Ivo Santos's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Punisher Central Reviews: 89
7.7Avg. Review Rating

A Year Of Marvels: November #1

Nov 26, 2016

This review was hard to do, i have read at least three times just to see what i was missing. I was expecting a bit more of this story, it's not bad, but somehow i felt that i have read this somewhere.

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Black Widow (2014) #9

Aug 6, 2014

In this issue ( i don't know what happened in past issues...) but Widow seemed a bit edgy while interrogating a chinese mechanic of the ship, and guess what Frank stopped her for almost kill this man. At this point she was more punisher than Punisher. But it was good seeing Frank with a good word of advice to her.

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Civil War II: Kingpin #3

Sep 29, 2016

It was a really good issue, specially for the Punisher appearance. Great fight and respectable writing from Matthew Rosenberg. The art could be better but it was decent in the right moments. It's very recommendable for every Punisher fan. Even if you do not follow this run, just buy this single issue.The cover is one of the best i have seen this year. Aaron just nailed it.

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Daredevil / Punisher: The Seventh Circle #1

Mar 4, 2016

Despite the rate, this was a really decent comic and has everything to be great in the upcoming issue.

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Deadpool vs. The Punisher #1

Apr 12, 2017

Marvel is betting a lot in this miniseries and the quality is well seen when we read it and watch the artwork.

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Deadpool vs. The Punisher #2

May 10, 2017

The artwork of George Prez is great and i was highly surprised by the details of how gory he can be. Great detail when Deadpool sliced the intestines and head of his enemies during the sword fight with Don. Another positive detail is the great coloring by Redmond that turned this artwork really "smooth" and pleasant read/watch.

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Deadpool vs. The Punisher #3

May 18, 2017

It's a delight to read a comic book that respects the main characters and Van Lente does it. This third issue reveals the main aspects of personality from Deadpool and Punisher. Any new fan with zero knowledge about these characters would understand perfectly their beliefs and motivations.

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Deadpool vs. The Punisher #4

Jul 2, 2017

Pere Prez is an amazing artist, the fighting panels are astonishing. Great motion between characters and specially the techniques applied in the fight. Either Van Lente or Prez knows their martial arts.

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Doctor Strange / The Punisher: Magic Bullets #1

Nov 13, 2016

John Barber and Andrea Broccardo did a great job in constructing this issue. Both storytelling and artwork were perfectly sync.Andrea's art was very decent in this issue, despite all the colorful issue. I like the Punisher comics to be as dark as possible, but it didn't waste all the fun. Andrea's is a good artist i think that we haven't seen anything yet. We haven't seen all his capacities.

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Punisher (2014) #2

Feb 19, 2014

Nathan and Mitch are the perfect match for this book, Nathan for the good plot he is building and Mitch for giving life to the words of Nathan. I hope they continue to deliver this quality to all the fans. I couldn't give less than this kind of rating, these guys are really good. I'm being impressed every issue!

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Punisher (2014) #3

Mar 5, 2014

Mitch Gerads gives life to this comic, not only he gives colors but he give an amazing sense of "motion" in every issue, specially in the action scenes. He did a great job in developing Electro and all the lightnings that surrounds the character its really an amazing effect.

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Punisher (2014) #4

Apr 3, 2014

I'm loving this run my favorite character is in good hands and i hope that Edmonson and Gerads keep up this pace! I'm looking forward for the upcoming two issues left to see how this series will end, i hope with a bang in the end!

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Punisher (2014) #5

May 8, 2014

I couldn't be more happier with this team, they surely understand the character and they deliver it. They know how to build a classic Punisher story but i felt this issue dropped the pace a little bit. The players are ready, the stakes are high. Can't wait to see some wrap up in the final issue!

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Punisher (2014) #6

Jun 5, 2014

Mitch Gerads is still giving some extra juice in this comic and every panel seems really good despite all the blueish colors were present in every panel. I loved the POV panels when Frank shoot an Howling Commando while on the top of the bus and not to mention the extraordinary explosions that Frank was caught in. Gerads has born to be the artist of the Punisher and i'm glad he is on board.

