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Rated T
Chewbacca is a very delightful story that reminds us of how fun side quest stories can and should be lighter fare than the series proper and that comedy always has a place in the Star Wars universe. I hope this walking carpets remaining two issues maintain the quality displayed so far. Read Full Review
Chewbacca #3 was yet another strong entry for this mini-series, as despite it not being anything special, it allows our Wookiee friend to stand in the spotlight. This issue in particular also gave us some intriguing twists near the end, with there being the potential for something much bigger as we enter the final two issues. Read Full Review
As a breezy, beautiful read Chewbacca has its merit, but when it comes to investment quality, this Wookiee doesn't always win. Read Full Review
As we move through the halfway mark of the Chewbacca miniseries, I find myself counting down how much is left with a sense of wanting to get it over with and move on to other things. I love Chewie, but this series just brings out all the weaknesses while not working the strengths. Bad supporting cast, bad location, bad story idea, really solid artwork. It's not a mess or done poorly or executed in a bad way, but it has the hallmarks of simply being mediocre at best as a whole. And Chewie deserves more. Read Full Review
Trying that comes with trying to find a way out of the mine could have taken up the whole issue, but I'm partially glad that it did not because the plot can move forward. I don't buy that the guy is going to let his daughter run around with this wookie, especially after he was just reunited with her.
Chewbacca has a little too much dialogue which gets ridiculous after a while because of course no one can understand him (the reader or the characters). I wish that the villain had a little more attention because he is quite a bit more interesting than Chewbaca's young friend Zarro is.
Im conflicted with whether or not to continue with this series. Pros: great art, Chewbacca!, Imperials will be coming next issue. Cons: weak supporting cast, mediocre plot, 5 issues is really stretching it for this story so far. Well I'll decide in 2 weeks if my money is better spent on something else...