Charlotte has to call on all she has learned from her ancestor Tom Stoddard to save her cell from decimation at the hands of Abstergo. In doing so, she learns more about herself, and more about the Brotherhood than she expected, and is forced to decide where her loyalties lie!
I'll say it's good. This wraps up the first arc, with the next adventure not for a few months—and it was worth the overall read for Assassin's Creed fans out there. If you're not a fan, or casually interested, the first and final issue will probably land well, with the middle being a bit too filler-esque. Read Full Review
The next arc has a lot to build on, but also a lot to live up to. This arc has been a great read, and I'll be back to see how Charlotte moves on from here. Read Full Review
Assassin's Creed #5 wasn't quite the epic conclusion I was hoping for from the first arc, but it was nonetheless an outstanding issue. The creative team would also give some interesting developments for the long run, with Charlotte as a character becoming much more intriguing than ever before. Read Full Review