Packs Of The Lowcountry #1
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Packs Of The Lowcountry #1

Writer: John Dudley Artist: Don Cardenas Publisher: Roar Comics Release Date: March 11, 2015 Cover Price: $1.99 Critic Reviews: 11
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

BASTION CONROY is getting his wish, a mission outside the protected walls of the Free Lands and a chance to see what's become of the world since it was invaded 16 years ago.

With his new and mysterious teammates HELENA and MARK, BASTION finds that the wilds of the Lowcountry hold more secrets than answers. Secrets that may cut this mission violently short.

  • 8.7
    Comicsverse - AJ Zender Oct 30, 2017

    PACKS OF THE LOW COUNTRY details an apocalypse consumed by nightmarish monsters. With a high-paced plot and brilliant heroes, PACKS OF THE LOW COUNTRY deserves your support during its Kickstarter Campaign. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Superbromovies - Ernesto Valenzuela Nov 1, 2017

    Overall, the only complaint one would have with Packs of the Low Country is the cheesy dialogue the characters have with one another at certain times, although it does fit with the overall aesthetic of the comic. This independent comic shows a rare example of original and creative storytelling that manages to keep you at the edge of your seat throughout, keeping the reader guessing until the very last page. I myself want to see more of Bastions story, and whats next in this new and interesting world that Johnathan Dudley and Crew have created. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Superbromovies - Ernesto Valenzuela Nov 1, 2017

    Overall, the only complaint one would have with Packs of the Low Country is the cheesy dialogue the characters have with one another at certain times, although it does fit with the overall aesthetic of the comic. This independent comic shows a rare example of original and creative storytelling that manages to keep you at the edge of your seat throughout, keeping the reader guessing until the very last page. I myself want to see more of Bastions story, and whats next in this new and interesting world that Johnathan Dudley and Crew have created. Read Full Review

  • 8.5 - John McCubbin Nov 23, 2017

    Packs of the Lowcountry is unlike anything you've read before, being a fun and exciting post-apocalyptic thriller. Not only does its engaging storytelling and gritty visuals captivate from start to finish, but the engaging dialogue and overall suspense is sure to keep you on the edge of each page. So if this sounds like a story for you, make sure to head over to the book's Kickstarter page and pledge. The campaign is a little under halfway to its goal with a week remaining, so make sure you're fast as this is one you don't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    We The Nerdy - Alexander Handziuk Jun 4, 2015

    Packs of The Lowcountry #1 is a book that will leave you with more questions than you had entering it and that is a great thing. The art is solid for the most part and the characters are believable and dynamic. If you are tired of the same old post apocalyptic storytelling or just love some scary looking werwolves, then Packs Of The Lowcountry #1 is the book for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Word Of The Nerd - Dr .Chris McAuley Nov 3, 2017

    Overall, I enjoyed Packs of the Lowcountry. It starts with a fantastic B-movie vibe, with an acceptable tinge of the superhero genre. I dub this a worthwhile read and I'm excited to see what comes next from this creative team! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Olivier Roth Oct 20, 2017

    In the end, I found Packs of the Low Country a very enjoyable read. The writing by Dudley was crisp and to the point and never veered into decompression, and the art by Cardenas was greatly enhanced by Mark Dale and Kelly Fitzpatrick’s colours. I can also say, Cardenas can draw a mean forest setting. Whenever our characters were outside in the brush, Cardenas’ art really popped. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Mar 12, 2015

    This story is filled with plenty of action and suspense as well as layers of mysteries. What's with Helena? How can she? And what's the story with Gills? Alsohow are they going to get out of the mess they find themselves in at this issues end?! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GWW - D. Ivester Nov 3, 2017

    A Great payoff is something we always want and this book certainly delivers its closure. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - jelliott042 Oct 31, 2017

    You can find this book on Comixology for a really great price so scoop it up while you can! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jul 4, 2016

    Packs of Lowcountry has some great ideas packed within its first four issues.  They're just a little disjointed and clunky.  I'm curious as to how all these pieces fit together.  Werewolves fighting aliens is certainly a novel premise, but I'm not certain that's the end game here.  There's quite a bit to resolve in the final two chapters. Read Full Review

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