Vampirella / Army of Darkness #1
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Vampirella / Army of Darkness #1

Writer: Mark Rahner Artist: Jeff Morales Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: July 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8
5.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

During his time trapped in the England of 1300 A.D., Ash listened to the terrified primitive screwheads tell of a horrific flying Deadite similar to the one he blasted out of the air when he arrived - but much deadlier. At the same time, a raven-haired temptress wants to give him some sugar - as his last meal! The horror mash-up you've been waiting for, from Mark Rahner (Twilight Zone, Army of Darkness/Reanimator) and Jethro Morales (Hack/Slash)... full of bloody chainsaws, fanged vixens, demon possessions, and boomsticks aplenty!

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Jul 6, 2015

    Overall, it is an intriguing beginning to a comic that sure looks like it will not disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - oddflip1 Jul 8, 2015

    Now I don't want to give too much away because as a horror fan, I really dug this first issue. It was completely written for fans of both Army of Darkness and Vampirella by Mark Rahner. Rahner has written stories for both these characters before in there own separate titles. So, it only makes sense that Dynamite would choose him to write for this title. And what a way to kick it off too. Rahner has definitely set it up for these two horror hero icons to take the genre further in this book. Rahner definitely knows all of Ash's and Vampirella's mannerisms and ticks to such a degree, that fans keep coming back to both icon's respective titles whenever Mark Rahner is writing for them. So I'd say were in for fun ride with this title folks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jul 8, 2015

    I imagine Ash fans will be glad to get a new book with their favorite character while Vampirella fans may not get much out of it and might be a bit turned off by him. But the potential for some crazy fun is there and I think this team will be able to pull it off as the book gets into gear. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jul 24, 2015

    If Vampirella / Army of Darkness follows traditional comic book crossovers, the next chapter will be a fight between the two main characters before they realize they're on the same side and join forces to battle a common enemy.  That's what looks to be the case so far, although there's not much revealed just yet.  If you're a hardcore fan of either franchise, then you'll probably find something to enjoy here, but casual fans or curious newcomers can find more entertaining fare elsewhere. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 8, 2015

    This is a tough first issue to get through namely because it's so darn slow. Ash is perfectly written, but Vampirella fans may want to wait till issue #2 to actually see their character come to life. I have high hopes this can turn it around next month, but right now this feels like a diehard fan read only. Read Full Review

  • 3.5 - John McCubbin Jul 7, 2015

    Vampirella/Army of Darkness #1 was just downright disappointing, as though it showed promise near the end, having inviting artwork, it failed to capture Ash's characteristics perfectly. It also had a rather slow start, and though it quickly heated things up near the end, this didn't help neutralize the poor representation. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Aaron Halverson Jul 8, 2015

    I don't care about anybody in this book. No character jumped out at me as likeable or interesting or even developed. The art is competent but not standout and fails to be dynamic. In all fairness to the artist they weren't given much chance TO BE dynamic so it gets a pass. My only hope for this book is if they kill 'Ash' off next issue and in consuming 'Ash' Vampirella becomes, like, a Vampirella/Ash hybrid and takes over the story finishing out the established Army of Darkness story in the Ash role. This couldn't have been more mishandled but I don't really want to blame anybody or call out anybody. Ultimately this is one bad book from a company that puts out good stuff from creators who put out good stuff. I encourage you to find that good stuff and read that instead, let this rot on the shelves" to act as a warning. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Big Comic Page - Hazel Hay Jul 7, 2015

    An interesting idea in theory, but unfortunately, I missed the point. And I dont mean Vamps teeth. Read Full Review

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