Punisher: Nightmare #1
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Punisher: Nightmare #1

Writer: Scott Gimple Artist: Mark Texeira Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 2, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 2
6.6Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

A Special Forces soldier is injured and his family killed in the midst of a mob execution in Central Park, but this isn’t Frank Castle. This time it’s a young soldier named JAKE NIMAN, but the familiar story puts Frank on the path of punishment!As Jake Niman heals from his wounds, why is he growing strangely stronger?And who is the mysterious Johnny Nightmare?Bullets fly, anarchy reigns, allies become enemies, the Punisher becomes the punished, and no one is safe!!!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jan 2, 2013

    Simply put, PUNISHER: NIGHTMARE #1 looks excellent and is a very solid start to a hopefully superb story. The art almost perfectly conveys Punisher's dark and gritty world and the script kept my eyes glued to the captions. Ialsolove the way it's paced, diving back and forth between Castle's investigation and learning about the Central Park victim, Jake Niman.Right now, this book comes as a double-edged sword. It's off to a great start, but it's somewhat depressing to know it has an expiration date. I just hope the next 4 issues lure me in as much as this one did. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Jan 5, 2013

    Overall, this is a really solid start to this mini series. However, as stated, I believe your enjoyment of this book will depend on how you like your comic books. If you like wordy ones, then this series looks like it will definitely be for you. The writing is superb, and the art is awesome for the most part (except for a couple of dodgy panels). I can't wait for next week's issue, I just want to know more! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Robert Bernstein Jan 2, 2013

    Now, as far as Mark Texiera's artwork goes, one word sums it up...WOW! This is some of the best comic book artwork we've seen in a while and probably the best we've seen for The Punisher, period. I love comic book art that takes a darker view of the story rather than taking the "bubble gum" approach and Texiera definitely delves into the dark and gritty with his artwork. We also must take note of D'Armata's coloring: fantastic use of colors and lighting, period. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - geeksunleashed Jan 3, 2013

    Gimple has done a decent job setting the stage for what can be an entertaining series with a twist of a cliffhanger, but the story's premises isn't new: Castle hunts mobsters, teams up with bitter parent, delivers massive beatdown, etc., etc. Texeira's artwork is the strength of this book: his colors are dark and gritty"perfect for a story about revenge. Although not a new concept for Castle, it's still a series worth following as of now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Jan 2, 2013

    Punisher Nightmare #1 reads a bit slow, wordy, and runs through an origin many of us are familiar with. The opening three pages are almost forgettable. The good part is that after this issue the exposition should be over and we could end up seeing a Punisher team up. Whether such a thing will last in continuity is unsure, especially in a weekly mini series, but the premise is intriguing. The only problem is with so many bi-weekly comics and new series coming out this month from Marvel this weekly series could get missed. For readers new to Punisher this could be a great place to build your knowledge database on Punisher mythos, and die-hard fans could find it an interesting twist. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Punisher Central - Ivo Santos Jan 2, 2013

    It was fun reading this comic, as i mentioned before i like to see the inner monologues of Frank Castle we know that everyone who knows the character don't need to see what he thinks but for me it's good, i like to read what he is thinking. I think Gimple is almost getting how Frank thinks but it's too soon to judge with only one issue, as i have said this was based on Jake's past and Frank's looking for clues about the muder of Jake's family we got some action in Jake's past in the war and Frank hitting some mobs but nothing non-stop action. This was definetely a set-up issue. The art and coloring is a must have for this comic. In my opinion i think the best is yet to come. Read Full Review

  • 5.6
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jan 2, 2013

    What is good is the art. Mark Texeira delivers some killer pages here. It has a completely different look and feel than his previous run on the Punisher (the one that took place in space). There's a dirty, gritty feel to every page. It's truly awesome stuff that is unfortunately covered in text half the time. Add in some the inspired color work of Frank D'Armata, and you have one sweet looking comic book. If nothing else, I'll be picking up the next issue to see some more of this gorgeous art work. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics: The Gathering - BradBabendir Jan 3, 2013

    Despite good art and lots of bullets, this book falls very flat. It has the potential to buck up over the next four issues, and it’s always tough to churn out a first issue with new colleagues and such. I’m not condemning the book just yet, but it’s not on my nice list. This books has been treading around the nuances of The Punisher’s character but hasn’t actually touched any of them. They need to do more than just scrape the surface moving forward if they want the book to reach its potential. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 3, 2013

    "Punisher: Nightmare" #1 feels like an odd choice for a five-issue, weekly-release marquee position. There's not enough to recommend this extra-strong push, although it's all the more frustrating because I feel like with a little work this could have been a much stronger debut. Maybe these problems will vanish in later installments, but for now it's just not quite there. Read Full Review

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