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Punisher (2014) #8

Jul 3, 2014

Carmen still delivered some quality artwork like she did in the last issue, i really loved how Fabella and Pallot deal with colors, specially with the explosions. This issue doesn't have so many colors like the previous because most of the action is during the night but they still deliver it with quality. Great job.

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Punisher (2014) #10

Sep 3, 2014

Mitch Gerads continues to shine in this book, his artwork is consistent and he did a really cool fight between Frank and some inmates. As always he nailed it and his contribute make this book even better issue by issue.

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Punisher (2014) #12

Nov 19, 2014

Nathan and Mitch are great partners and this book wouldn't be the same if we lost one or another. All the synergy behind the book it's because of them. I'm glad these two are working with my favorite character.

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Punisher (2014) #14

Jan 8, 2015

My complaint since the beggining is the lack of the "wow" factor in this series. I'm always expecting to see a Punisher that can excel the other characters using his skills and natural talent for waging war. Frank is a genious in the battlefield and a brilliant tactician and until now i haven't seen any of these arguments but i'm hoping to see it, even if it is in the end of this run.

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Punisher (2014) #16

Mar 19, 2015

Final note: I tried to defend this series but it's getting more and more difficult to justify some actions. Reading this issue in trade is better but it won't give me the Punisher i want. This Punisher is unable to win or accomplish anything. If he will accomplish something in the upcoming issues, i don't know but it's a bit late for that when it's been already 16 issues.

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Punisher (2014) #17

Apr 1, 2015

Great job of this creative team, we are getting close to the " Last Days" and i'm expecting some kick ass Frank before Marvel Universe goes to kingdom come.

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Punisher (2014) #18

May 7, 2015

Didn't like what Edmondson done in here. Once again, he lost in his own comic. Once again he was owned by a nobody. And i don't remember in 20 years of reading Punisher comics that a stab could stop Frank. Specially after his companion was injured by Sam Stone that calls herself now "Memento".Don't know if there is somewhat a tie-in in issue #19 because of Memento's actions but i'm expecting some payback, it would be really bad if it doesn't happen anything.

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Punisher (2014) #19

Jun 24, 2015

This IS the Punisher. I recommend this issue for every Punisher fan, Can't wait for the final issue.

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Punisher (2014) #20

Jul 22, 2015

My only complaint is some loose ends Frank didn't punished. If you have read this run you will know what i'm talking about... But on the other side, the world will go to kingdom come, they will get what they deserved.

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Punisher (2016) #1

May 9, 2016

Anyway this doesn't take away the entertainment of this comic, which was great and delightful seeing Frank getting rid of crooks with his own brutality. But Punisher fans like perfection to the "minor" details. That's what separate him from the super guys. He has to protect himself because he is flesh and bone and with one bullet could be the end of him.

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Punisher (2016) #2

Jun 3, 2016

Steve Dillon did a great work again in this issue. The action scenes are brilliantly crafted by him. He draws in a very simplistic way but very effective.

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Punisher (2016) #3

Jul 10, 2016

I am very happy with this last issue, finally i get the feeling that things are getting in a good way. Good action and a simple and comprehensive story, well fit for the character.I'm getting used to Dillon's artwork every time a Punisher comic is released, i'm following his work since "Welcome Back Frank Back" and he's even better than his previous Punisher works in PunisherMAX and Thunderbolts.

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Punisher (2016) #4

Aug 4, 2016

Jake G Thomas (editor) really joined an amazing creative team for this book, let's hope it continues forever. It's been great ride and so much fun that i haven't felt in a Punisher comic for some time now.

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Punisher (2016) #5

Sep 24, 2016

It's been awhile since i had so much fun reading a Punisher comic. Thanks to this great creative team that is working perfectly.Can not wait to see more developments about the relation with Olaf and Frank ( next issue!) and obviously more about Frank/Ortiz. Ortiz is mentally broke after some events of this comic. Let's wait and see the aftermath of it.

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Punisher (2016) #6

Oct 26, 2016

This run doesn't seem to lost the "steam" and despite the action and the pace dropped significantly i maintained my attention to the comic, for moments when i finished reading the first time i was confused by that last page but then i read issue #5 and understood what happened.

