Will Eisner's The Spirit #7

Writer: Matt Wagner Artist: Dan Schkade Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: January 20, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
7.9Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

The Spirit's return to Central City stirs up both resentment and fear among the local crime scene, and mob boss Larson E. Jones soon sets a price on the blue-masked hero's life. Meanwhile, The Spirit himself tries to set things right in regards to his long-stalled romance with Ellen Dolan, and the detective team of Ebony White and Sammy Strunk dig up evidence that leads to a shadow corporation - one acting as a front for the illicit activities of the mysterious international crime lord, Mikado Vaas! Eisner Award-winning author Matt Wagner continues his loving homage to one of comicdom's most iconic characters, all the while breaking new groun more

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 20, 2016

    The team here continues to utterly delight in what they do, again making me wish I had a couple dozen issues to read instead of waiting monthly for more. Wagner's scripts evoke the mood and feeling of the time and characters perfectly while Schkade and Wagner's artwork/coloring brings it to life in such a rich way. I'm typically not a fan of the style and design but it's so perfectly set here and blends well with the storytelling, giving it the right edge of darkness to it, that I can't help but to be drawn in by each panel and what it brings to the page. It's striking and polished in a way that some artists take decades to achieve. Another strong installment in the series that is such a surprise to me this past year. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Jan 19, 2016

    Will Eisner's The Spirit #7moves the story forward in a bold, engaging manner with the titular character's return to the spotlight raising the tempo. The mystery surrounding his disappearance and the person behind it also continues to factor in nicely and alongside the energetic action it gives me plenty of reasons to recommend this issue to current and potential readers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 10, 2016

    Issue #7 may not reveal much about Vaas, other than Ebony White and Sammy Strunk tying the elusive villain to an import/export business, but it does reset the Spirit's relationship with his best gal while also teasing the appearance of a femme fatale to heat things up next month. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Inter-Comics Podcast - adrock512 Jan 27, 2016

    Watching the Spirit become the book it should be has been both a relief and a joy and I look forward to each issue hopefully delivering on the promise made by this one. Now let's find out who Mikado Vaas really is! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Jan 19, 2016

    Will Eisner's The Spirit #7 is good. It is definitely not as good as it has been. The resolution between Ellen and The Spirit is just too easy; there isn't any conflict or difficulty. There are also some art mishaps that force you to suspend your disbelief a little more than necessary and some of the coloring feels flat. However, the story for the most part is solid, and Wagner's dialogue is quite comical. If you've been enjoying this book as much as I have, you will enjoy this issue as well. Read Full Review

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