Shady federal agents have tasked bounty hunter Barb Wire with tracking down and delivering her former associate Avram Roman, or she’ll face dire consequences. With little choice but compliance, Barb learns that her former ally is not the man she remembers . . . if indeed he is a man at all!
Barb Wire #7 answers a lot of questions you may have had about this series. And surely enough this issue gives Barb Wire that big push into acknowledging the world around her that is less than human. Read Full Review
Barb Wire is a hard story to get into. There seems to be a lot of continuity to go past, and the story seems to rely on it strongly. However, a little perseverance actually will actually let you get through to an interesting story. Read Full Review
Barb Wire continues to frustrate me, though some of that comes from me wanting the book to be something that it's not (but should be). This issue brings us through more of Roman's transformation from when Barb first met him to how he is now that he's meddling in her life once again. Of course, learning that he's had involvement over the years has her feeling even more frustrated by him, especially since he's likely viewing what he's done as repaying a debt from when she let him go. The story as presented isn't bad, but I'm still not feeling any real reason to invest in it or the series as a whole " and that's not seven issues in. That doesn't speak too well of the book for me, though I'm hopeful that they can really find a way to take this book in a far more engaging direction both in story and character. Read Full Review
Barb Wire #7 is a solid continuation to the current story arc, giving promise for the next installment. It is however still nowhere near as engaging as the previous narrative, with the concept wearing thin at times. Read Full Review
This is the first cover that showed what Barb Wire should be about, although she's nearly naked in it, she's not in those ridiculously compromising positions she was in before. She's taking care of herself and giving no fucks. Making me wish that had been the tone of the book itself. Barb Wire #7 has a more straight-through line in the story, but unfortunately that showed the many many flaws of the book. Read Full Review