"THE ORPHAN" ends here with an explosive finale...and a shocking new direction for New Japan's fallen guardian! After being exiled to Earth by Father, Rai has survived on his own, finding new friends and discovering some familiar faces. Now, fully restored and ready for battle, Rai is ready to return to New Japan and rescue the allies he left behind! The next chapter for the future of the Valiant Universe starts here as acclaimed creators Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain present the can't-miss finale of RAI's latest volume!
With the conclusion to "The Orphan" hitting in Rai #12, Kindt and Crain provide readers with a shocking and equally ambitious finale that is certain to play a major role in their upcoming 4001 A.D. Moreover, it completely changes the status quo of New Japan and, for some, may drudge up comparisons to the film Terminator 3. Read Full Review
I'm wondering if that'll arrive next issue, but if it doesn't, I'm content to wait. Read Full Review
Rai #12 brings yet another arc to a close, and despite the culminating moments not quite feeling like a transitioning point for the story, it gives us a lot to look forward to. The creative team also find a brilliant balance between action and drama, with the end result being an inviting comic that is bound to leave readers eager for more. Read Full Review
While Rai #12 may not give readers a definite resolution to the latest arc, it is a prime example of why this book is so unique. With a rich, evolving storyline and visually striking art, Rai continues to be one of the best sci-fi series on the shelves today. Pick it up! Read Full Review