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Punisher (2016) #7

Jan 19, 2017

Becky Cloonan didn't dropped the quality of this issue. But when i was reading it felt like a "filler". There was no huge improvements in the plot or any important events for upcoming issues. On the other side, Becky Cloonan and Matt Horak built an amazing brawl fight between the Punisher and a few members of the Condor, gritty violence, pure fun and entertainment, almost like a western but with a significant amount of gore.

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Punisher (2016) #8

Jan 31, 2017

This comic wasn't a step back in the quality, in terms of development and quality it was slightly better than the last one, but i think that this run as been a little "stagnated" without huge developments in the plot.

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Punisher (2016) #9

Feb 17, 2017

Overall i didn't felt so engaged like the previous issues, in terms of plot, but i liked that Cloonan could develop a bit more of Ortiz and Face. I was very surprised how the house of Olaf exploded, didn't saw that coming... i was expecting a simpler trap but nothing so extreme, specially to put his wife and kid in great danger.

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Punisher (2016) #10

Apr 10, 2017

I've been a fan of Guru-eFx for since his coloring work in Thunderbolts. Today he kept doing what i've been writing for years about him. He really add even more quality to Horak's art and gave life to splash scenes and make even more entertaining the comic book.

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Punisher (2016) #11

Apr 26, 2017

Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire are the perfect team for the covers of this run. Great creative team and how they set up this cover with a perfect aligned sharks formed the eyes and nose and the rocks bellow the ocean formed the teeth of the skull.

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Punisher (2016) #12

May 23, 2017

With the end of this arc, i think it took too long to end this Condor chapter. I'm more a fan of compressed stories and a 6 issues arc would be enough instead of 12. But it's far from being a bad run, not at all. It's been quite decent run with very good moments and with a Frank who is like a force of nature who doesn't compromise.

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Punisher (2016) #13

Jul 3, 2017

Once again Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire pretty much nailed the cover on this one. It's funny to see how the Punisher is portrayed in this cover with a not so innocent resemblance of Jon Bernthal. 

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Punisher (2016) #17

Nov 15, 2017

Matt Horak's art continues to keep his own quality, I get the feeling the more he would've worked on this issue the better he would become.

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Punisher (2016) #218

Nov 16, 2017

I was impressed with the quality and well-structured story, I have hope that this can be a success story for years to come if it handles it in the right way. The secret to it it's not to put Frank in some sort of "chains" and let him be what he is. For the amazing work and the amount of respect Rosenberg has for the character, I know he will do him justice.

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Punisher (2016) #219

Jan 10, 2018

The art of Guiu's is getting polished by the issue. The designed of the armor is much better when we compare with the last issue. His drawings are very dynamic and the action scenes very well made. I liked how Guiu focused in what matters while drawing the action scenes, you don't get distracted by the background. Great work Guiu!

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Punisher (2016) #220

Jan 14, 2018

Another great issue of this Punisher series delivered almost flawlessly by Matthew Rosenberg with an engaging story and top-notch action. Guiu's art is polished and fit perfectly into this story.

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Punisher (2016) #221

Mar 21, 2018

Guiu Vilanova is doing a great work with the collaboration with Lee Loughridge on the colors. These two set a great theme for this comic book. Sometimes too dark but nothing that could harm the art overall.The action is very dynamic and very well made. It's bloody when it needs to be and this creative team makes it flawlessly.I'm still not a fan of the Punisher being similar to his Netflix counterpart (Jon Bernthal). I still prefer a generic face than a character in the comic that looks like an actor.

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Punisher (2016) #222

May 16, 2018

Guiu Vilanova and Lee Loughridge are part of the success of this issue. Great dynamic panels, great action scenes almost in a cinematic way. The tone set by the art team is great and in the first issues I had some problems with the art of Guiu, especially in the design of the armor, but not anymore. Guiu is becoming a favorite.

