art, the strong story and flawless characterizations here more than made up for that. I really enjoyed this issue and look forward to the next one. This was a real strong opening for Titan's newest series. Read Full Review
Titan add another popular TV series to their list of comics, with The Blacklist getting off to a fabulous start. Introducing us to a new and inviting plot line, which takes place between the events of season two of the show, this series will create new fans whilst leaving current ones more than happy. It also has some clever twists, with the character depth bound to have you returning for more. Read Full Review
As a fan of the series, being able to read the thoughts of the players was a real treat. The medium of comics allows for little nuances that you don't get watching filmed programming. Phillips has down a wonderful job creating an original story and I am looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review
Just watch the show. It isn't segregated to just side plots and has 100% more Spader in it. Read Full Review
I suspect if we can give Nicole Phillips a few issues to get her feet under the table her writing for this medium will improve, and Lobel's art will also improve as he gets more freedom. The problem for me is, nothing here made me feel as though I wanted to stick around for several more issues. Neither character(s) nor premise seemed strong enough to bring back any but the most die-hard fan. Sorry James Spader". Read Full Review
You have probably guessed it already, but just incase you havent, I wasnt a fan of this issue. As I said earlier, it is far from the worst thing I have read but besides having the same name as its TV show parent (as I would describe this series as the TV show offspring) it really is nothing alike and is truly disappointing for this fan right here! Read Full Review
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