Convergence #6

Event\Storyline: Convergence Writer: Scott Lobdell, Jeff King Artist: Ed Benes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 13, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 13
6.7Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

Free of the reign of Telos, a pantheon of heroes unite at last in an effort to defend their collective cities but they did not count on the threat of Deimos, who suddenly seems to possess the power to tear the Multiverse apart at the seams!

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 17, 2015

    The best issue yet! This is what I wanted this series to be! My hopes are very high for next week's issue! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Brad Bell May 13, 2015

    For those of you that dropped off of “Convergence” maybe in part due to my opinions, i am truly sorry! It appears that the true hero that will rise out of this story is writer Scott Lobdell, as his arrival on the book combined with the sharp house art of Ed Benes and Eduarado Pansica have finally made this book noteworthy. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Alexander Handziuk May 14, 2015

    Convergence #6 is a great comic book and it effectively breathes new life into the Convergence series. This is an issue that will leave you not just willing to buy the next issue but make you excited and properly psyched for the climactic ending that is hopefully coming. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - TBU Contributor May 15, 2015

    This issue was a MILE above the previous one so I will give credit where credit is due to it in giving it a higher rating than the last issue. But so far Convergence has been nothing short of taking all of your favorite heroes from every single era, putting them in an oil drum, and lighting a match. Sure it looks pretty, and it might keep you warm for a short time BUT S**T BE BURNING YO! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd May 13, 2015

    Just when it seemed like Convergence was going to go one way, King and Co. have managed to push it in a different direction. Its similarity to Crisis is more along the lines of nostalgia rather than retelling. Bringing in the current New 52 characters to the narrative adds an element that may have been missing for some. With only 2 issues left, Convergence has brought us along with character and nostalgia to the doormat of the finale. The post-Convergence DCU is just around the corner. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher May 13, 2015

    What I expected coming into this issue was another mess of dialogue, child endangerment, and over the top villainy. What I got was something that borders on the great moments in DC crisis level events Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long May 13, 2015

    The board is set for explosions with Convergence #6, and issue #7 could be a ton of fun. This series has benefited from the focus on Deimos as the big bad, and King, Lobdell, Benes and Pansica seemingly had a good time with this one. They've got a ton of characters to work with and, overall, they did that well. I'm in for #7, bring on the brawl. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie May 19, 2015

    I know, Im being hard (and a little snarky and sarcastic) on the contents of this issue and the Convergence event as a whole, thats been my status quo when it comes to the main series, but I do have to admit, Im actually a fan of this turn in the story. Since the city vs. city stuff wasnt exactly getting any attention in the main series anyway, I am totally behind the idea of lining up a massive hero vs. villain battle. Lets just hope the payoff turns out to be worth all of the preamble. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 14, 2015

    Convergence #6 finally shows the series living up to its potential in terms of offering a big, loud, superhero epic. The inconsistent artwork is a drag at times, but now there's hope this book can at least finish strong after a weak first half. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas May 14, 2015

    Last week, it seemed that Convergence had lost its way as the plotlines dissolved into confusion and delay. Now, things on Telos are moving again. In fact, Telos itself is moving, into the Earth 0 universe, in fact, where its arrival is monitored by the Justice League, the Red Lanterns, and Justice League United, not to mention Darkseid and Nix Uotan, last of the Monitors. The tremors of its arrival are likely related to the earthquakes featuring prominently in the second halves of the various Convergence event tie-in books. More immediately for the weekly series, the entry of Telos into the normal multiverse sets in motion Deimos' plan. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell May 14, 2015

    Convergence is now firing on all cylinders. While there are still some areas that aren't as strong, the writing and art alike have taken a huge step forward. If this trend continues into next week, Convergence may be able to make up for the first half of the event and redeem itself in the end. If you've dropped the series this is a good place to pick it back up. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG May 18, 2015

    After a shaky first half of the arc, writers Jeff King and Scott Lobdell create an issue on slightly surer footing, building to a battle that may decide the fate of the multiverse. Ed Benes and Eduardo Pansica on pencils captures some of the energy that Andy Kubert had on display last issue and there are one or two little nods that hark back to some classic silver age moments. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers May 14, 2015

    A better paced story with some interesting character additions help elevate "Convergence #6"above some of the previous issues. But the multitude of artists, some credited and some not, creating work that isn't consistent tear the reader away from the action on the page. With the penultimate issue up next, is there any hope left for Convergence to turn it around? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj May 19, 2015

    Overall, I think Convergence has been something of a mixed bag. Some things have been good. Others missteps. And this main story has been up and down. Still, how great to see that original Supergirl again. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 13, 2015

    The whole beginning of this book, which should be some of the most interesting, was just a mess, but if you can get past that, this becomes something really fun and really enjoyable to read.  Convergence is still working though it's many problems, but at this point I can see some light at the end of the tunnel and I know that I've said that before, but I think we can really start believing that this event will really give us something to sink our teeth into from here on out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Yet Another Media Site - Kevin Finnigan May 14, 2015

    The artwork for CONVERGENCE #6 feels quite rushed. Ed Benes and Eduardo Panic handle the pencils this time around, and it's hard to find where one penciler ends and the others start. It's one of the few good points in the series. Fight scenes seem stiff, with no sense of motion behind the punches. The final scene, with lots of villains joining Deimos, raises a few questions. I notice we have Kingdom Come Superman and Wonder Woman amongst a lot of villains? Was this on purpose? It seems uncharacteristic for the duo considering everyone around them are complete villains. There are a few coloring mistakes from Peter Steigerwald, with costumes not retaining the same color scheme from page to page. The army of inkers creates an uneven style. The Earth 2 Flash running with Barry Allen looks great, and captures the motion of the Flash well, but then we see Deimos contacting villains and it looks like there are barely inks. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray May 14, 2015

    It seems unlikely that Convergence will be remembered for much beyond bringing a few classic characters back, but perhaps that is all that it need to achieve. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene May 18, 2015

    Overall, I'm not feeling Convergence, but this issue goes a long way in hopefully making this event something special,or at least memorable. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand May 15, 2015

    Nothing much happens in this issue. I did find it entertaining, but it probably had more to do with the nostalgia and homages than the story itself. It's also pretty to look at, but features very little in the way of content. Seeing as how as many deaths as possible is Deimos' ultimate goal, I'm assuming the next issue should be a blood bath. Especially when you consider that the characters present are "old" and "expendable". Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon May 13, 2015

    I think this event is finding some sort of footing but it has yet to really resonate with me in any meaningful way. Telos hasn't been a compelling character from the onset of this story so any development he has towards the end of the story doesn't really look to make us suddenly care. Great villains are usually born of great tragedy (in this case, Thanos specifically comes to mind) but Telos' great tragedy is so amorphous that we have no context for it. I'm glad that DC is putting some competent artists on these issues to at least make for something easily readable but there's no substance to this event/ And without that substance, how is it supposed to have a significant impact on the line moving forward? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper May 15, 2015

    "Convergence" continues to fall short on the execution despite the fun it offers. I don't think it will end up being a memorable event, but I hold out hope that the fight scenes in the last few issues might be. Read Full Review

  • 2.5 - John McCubbin May 13, 2015

    I'd love nothing more than to say go out and buy Convergence #6, but I'd be mad and a downright liar if I did. Despite having some intriguing concepts, and wonderful art, this issue just feels too sloppy for comprehension, with the promising twist being handled in a poor manner. So unless you've been following this event, avoid it, as you're bound to be disappointed. Read Full Review

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