Devolution #1

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Jonathan Wayshak Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: January 20, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Every living creature on Earth has been devolved - the evolutionary clock turned back, reverting all life to odd mutations and prehistoric incarnations. The cities of man are little more than bloody territories ruthlessly dominated by tribal Neanderthals ruling from the backs of mammoths, packs of saber-toothed tigers, and giant man-eating insects. Writer Rick Remender (Black Science, Fear Agent), artist Jon Wayshak (The Authority), and colorist Jordan Boyd (Ant-Man, Planet Hulk) take you on a journey with the last band of "Still Sapien" humans in the hope of locating an antidote and re-evolving the human race.

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jan 28, 2016

    Devolution hits the ground running with an amazing first issue.  It hits on all marks with a great story, gorgeous artwork, and vibrant colors.  This series was first announced more than three years ago and I assure you, it was worth the wait. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jan 8, 2016

    This is going to be a fantastic series. It has so much depth to it. It's honest, brutal, and super entertaining. Trust me, you'll be enthralled from page one. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Project-Nerd - Erica Jan 18, 2016

    The only way to know for sure is by picking up the next issue of Devolution on February 17th. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Jan 19, 2016

    Devolution #1 is absolutely brilliant. Rick Remender and Jonathan Wayshak create compelling characters, a brutal and violent world, and an intriguing story. They are also able to make some strong political and cultural statements through both the narrative and the artwork. The only faults are some transition issues and some folks might not like the heavy exposition in the second sequence. This book is familiar yet radically different and unique. This is a must buy. Go get it now. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Jan 20, 2016

    For all the influences that seem to be the inspiration for the book, and there are plenty, Remender does a great job of making it interesting. If you are a fan of people fighting to survive the hardships of their desolate worlds, by all means give this book a try. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jan 23, 2016

    Wayshaks art has the same gritty feel I remember from the original Spawn series- and that is an amazing feeling to capture. He captures the sick, violent world of Devolution perfectly, and man, is it violent. Devolution #1 is an excellent start for this series, and leaves us with an ending that has to have everyone wondering how exactly the last few pages fit into the rest of the story. Ill be back for issue #2, as I cant wait to see what happens to Raja next in her journey to fix the world. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - John McCubbin Jan 19, 2016

    Devolution #1 marks the beginning of a wonderful new series from Dynamite, with the creative team producing an opening issue to be proud of. Giving us a fast paced narrative that's full of depth, we are introduced to a unique premise that is sure to spawn into an epic tale. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Jan 14, 2016

    The art by Jonathan Wayshak is well done, and easily succeeds i creating a dark, bleak atmosphere. Despite that bleak setting, there is no lack of color in the world and that's thanks to the talents of Jordan Boyd. Despite the last few pages being out of place, they are well drawn, with a great degree of realism. However the affected humans have some odd proportions, and are slightly inconsistent in size and stature. They do seem to share the same muscular build, and they use that well in the scenes they are in, but there's some oddness to that. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Nikki Sherman Jan 22, 2016

    This is a decent first issue. I enjoy the concepts in the book immensely; the premise is smart and cleanly executed with fantastically kinetic art. I'll certainly continue to read this series, and am excited to see what this powerhouse creative team has in store for the rest of this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 20, 2016

    Devolution hasn't been on my radar until I ended up with a copy in hand and I'm definitely digging it as one of the best surprises of the last few months – and a great way to kick off the new year. Remender's script is solid and provides enough characterization to drive the narrative forward even while doing an infodump – and a welcome one at that. Wayshak's artwork is spot on perfect for this with its rougher style and Boyd's coloring to complement it expertly in making it feel raw, dirty, and properly post-apocalyptic. I really liked Wayshak's layouts – which will work better in print than in the digital form I have, as there's a great spread to things to give it a proper feeling of scale and epicness, something that I hope he gets to utilize more depending on how big this book goes. This is a series to watch. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jan 31, 2016

    If you're a fan of Rick Remender in particular or post-apocalyptic tales with a slightly off-beat twist and a soupcon of humor in general, Devolution is a book to check out. You may need to ask your shop to get you a copy if they don't normally stock Dynamite, but you could be glad you did. Check out Jonathan Wayshak's art for the series on and see if you like it as much as I do. This was a book where I wanted to check out the 1st issue before committing to the series, it has earned a spot on my pull list, I'm looking forward to seeing where Remender and Wayshak take me form here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jan 20, 2016

