"ALL OUT WAR" continues!
In the aftermath of the battle of Sanctuary, Ezekiel must survive on his own.
Overall, this issue is a must read. Not only because is the walking dead, but for the fact that is really picking things up and you can truly believe as an reader that the outcome of this war is going to be epic and uninspected. And for that is definitely worth the price. Read Full Review
Whether we get to see this “new” Negan again is up for debate, and we will see if the action of the last page end up changing the way the book has been going lately. Regardless of how it all pans out, I'm sure Kirkman will be able to create someone to even worse than Negan if he needed to… it may even be someone introduces in this issue. Read Full Review
Charlie Adlard continues to hit it out of the park. When someone has been this good for this long we start to take it for granted, but man, hes incredible. Read Full Review
As a greater event, this issue can be kind of slow if the event is planing on ending in 9 more issues. That's still a lot to go, so it's hard to tell where the story will go next. However, I still think the story should have more faster. Read Full Review
So far, the accelerated shipping schedule is having no ill effect on the art quality. Bringing inker Stefano Gaudiano on board was a very smart decision. Not only does he take some of the workload off of Charlie Adlard, but his inks bring more definition and shading to this world, making the environments more foreboding and the zombies more fearsome. Read Full Review
If youre reading this review, hopefully it means you are following the book. If not, you should be because something big is on the horizon. I predict that one of two things will happen: either Rick will be killed or he will defeat Negan but become him in the process. Kind of hope Im wrong about both, but those would certainly be two outcomes that would shake up the title. Given how this war kicked off in issue 100, Im sure Im not alone in continuing to expect big things from The Walking Dead. Read Full Review
The Walking Dead #117 was a good, if slow issue. This is an issue that deals with aftermath and is another transitory issue. I guess that's why they're releasing two issues a month. They've got a lot of ground to cover and not every issue can be full of action-packed battles.#117 isn't my favorite issue, but it's still a good one. I'm looking forward to seeing Rick's war plans in action in the coming issues! Read Full Review
I'll admit that my excitement has been waning intermittently for The Walking Dead, but this issue has given me the spark and enthusiasm to see where and how this comic book will move on from here. Read Full Review
Overall, the series has wandered a bit all over in quality, but it's picked up steam again, showing off the excellence I expect. For fans of the series, you won't be disappointed, this is a hell of an interesting issue when it comes to character development. Read Full Review
A very solid issue that advances the plot with nothing head-shaking moments for the reader. Read Full Review
Although the story is still not quite at the high level that I'm hoping for, it is certainly starting to get nearer and it is only a matter of time before this story explodes into a phenomenal and exciting event. This issue itself however had plenty of drama and suspense, showing the characters nature and reaction to current events perfectly. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue as well as the story so far. Read Full Review
Overall it seems as though 'All Out War' is turning out to be great so far, however it is only onto its third chapter so no one knows for sure what Kirkman and Adlard have in store for us. Whether you've been reading The Walking Dead from the start, or binge-read the trade paper backs, you should definitely be excited for this issue, especially since you don't have to wait an entire month for the next one! I'm giving The Walking Dead 117 a 3.7. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Read Full Review
All Out War is delivering a good story so far. This particular issue sets up some plot for the issues to come and the reader is meant to think that Rick is totally in control while Negan appears to be trapped. I am anxious to see what tricks Kirkman has to turn this around in Negan's favor. This is always a good read and this issue is no different. Read Full Review
Obviously, we still have a bit more to go in this story, but it felt nice for Rick and his crew to take a couple of steps forward. They've been rolling over and taking it from Negan for over a year now. I'm ready for some payback! How do you feel? Read Full Review
The added depth to Negan is much appreciated but the growing cast of characters leaves much to be desired. Too many characters are left in limbo with each passing issue. Which leaves many storylines completely hanging for months. All Out War continues to be paced with breakneck speed, but perhaps slowing down is just what the book needs. Read Full Review