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Punisher (2016) #223

May 16, 2018

Rosenberg is pulling zero punches regarding writing Frank Castle. He knows the very essence of the character and despite that he is using the WM armor, he keeps being himself. I don't like to make comparisons which writer is the best, but I can say that Rosenberg writes the Frank Castle I want.

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Punisher (2016) #224

May 18, 2018

I'm really liking what Rosenberg is doing with the character so far, in this current arc "War Criminal", the Punisher seemed a bit more villain when we compare to the last arc "War Machine" which is easily explained why we get a lot more the views of Marvel heroes than Frank Castle.

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Punisher (2016) #225

Jun 2, 2018

Guiu Vilanova and Lee Loughridge are part of the success of this comic/ run. Guiu's dynamic panels during the battle against heroes were really good. The way that Loughridge set the tone of this comic was superb.

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Punisher (2016) #226

Jun 14, 2018

I still think Matthew Rosenberg is doing a superb job handling the Punisher and his run. He's becoming my favorite Punisher writer of the past decade hands down. I'm excited to see what comes next and especially for the penultimate issue of this run!

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Punisher (2016) #227

Jul 19, 2018

I'm very excited for what's to come in the upcoming issue. It's the last one featuring Punisher in the War Machine suit. I'm really happy to have Rosenberg on board for the Punisher comic. He understands the character and more importantly, he knows where the character is going.I want to tell people, Punisher fans and non-fans to read this Punisher: War Machine, it's solid, great writing, good art and very entertaining.

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Punisher (2016) Annual #1

Nov 10, 2016

I really like to see Gerry Conway back in a Punisher book after so many years. I even would like to see him writing a Punisher ongoing after this successful annual.

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Punisher: Nightmare #1

Jan 2, 2013

It was fun reading this comic, as i mentioned before i like to see the inner monologues of Frank Castle we know that everyone who knows the character don't need to see what he thinks but for me it's good, i like to read what he is thinking. I think Gimple is almost getting how Frank thinks but it's too soon to judge with only one issue, as i have said this was based on Jake's past and Frank's looking for clues about the muder of Jake's family we got some action in Jake's past in the war and Frank hitting some mobs but nothing non-stop action. This was definetely a set-up issue. The art and coloring is a must have for this comic. In my opinion i think the best is yet to come.

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Punisher: Nightmare #4

Jan 23, 2013

Since issue #3 this mini-series is getting better and better like i was predicted in the last review of this book, in this issue Gimple is exploring Frank's remaining humanity and he is doing a wonderful job linking to some events in his past. I have said that this book could be a good way to new readers start reading the Punisher and its confirmed. It's a fact that Tex and D'Armata are doing a great job in the art of this book but the only downside is related to Frank's desguise in Times Square. I'm glad that this book is out, this will give some hope to all Punisher fans that beside Rucka's there are more writers that can handle this character.

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Punisher: Nightmare #5

Jan 30, 2013

Well this issue was non stop action since the beggining until the end like a good Punisher comic should be. Johnny Nightmare was a good Punisher villain in hand to hand it was a little out of Frank's league but gladly Frank outsmart him in the end. It's really sad to see this issue as the last of this mini series this last three issues were very entertaining, but i will be with high hopes to see this creative team together to write once more a Punisher mini series or maybe an ongoing.

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Punisher: The Platoon #2

Nov 14, 2017

You can't go wrong with this series. If you are Ennis fan or The Punisher's classic MAX stories you will love it. It's Ennis and I don't remember him writing a bad Punisher story.

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Punisher: The Platoon #3

Jan 9, 2018

One thing to that needs to be said is that there is a lack of action. It's in the same vein as issue #1 where Ennis dedicated the pages of this issue to the storytelling. But it was well worth it.

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Punisher: The Platoon #4

Feb 21, 2018

Goran Parlov art is amazing. I risk saying that his art in this book is the best we have seen from him. The way he draws the characters and how they express their emotions through their faces is unbelievably realistic.

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Punisher: The Platoon #5

May 14, 2018

Garth Ennis is pulling zero punches while writing this story, don't expect to see Frank Castle dealing with tons of vietcongs. It's more than that, it's the story of the man told by the last surviving members of his platoon.

