Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #0

Writer: Chad Bowers, Chris Sims Artist: Mauro Vargas Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 7, 2017 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
7.9Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

For 25 years, Ash Williams has been waging a war across time against the Army of Darkness. Now, Dynamite Entertainment is proud to present the next thrilling chapter, kicking off in this special 16-page prelude! Ash may be the Chosen One, but that doesn't mean he can hold down a steady job. But when he's scrambling for employment, will he find himself once again thrown into battle against the Deadites? Here's a hint: The book ain't called Ash: The Guy With A Regular Job Who Doesn't Battle Against The Forces of Evil. Don't miss out on the opening chapter of a new AOD epic from the red-hot writing team of Chad Bowers and Chris Sims and artist M more

  • 8.5 - John McCubbin Jun 8, 2017

    Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #0 is everything that I expect from a zero issue and more. Not only does it give us a stylish recount of previous events, but it touches on the coming events in a way that entices, without giving too much away. The fact that this is only 99 makes it easy to recommend, with it sure to leave readers picking up the main series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Jun 7, 2017

    ASH VS. THE ARMY OF DARKNESS #0 is exactly what one would expect it to be, a solid prelude to a series that is going to kick major ass. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Lune Jun 12, 2017

    A fun and engaging zero issue that sets up a potentially hilarious status quo moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    ComicBuzz - Brendan Allen Jun 29, 2017

    If youre a fan of the original movie trilogy, the 17,000 comic titles that followed, the roleplaying game, the Vegas musical, or just like goofy, campy horror, be sure to check out this 99 cent issue. You should also try to find Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash, because that exists, and it is glorious. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    ComicBuzz - Kin Jee Jun 29, 2017

    If youre a fan of the original movie trilogy, the 17,000 comic titles that followed, the roleplaying game, the Vegas musical, or just like goofy, campy horror, be sure to check out this 99 cent issue. You should also try to find Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash, because that exists, and it is glorious. Read Full Review

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