    Devolution #1 that had an interesting start to attract your attention. It just needs to make sure to capitalize on those things which appeal, and make sure to address those things that might go over a reader's head keeping in mind that this is only five issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Critical Blast - Mike Maillaro Jan 24, 2016

    But all in all, I thought DEVOLUTION #1was a strong, compelling first issue. Dynamite continues its' streak of really good first issues. Rick Remender seems in his wheelhouse when he's writing dystopian worlds, and DEVOLUTION seems to have a lot to offer the reader. I will definitely be sticking around for a few issues at least to see how this one plays out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Enrique Rea Jan 23, 2016

    ‘Devolution' gives Dynamite Entertainment another gem of a limited series. Remender, Wayshak, and Boyd set-up a dirty devolved dystopian future where anything can happen. It's definitely worth getting on board for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jan 23, 2016

    "Devolution" is the latest flawed-future comic from Rick Remender. Life has returned to the days of cavemen except for a precious few that are fighting to survive and live by their own rules. The comic is a great start to the high concept, but does use heavy narration to explain the current state of things. The artwork is also good, but seems to be so heavily inked. Overall, this is a book to pick up and a series to keep your eye on. Remender has a history of ripping apart his characters and I suspect this comic will be no different. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    BGCP - Jim Taylor Jan 21, 2016

    While the storytelling stumbles, the artwork remains magnificent, and suggests that 'Devolution' is a series with promise. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Brett I Jan 21, 2016

    With a quickly growing pull list, I am left with no choice but to add this to the pile. The story and world are very compelling, and Im left wanting to know more about Raja. Even though this issue wasnt perfect, I have no doubt the future of this title will be stellar. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Pop Break - Alisha Weinberger Jan 22, 2016

    The quirks are forgivable, considering the length of the series. It's refreshing to see an original title try to take a stab at a new approach, especially from a publisher known for its many titles adapted from movies. Devolution is a bloody fun and fresh take on an all too frequented genre. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 21, 2016

    Remender introduces some compelling idea as he explores a world ravaged by a disease that regresses humans to a more primitive state. Unfortunately, those interesting ideas become mostly window dressing in what is basically a pretty by-the-numbers post-apocalyptic tale. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Russ Dobler Jan 20, 2016

    If you can get past how we got here, there's an interesting story in Devolution #1. Whether the hinted commentary on religion's place in society ever materializes, or it's been permanently jettisoned now that the narrative's in high gear, remains to be seen. A lack of follow-up would be sad, and likely resign Devolution to being just another book about a terrible future (that this time happens to look like the past), but even then the art team might make the mini-series worthwhile, if you're into snarling smilodons. It's hard to get a read on Devolution from this first issue, but there are enough hooks here to make you interested in checking out #2 for a closer look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jan 19, 2016

    Devolution #1 is an effective slice of apocalyptic horror, rendered even more potent by Jonathan Wayshak's stunning artwork. Rick Remender's script is foul of mouth and temper, but his reliance on the standard tropes of the post-apocalypatic scenario chokes the potential of its fantastic premise. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Chris Smith Jan 20, 2016

    Overall it's an interesting first issue, if not a little disappointing. Here's hoping that things pick up and get a lot more fun during the rest of this mini's run! Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Lido Giovacchini Jan 25, 2016

    Overall, Devolution is mixed at best. The artwork is great and the core concept is unique and engaging, but the actual story is just so brutal, oppressive, and bludgeoning theres no fun or engagement to be had anywhere in the book. Its a comic about cavemen and dinosaurs dropped into a modern setting, but all it wants to do is shove your face into the mud of human ugliness for daring to believe in things or be optimistic. It feels a lot like a bait and switch that way and ends up a situation where the more you think about it the angrier it makes you, especially with how sophomoric its greater ideals are. Its especially disappointing considering how many better comics there are about the end of the world that manage to be so much more harsh without reverting to cheap tactics or hateful storytelling, like BOOM! Studios Memtic or Images The Spread. Bottom line; this is a good idea in desperate need of a better writer. Read Full Review

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