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Punisher: The Platoon #6

May 14, 2018

The success of this series couldn't be without the artwork of Parlov and with the colors of Jordie Bellaire. There isn't much things to be said in here. If Ennis was made for Frank Castle, Parlov art was made for the Frank too.

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Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #1

Sep 26, 2013

The art is just amazing Leinil Yu is one of my favorite artists, to me he could be the official Punisher artist with Marco Checcheto. I haven't see this kind of art since Checcheto leave the Punisher. Great work for Sunny Gho in the colors too.

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Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #2

Oct 30, 2013

I really wanted to see more Punisher from Guggenheim. A huge thanks to all the staff that make this book possible and for giving us this wonderful ride on the most dangerous antihero of the Marvel universe.

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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #4

Feb 25, 2013

As i said before Rucka as built a strong character to a great story. Personally i wish this story never ended because i will definetely miss his writing on my favorite character. This limited series in my opinion is with the right pace i like fast paced stories specially with a character like the Punisher. I would like to see some detail in Frank's invading Stark building but i believe Rucka has to compress some details and skip forward. Tony will explain in the next issue.

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Secret Wars Journal #3

Jul 1, 2015

Great story written by Tieri, it's a crime story when the Punisher get rid of two two villains. He is investigating some terrorists who escaped from their realm and one of them is responsible for the death of Stark.

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Secret Wars Journal #4

Aug 21, 2015

The artwork from Laura Braga is really engaging and very well done. The action scenes are really good and attractive. I really liked to see more from Laura in the Marvel comics.

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Secret Wars: Battleworld #1

May 20, 2015

I will not say that i liked the ending of this story ( for obvious, reasons) but definetely ended like it should have and to me, the objective of this comic was fulfilled. It was really entertaining and enjoyable. Great work of this creative team.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9

Jan 28, 2014

I will recommend this issue for all the fans of the three characters in it.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #10

Feb 28, 2014

Marco Checchetto really did like always a great job in this issue. He's one of my favorite Punisher artists for the moment.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #6

Mar 15, 2013

I will continue to follow this run but i hope the action and the plot improves a bit more in the next arc.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #8

Apr 20, 2013

So far this was the best issue of all the series, very interesting plot, good action scenes and astonishing art!

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Thunderbolts (2012) #9

May 20, 2013

Daniel Way continues to give us some nice thrilling ride in this issue but this one didn't surpass the previous #08, in my opinion. Phil Noto art seems very consistent and adequate to this comic ( way better than Dillon's) and the colors by GURU eFX continue to be wonderful as always, what could ruin this book back into Dillon's in the first arc was saved by them.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #10

Jun 9, 2013

Phil Noto's art is keeping the same quality and GURU eFX colors the same. Both are doing great jobs and help this book.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #11

Jun 20, 2013

I don't have nothing to Daniel Way he make me believe on the potential of this team, i was always a ceptic about Frank's integration. Way have done good stuff but it wasn't enough to satisfy what i was expect from this book, i wish him the best for his upcoming projects.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #12

Jul 4, 2013

Solid plot and good wrap-up of the last issue and a very good action like this book deserves. Like i've said many times a book like this should have a little more action than dialogue. That's is what everyone expects with a team like this.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #14

Aug 21, 2013

I liked this issue a LOT, my favorites until now were T-Bolts #12 and now #14, good dynamics between the team, ACTION, humour and enough plot to keep us hoping (desperately) for the next issue. Let's hope Soule continues to give us this quality and i believe he will.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #15

Sep 18, 2013

I have talk about pretty much of the entertaining level in the "writing" section. This book don't have the action that the previous issue had but the pace of the story is great. The team has to deal with two things the Paguros and the invasion. I'm quite curious too see what this will lead. Is there some consequences to The Leader's actions? Either way good issue.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #16

Oct 2, 2013

The art improved a bit to and the action scenes are decent too, the colors of this issue are great thanks to GURU eFX. Besides the same problems i have with the bodies of the characters, there is one panel before when Supergiant is breaking the sub, the Leaders head are exaggeratedly tall.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #17

