Booster Gold: Futures End #1
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Booster Gold: Futures End #1

Event\Storyline: Futures End Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Dan Jurgens, Moritat, Steve Lightle, Brett Booth Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 24, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 5
7.4Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

Trapped out of time on a world that defies reason, Booster Gold struggles to escape the fate that has held him and so many forgotten heroes captive!

  • 10
    The Latest Pull - Eric Tillirson Sep 20, 2014

    This is the right way to bring Booster Gold back to the fold. Dan Jurgens really hit this one out of the park and has some jaw dropping revelations to keep fans guessing. It's a fun romp through time that leaves you with so many questions and wanting to see more. Luckily for our entertainment, it seems Boosters story will continue "where worlds and futures end." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Sep 24, 2014

     And then there's Booster #1.5, who is going to be unfrozen in the year 3000 this December. According to writer Keith Giffen, he comes from the conclusion of “I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League” and an Earth in the Multiverse where Ted Kord was never shot by Maxwell Lord. Imagine that! Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Sep 24, 2014

    Overall "Booster Gold: Future's End" #1 is a great issue. We may not have a ton of Booster Gold in the New 52 but when it shows up it's big and well worth the wait. This not only amps me up for what the future holds in the New 52 but I'm much more into "Future's End" as a whole and can't wait to get my hands on Earth 2 World's End. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Sep 24, 2014

    The end result is pretty entertaining, especially for those that enjoy either time travel or the problems that result from complex continuity issues. To say much more about this issue would be to take away a lot of the fun of it, but it was a good read which did what a good comic story should, not only tying up some loose ends, but also unraveling a lot more than it just answered. A lot of the Futures End story lines have been focused on a broken future only five years away and have seemed to be dissociated with one another, but in this case, the story has bigger implications not only for Futures End but also the DC universe as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Sep 24, 2014

    It's great to see Booster Gold back in action! There were a few times where the overall issue was a tad confusing, but it's a character travelling across multiple dimensions, so it's bound to be a bit out there. Dan Jurgens needs to be writing and maybe even drawing a Booster Gold on-going, as long as it's as fun as this little adventure was. There's a ton of the FUTURES END books to choose from, but this was one of my favorites. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Sep 24, 2014

    This is a bit of an odd Futures End title.  Dan Jurgens uses this issue to reintroduce Booster Gold and then prep him for the upcoming Worlds End book.  Those unfamiliar with Booster may be confused, but Jurgens and ten (ten!) artists make it a fun romp that has me pumped for the future of the character and the craziness he is bound to cause.  Welcome back, Booster.  I missed you. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Sep 25, 2014

    If you remember Justice League International Annual #1 (released way back in August of 2012) and you've read, or at least learned about, the ending of this week's Superman: Doomed #2, then you won't want to skip this Futures End special. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Sep 25, 2014

    Overall, Booster Gold: Futures End is an interesting read that hinted us the possible upcoming event in the DC Universe. However, the issue can be quite a confusing read from time to time, and it's especially difficult if you're not familiar with pre-New 52 Booster Gold. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Sep 25, 2014

    Booster Gold: Futures End #1 is a fun one-shot that any Booster Gold fan will enjoy, as though it may be a bit confusing, it's this confusion that gives the story it's charm. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 27, 2014

    Booster Gold has had his own ongoing before. It was a good comic book. He's got a large following. There is no reason why this couldn't be given a try again. Perhaps DC isn't ready to break down the New 52 barrier in an ongoing series the way it was done here for this one-shot. However, this comic reads too much like a tease if this doesn't get tied to something in the works or out there now. I enjoyed this book but I think a new reader to the character might be a little lost as to what the character's purpose is. Give it a try. Hopefully there will be more of this coming down the pipe. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Dan Gehen Sep 25, 2014

    Booster Gold: Futures End #1 contains big concepts that may shake the foundation of the current DC Universe. This issue is clearly intended play a pivotal role in DC's grand plans, but the script causes it to feel dated in a manner that many readers may have difficulty looking past. Those that can look past it are rewarded with a book that explores concepts and worlds long thought to be lost in the wake of Flashpoint. The continuity of the DC Universe just became a much muddier… and a lot more interesting. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 25, 2014

    Many of the "Futures End" one-shots give readers a one-and-done adventure. Maybe some teases are fed, or some concepts alluded to, but in "Booster Gold: Futures End" #1, Jurgens gives readers a slice of Booster Gold's life. This is just a peek, but it is absolutely vital to other books coming out from DC and likely leads back into the "Futures End" event and perhaps beyond. I'd love to see more of Booster Gold, and the story ideas Dan Jurgens has seeded here could certainly support a twelve-issue run or more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Moody Sep 30, 2014

    Booster has always been an intrinistic figure in the DC Universe, and Jurgens stop-gaps that visit various Earths and various superheroes (i.e. Kamandi, The Legion, J.L.I., etc.), giving longtime fans of BGizzle what they've always enjoyed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Sep 25, 2014

    The art is similarly serviceable, though does little to stand out or provide anything overly memorable. The artists at least work well together, each draws a different time that Booster gets lost in which gives each era a distinctive feel and look and helps smooth the transition between artists. Much like the dialogue, the art isnt bad per se, its perfectly decent and in some regards is actually pretty good, just nothing thatll knock your socks off. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - David Hestand III Oct 2, 2014

    Booster Gold: Futures End #1 is about as vague as things can get, and it unfortunately doesn't leave a lot for us to say about it. We're left to assume things about a lot of variables that won't be answered for who knows how long. Right now, it feels less like an interesting mystery and more like being just plain withholding. And if you dislike vague teases, you probably better knock a Daily Planet off this score. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Sep 25, 2014

    A rough start that doesn't look good for the future. Read Full Review

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