THROWBACK THOR'S DAY! A special tale of young Thor adventuring in the age of Vikings! Meanwhile, LOKI conjures up a dark and powerful new enemy: VIKING HULK! Guest artist RAFA GARRAS brings SAVAGE NORSE ACTION because YOU DEMANDED IT!
It's a tale full of treachery and jealousy in a world full of death and honor. Aaron has already shown he can write a viking ballad like no other (his God Killer run is testament to this), and this issue adds the viciousness with Garres' art. It's a painted style full of thick, violent inks and splashes of dark color. In a lot of ways, his style reminds me of stone wall murals, with the action carved out of the very rocks, especially considering the narrowness of depth between the foreground and background in each panel. The characters on the page are lacking some detail, but their actions are clear and full of purpose. Read Full Review
God bless Jason Aaron. Even the flashbacks, though feeling slightly disconnected, are top notch. If all of Naruto's filler were this good, I might have finished the series. Read Full Review
Mighty Thor #6 is a fun little story told that doesn't feel like filler as some might look at it. This is a Loki people want to see explained and so far does not disappointed by the example he is trying to make about what he can do for the people he allies with. Read Full Review
MIGHTY THOR #6 takes some time to tell a story from the past, and it's a solid issue. In fact, the fact this is going to be at least a two-part story is pretty exciting. We get more insight into how the gods were involved during Viking times, and as expected, Loki was still a snake in the grass. The art style is different, but it really works well. This issue was a surprising amount of fun. Read Full Review
The Mighty Thor #6 isn't an essential chapter, particularly following the events of last issue, and as such its tough not to be left wanting more. That said, what's here is solid and well constructed, Aaron's tale of envy and deceit given staunch life by Garres' strong, weighty visuals. With another chapter left to go and a great bit of smashing teased ahead, this standalone story still proves worthy of a look. Read Full Review
The Mighty Thor #6 may not have been quite what I expected, taking a while to show its true worth, but when it did, it gave us a truly inspiring tale. Not only this, but the creative team would also give us a few bold twists, with the dialogue on the final page leaving me with one huge question about Bodolf the Black. Read Full Review
An interesting issue with a lot of promise of what is to come. Read Full Review
A solid Thor story. With the original Thor. I love the artwork of Garres and I love the writing of Loki. Aaron makes Loki sound so sinister. I love it.
Loki’s dialogue and whole depiction really are extremely entertaining and spot on by Aaron. I don’t really care about Bodolf at all but the Loki narrating is nice. The art is also confusing in the flashback sequences
This issue starts off a new arc, and has a VERY dynamic and unique cover to go with it. The story in this issue is almost entirely backstory about Bodolf the Viking, and his time as a worshipper of Thor, but how he grew resentful of him, turned his back on him and how Bodolf was eventually defeated and left destitute at the hands of the thunder god. I love the art, both Russell Dauterman's modern art and the more painted canvas looking flashback artwork. I am hopeful for a big upswing in action next issue, because this chapter was a bit too slow for my taste. The book is nice to look at, but I wanted MORE. So I hope that's what next month holds
The only good Thor story in a while... probably because it actually features the one and true Thor.
Just a viking story from the past.
Every time Marvel writes YOU DEMANDED IT! I feel like I'm being duped. I didn't particularly enjoy the crayon art of this issue especially when compared to the Dauterman's pencils. Definitely didn't demand that. And then we have the original Thor acting like a total douche who turns on people the instant they stop praying to him. WTF mate? Overall I hated this issue even though they now added yet another generic villain to the Thor mythos (well Marvel's version of it anyways).
What is this crap? Who demanded this as the sales pitch proclaims? I certainly didn't! This series was marketed as starring the new Thor, and I added it to my pull file to that effect. But now we've hit the snooze button on the main story so that we can hear the tale of some viking that no one could give two s***s about? This had better have some sort of relevance to the plot because it's not even a one-off filler issue, it continues! Marvel could at least have the courtesy to knock a dollar off of the cover price if they are going to make me buy a comic that I didn't even sign up for. I am obligated to buy it because I subscribed with my LCS, it wouldn't be fair to back out of my agreement, but I guess it's fair for Marvel and Aaron to take my money and toss me some filler story that's been gathering dust somewhere. There isn't even a letters page this month, it's less than the typical issue for the usual $3.99. Maybe I'm being unfair, perhaps this is an extremely long-winded and roundabout way to introduce a new villain; if that were the case, Aaron could at least have the decency to contain his origin to one installment and bring it around to reveal the relevance of the current story by the end of the issue. As for the story itself, it's nothing special. It is a ye old Thor tale, though he's actually a secondary character in it. The artwork could communicate a lot more clearly, some panels are difficult to read or offer boring layouts, though I do commend the painterly style. Go ahead and skip this until we get back to the actual story with Jane Foster. If you are one of the losers who hates Jane as Thor, well I guess you got your wish. Be careful what you wish for next time. more
Waste of time