Oct 24, 2013

After last issue that in general was really decent and the only inconsistencies i found were about the Punisher characterization, this one was really a good comic to read with all the action we have for the first page to the end.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #18

Nov 21, 2013

It's really a shame that the artwork didn't keep up the same quality as the writing, i have seen some works of Jefte Palo, he even was the artist in one-shot Punisher MAX: Little Black Book, and i loved his work in that story. Don't know why he pick this kind of art for this book, maybe it's because the humour... i don't know.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #19

Dec 23, 2013

About the artwork, Walta did in my opinion better job than Palo's giving the same cartoonish taste without making too weird.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #20.NOW

Jan 26, 2014

I have to mention Israel Silva (Colorist) he did a wonderful job in setting this "dark tone" to the book. In past issues i always thought it were overly colorful... Great work by Israel Silva.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #21

Feb 5, 2014

Another entertaining issue delivered by Charles Soule. Since this arc began by the new imprint of MarvelNOW this book improved the quality... a LOT!

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Thunderbolts (2012) #22

Feb 28, 2014

Interesting homage that Soule make to a certain Punisher run...I think i'm beggining to understand this book a lot better and this was definetely a lot better than the previous issues.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #23

Mar 29, 2014

Charles Soule give us a great issue and showed us how to write a fast paced story with kick ass action, in this issue we have seen something that we haven't seen since this book began... the Thunderbolts have worked perfectly like a real team and every member got his own purpose in the fight. There couldn't be other way to put down a savage Venom.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #25

Apr 25, 2014

Still think that Frank is too much a soldier boy. He questions Ross in some options but in the end he always do what he wants, he is limited to following orders. This is one of my major critic that i have to make in Soule take on Frank. In some sort, this limits the character into a one dimensional depth. The other characters in my view are well developed.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #28

Jul 19, 2014

In this issue i wasn't a great fan of Sandoval's artwork. There was times that faces seems too exagerated and remind me of Jefte Palo's. Sandoval's has similarities with Barberi's but there are times when he wants to give some expression to the characters it gets too cartoony for me. Silva's pencils are spot on, it was what saved the art in my opinion.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #29

Aug 14, 2014

Couldn't be more happier with this book right now, i won't miss this series but if Acker and Blacker keep up this pace it's a good farewell for the readers.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #30

Aug 28, 2014

I'm still rooting for this title and i hope the last two issues make some justice for this last arc of Thunderbolts.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #31

Oct 6, 2014

I really liked the work of Acker and Blacker in the first three issues of this arc and specially the annual they wrote for this book, but don't know what happened since issue #30 things seems a bit unbalanced and way out of character.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #32

Nov 1, 2014

Personally i don't think that it's the writers fault, Soule, Acker and Blacker are really talented, i don't have any doubt in this but something or someone didn't let them do their work properly.My favorite issues are Thunderbolts #12 ( Punisher solo story) and Thunderbolts Annual, the quality was really good that i don't know what went wrong. But i have to say that issue #30 is the worst of this series and i risk to say that is the worst of the last years regarding the Punisher. I hope someone from Marvel should learn something from this.

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Thunderbolts (2012) Annual #1

Dec 23, 2013

For this annual the creative team changed as the writers are Acker and Blacker and in the pencils Lolli Matteo and guess what they did a really good job in portraying all the characters in this book.I was a little ceptic at first and i asked myself how this team will handle with magical stuff... Well the old motto "fight fire with fire" is applied perfectly in this issue.

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Venomverse: War Stories #1

Sep 7, 2017

I want to see more of this "Venomised" Punisher in the upcoming issues of Edge of Venomverse, it was a very interesting concept that will probably help the "resistance team" in getting rid of the "Poisons"

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What If? Age of Ultron #4

Apr 25, 2014

We can see Frank kick ass as Cap for a few pages with no guns. Only fists, kicks and guts!I didn't read anything from Joe Keatinge but i felt the plot a little weak, not to mention the artwork by Kowalsky, sometimes we will see some stupid faces and the suit he draw make Frank look like a goofy thug. The second half of this issue is by Neil Edwards and the artwork improved

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