Uncanny Avengers #7

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Daniel Acuna Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 24, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 12
8.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Enter The Apocalypse Twins! The beginning of the end begins with their arrival!Why do they seek to anger The Celestials? What is their connection to Kang? How is Thor responsible for their mighty power?!A death at the hands of an Avenger divides the team!Will Sunfire torture an S-Man to save mutant lives?

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Apr 24, 2013

    The points above do little to muddy what is a fantastic issue. I think my problem with the first four or five parts of Remender's run was that there was a severe dearth of character moments and team interactions, which are still so critical even in massive, galactic-level throwdowns. Otherwise we, the readers, aren't simply won't be invested, no matter how cool everything looks. That won't be a problem if these two issues are any indication. Remender tells the story and builds characters with such an economy and effeciency that even a few pages per character is enough to give us a window into their thoughts. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 29, 2013

    In many ways, Uncanny Avengers is living up to its premise as a sort of one-stop shop for your Marvel superhero needs " you've got Avengers, you've got X-Men, you've got team tension, you've got nods to continuity, you've got huge action, sharp twists and fantastic artwork... and it's all in the span of 20 pages. Launching off last month's flashback interlude like a rocket, this is the superhero team book that leads the pack. With big ideas and bigger execution, Uncanny Avengers is also a big, big win. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 5, 2013

    Although not quite as good as the last issue this was still the next best in the series so far, and shows ton's of promise. It also had some action, although not a lot, and suspenseful actions, and the Apocalypse Twins appear to have danger on their minds, and with Uriel wielding Jarnbjorn things should be interesting. I would highly recommend this, and even if you dropped this series due to the poor start I'd recommend giving it another try, as it's gotten much better, and looks to become even better again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Apr 25, 2013

    Full of intrigue and conflict, Remender kicks his Apocalypse Twins storyline into high gear with visually impressive stakes. The cinematic flow of the narrative works perfectly here, even better than the last arc, as Remender seems to have worked out the kinks in linking varying points of view. Better yet is Acunas absolutely stellar artwork, which affects a pulp noir quality in many of the non-action sequences, and is relentlessly energetic and engaging throughout. While I wasnt entirely sold on this book during its first arc, its quickly becoming one of my favorite titles. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 25, 2013

    Yet another great issue of this series.  Sure, it wasn't as perfect as the last issue, but yeah, it was damned good.  Lots of little interpersonal stuff went on, all while the main story advanced.  Just like in the good old days of the Avengers.  Plus, Rogue was benched, meaning I hopefully won't have to see her anytime soon!  So huzzah for that!  But yeah, as I said, this was yet another good issue in a long line of them here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Apr 25, 2013

    "Uncanny Avengers" #7 is a high-concept superhero book with an actual core concerned with character motivations and interactions. This is the sort of soap opera with insane ideas as a backdrop I hoped for when Remender was placed on a mash up team of the X-books and the Avengers franchise. Finally, this book is paying off on the promise. This issue has some great moments and builds the tension and action quite nicely. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 27, 2013

    Although I suppose the media would love something like that. If a woman was politician and somebody found out she'd once starred in some kind of porno 30+ years ago when she was young and broke, it would be national news and she'd be forced to resign. So while it's kind of weird to see that thrown back in Rogue's face so much, it makes sense that the media wouldn't let her live it down. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 24, 2013

    Much of the character conflict centers around Rogue's accidental manslaughter and the resulting rift among the team members. The venom between Rogue and Wanda alone practically justifies the cover price on its own. It should be very fun to see this team continue through its substantial growing pains. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin May 1, 2013

    Rick Remender continues to deliver some of the best stories that have come out of Marvel Now! with Uncanny Avengers #5. What is most impressive about Remender's work on this series is how he is able to juggle multiple stories at once. There are many sub-plots working together in Uncanny Avengers #5 and Remender is able to present it in a clear manner so that readers do not feel lost even when addressing daggling plotlines from his run on Uncanny X-Force. Everything meshes well together and allows us to get a good gauge at the mission statement and personalities that are in this Avengers team. Though I am not a big fan of Daniel Acuna's artwork I did enjoy how he choreographed the opening action sequence involving the Apocalypse Twins and the Four Horsemen. In the end Uncanny Avengers #7 is another great example of this series being one of the best comics in Marvel's current catalogue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Jeremy Matcho Apr 24, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers is a book that is setting up big events in the Marvel Universe. Rick Remender is a writer that can weave an epic tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats (See Dark Angel Saga). With more consistent artwork from Daniel Acua, this book can really be the next big thing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Apr 28, 2013

    When it came to rating the last issue, I said that it didn't match up completely with the rest of the run up to that point. I'd say that they brought it back up with this new issue. I'm looking forward to seeing what Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, and Rogue especially get into after the events in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Apr 26, 2013

    And that's what "Uncanny Avengers #7" is. It's an honest-to-goodness superhero book with big enemies, big soap opera drama, and big explosions. There's a lot to be desired when it comes to certain elements, but as an action ride featuring fantastic villains, it's a certainly thrilling one Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Apr 26, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers #7 is well worth your money, now if only Havoc would take Wasp up on her offer! What's the guy thinking? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 26, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers should be a great book. It seems like the better move would have been to form the team simply to deal with the threat rather than forming the team and then having a threat appear. The cast is so large and the problems are so deep it just doesn't make sense that they would stick around. The churning of the character's problems with each other comes at the expense of developing the villains further. Page and panel space is precious and too much is spent by the team trying to figure out why so-and-so is in charge or why so-and-so is asking so-and-so to do this or that. Hopefully next issue will get back to Remender's roots, which are oddness and science fiction. The character growth will come along during the process. Read Full Review

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