Sons of the Devil #1
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Sons of the Devil #1

Writer: Brian Buccellato Artist: Toni Infante Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: May 27, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 7
7.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

From New York Times Best Selling writer BRIAN BUCCELLATO and artist TONI INFANTE comes a psychological horror story about TRAVIS, an average guy trying to get by, who discovers that he has familial ties to a deadly cult.

Told across three decades, SONS OF THE DEVIL is an exploration of cults, family, and the dark side of human nature. It's TRUE DETECTIVE and ORPHAN BLACK meets HELTER SKELTER.

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Mar 17, 2015

    The early previews of Sons Of The Devil #1 offered a brief glimpse of what appeared to be a promising new horror series. It can now be said that promise has been fulfilled. This book will please enthusiasts of the horror genre as well as comic fans looking for something new and unique. - See more at: Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson May 27, 2015

    Overall, while the true nature of the story has yet to be revealed, this is an incredibly engaging opening issue with a strong protagonist and a grounded sense of realism that only adds to the creeping horror. In a genre that finds itself increasingly relying on schlock and monsters to hammer its point home, Sons of the Devil provides one of the most truly chilling opening chapters to a series that I can remember, and snatches your attention like a blunt force trauma to the temple. Highly, highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 27, 2015

    I first had the chance to read this a few months ago. Since then, I have read it a couple more times. It's an intriguing introduction that has me hooked to the overall story. Visually stunning. An insightful, yet horrific look into cults and the bonds that connect family. We're just getting a glimpse into the overall story. Brian Buccellato and Toni Infante have created an intriguing new world. You'll hang onto every word and Infante's art pulls you into the story. Simply put, I want more. You will as well. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Mar 16, 2015

    Sons of the Devil is the kind of dramatic horror that fans need, as though there's plenty of amazing horror stories already on the shelves, there are few that handle the genre in a way that is both dramatic and realistic. The character depth and mysterious plot elements also make this a series worth picking up, as along with the amazing art, it's bound to leave readers eager for more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jun 2, 2015

    Infante and Buccellato have created an addictive and thought-provoking book that will only get better from here. I don’t know about you, but I’m hooked already. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Moody Jun 2, 2015

    But what I do love about this debut from Buccellato (The Flash, Detective Comics), in addition to using my lovely first name of course, is not tell us anything, but show us everything in Toni (Sons of Anarchy) Infantes sharp, terrifying sketches. (Can we get this guy on Ghost Rider, please?) Really, its best for me to not tell you anything about the plot or point of the whole story; just trust that if you enjoyConstantine, are a wee bit curious about David Duchovnys newAquarius series, and plain-out just love you some ferocious artwork,Sons of the Devil will wind up on your pull-list and haunt the other comics besides it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Harrison Rawdin May 25, 2015

    Sons of the Devil #1 is a strong start to an arc that's bound to turn some heads. Cult antics, murders, anger management, the hunt for a chosen child and a main character that'sworth rooting for adds up tosomething that I can easily recommend to any curiousfanboy or fangirl. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Alex Mansfield May 21, 2015

    This is a promising start for Sons of the Devil that leaves little doubt as to just how grizzly the tale to come will be. Theres some elements still to be smoothed, but on the whole its a brutally fun, evocative journey into the emotionally deranged. The Mansons aint got nothing on the family reunion headed our way thanks to Buccellato and Infante, who clearly delight in taking their time to ensure that every blow hits with that extra level force. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    ComicBuzz - JAdam Jun 19, 2015

    It's not a bad story so far, but I do enjoy the art very much. I don't feel for these characters as much as I do for other series; I am interested but not invested. But I have faith that these characters will grow on me as the series continues. Moreover, I have a feeling the plot must be nurtured for a while to get really interesting. The more I think about it, the more I am looking forward to this comic reaching its denouement. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard May 28, 2015

    Sons of the Devil #1 has an interesting protagonist and solid writing by Buccelato. Infante's gritty art complements the story well. The series is off to a solid start, but doesn't do enough to stand out from other horror titles just yet. Still, fans of the genre will find a lot to like, and should give this debut a try. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Daniel Gehen Jun 2, 2015

    As this is the first issue, there is a great deal of focus on building the world. Whatever horrors Buccellato and Infante have in store for readers are teased, but not revealed. With series such as Outcast, Wytches, andNailbiter,Image Comics has the market cornered on top-notch horror comics. Based on the strength of its first issue,Sons of the Devil has the potential to rise above any of those titles. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    We The Nerdy - Kierra Prince May 29, 2015

    Sons of the Devil#1wasn't necessarily bad but there are a few complaints that keep it from being an absolutely gripping title. Will I pick up the next issue? Probably. The promised story is too good to pass up. However, I can definitely see myself forgoing issues until a trade is available if I'm going to have to rely on the occasional tired plot device, a bland main character, and a slow set up to get to the good stuff. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 29, 2015

    "Sons of the Devil" #1 kicks the series off to a good start; again, the less you know about this comic going into it, the better. Devoid of any advance information about where "Sons of the Devil" is headed, this is an intriguing first issue that should bring readers back for more. And if you do know more about the overall path of the series? Well, I suspect it will just draw you in even further. All in all, a good job. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Jun 1, 2015

    A slightly homogeneous, but very readable, first outing for a mystery series that has set itself up with plenty of room to grow. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    BGCP - Fraser Wright Macdonald Jun 1, 2015

    Pick this one up! It's a strong start to what's sure to be an interesting plot! Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    GWW - Jonathan Reyes May 27, 2015

    For more on “Sons of the Devil,” watch the short film written and directed by Buccellato himself based on his comic below. He suggests to read the issue first then watch the short to avoid spoilers. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg May 26, 2015

    As with most horror stories, there is enough sprinkled in Sons of the Devil to have readers curious to see where the story will lead to. Travis seems like a genuine dude that has had some bad luck. I am curious to see how he is connected to the bad people we are introduced to. If you are a fan of horror tales, then I would recommend giving this a read. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Nick Philpott May 27, 2015

    This issue is a stutter-step of a first outing. It spends some valuable page space on a thank you letter from Buccellato and thanking the Kickstarter backers of the project, and putting a page to advertise a short film version of the story. If you're going to pay for the pages anyway, why not put comics in them? The Kickstarter page has to go in, sure, but a thank you letter and a video the author expressly tells you not to watch for spoiler reasons may be better suited for a trade. Plus, then we could have cleared up some things about Travis' history. But those could've/should'ves aren't my place. This issue is a promising premise that didn't pan out into such an interesting issue. I'll be back next month to see how it takes off, but for now, I'm not holding my breath. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jun 16, 2015

    The challenge I had was that there was a lot going on at the same time that too little information was making it's way to me so I could firmly make sense of the story. Interestingly, the issue is titled “Revelations”, but I felt little was revealed to help me make sense of the action. I have confidence in Buccellato and am going to give him some time to build the story, but this seems like it will work better for me if read in complete story arcs. I'll be saving up the issues and reading a bunch of them together. You may want to wait for the trade, or maybe you'll make some cognitive connection that I was not able to and the whole first issue will make perfect sense to you as a standalone unit. I'm on board for the first arc, there was enough of a setup here that I really want to know what happens next, but for me I'm going to wait and read issues #2 through 5 or 6 together. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - John F. Trent May 21, 2015

    Sons of the Devil hits stores May 27th. Read Full Review

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