Nothing is more damaging than misplaced trust.
After all this time, it's still not entirely clear what Negan's motivations and end goals are, but it is clear that he's still the book's most electrifying and fascinating character. Read Full Review
The Walking Dead #168 ties up some loose ends from recent events, being the perfect way to follow-on from last issue's emotional send off. The creative team also gave us a rather intriguing look into the mindset of Negan, with the former antagonists role in these events being interesting to say the least. Read Full Review
THE WALKING DEAD #168 is a transition issue that fans of THE WALKING DEAD should be accustomed to. Robert Kirkman writes Negan flawless, and the artwork of Charlie Adlard paints characters in such emotional manners that it feels like they're really alive. Read Full Review
It appeared that Kirkman was laying the groundwork for the next big event inside of The Whisper War. This takes an immediate turn due to the actions of Negan, and that along with his development since 'All Out War' concluded is making Negan turn the corner as a character. I did not think we would be dealing with Negan this far into the series when he first debuted. Luckily we are as he is currently the best character in the comic. Read Full Review