Punisher #16

Writer: Nathan Edmondson Artist: Mitch Gerads Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 18, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
7.1Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

•  Frank follows the trail of corruption all the way to the nation's capital!
•  With the Punisher on a government hit list, has Frank walked into the lion's den?
•  Can the Punisher find the man pulling the strings?
Parental Advisory

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Mar 18, 2015

    Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Geards' THE PUNISHER continues to be a smart, gripping, and awesomely illustrated story. This chapter was pretty much all about explaining what's going on and why, so it may not be all that exciting, but it's getting important information out there and ends on a note that pretty much guarantees everyone will want to pick up the next issue. Man, now I'm left wondering what House of Cards would be like if Frank Castle was part of the story. Frank Castle vs. Frank Underwood? Place your bets! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Mar 18, 2015

    The Punisher continues to be a worthy addition to anyone's pull list, as whether you're a long time fan like myself, or just thinking of getting into the comics after watching the films, this series is a perfect place to get introduced to the character. The crime elements also make it a brilliant comic for fans of thrillers, as despite there being some slow patches, the tension more than makes up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin -  Kenny Sanders Mar 24, 2015

    Oh and in case you were wondering, Mitch Gerards art is scratchy, gritty and yet still full of flash. He brilliantly knocks out the security cam scenes that switch from angle to angle, and, damn that reveal! Also, its good to see that Franks mental state is as ruthless as ever, far more despondent than ever before. Parishioners, this is the familiar yet unexpected Punisher. Get on that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Punisher Central - Ivo Santos Mar 19, 2015

    Final note: I tried to defend this series but it's getting more and more difficult to justify some actions. Reading this issue in trade is better but it won't give me the Punisher i want. This Punisher is unable to win or accomplish anything. If he will accomplish something in the upcoming issues, i don't know but it's a bit late for that when it's been already 16 issues. Read Full Review

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