Jason Bard makes his big play to end the gang war once and for all. And Jim Gordons trial becomes a family affair!
The last few issues have been, well, bad. The art on the last issue was a disgrace. The "writing" of John Layman is a perfect example of what I show my students NOT to do. But finally, FINALLY, we're back on track. Read Full Review
I made a major commitment toBatman:Eternal. 52 issues at $2.99 a piece for 52 weeks. That's a lot of time, money and reading. After committing to the first 3 months, I'm all in for the next 9. You should be too. Read Full Review
The last few issues of Batman Eternal have been high in content but low in forward momentum -- issue #12 fixes that, writer James Tynion IV giving traction to a number of stalled story lines. Read Full Review
Lots of setup but with aperceived payoff ofmonstrous proportions. The expertly crafted dialogue should keep most fans fully entertained right to the last page. And that prosecution's opening statement, just wow! Read Full Review
Overall, BATMAN ETERNAL #12 is a very good issue and it is return to form after a weak issue in issue #11. It has the same great writing as expected from Snyder and co., excellent art by Mikel Janin, and a shocking appearance by James Jr. that I'm sure no one saw coming. A little bit of disjointedness brought this issue down a peg because I witness this too much but this is still a solid issue. Highly recommended! Read Full Review
This is another great issue in a series that refuses to disappoint. The overall story just keeps getting bigger as more unfolds and more rogues from Batman's (and Jim Gordon's') past resurface. Read Full Review
James Tynion get s the ball rolling again by starting up a bunch of stalled plot lines. The most important being James Gordon's trial, but I liked almost everything else as well. It's a dialogue heavy issue, but don't let that discourage you, it's real good. Mikel Janin's expressive art fits this type of issue to a tee and is a welcome addition after last weeks debacle. I hope we get more issues like this in the weeks to come. Read Full Review
Batman: Eternal produces some interesting and shocking developments as though there's a lot going on for one issue it still manages to flow smoothly. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
"Batman Eternal" #12 is another solid, fun comic in the series. It's depending trucking along at an above-average level, and that's a real victory for a weekly comic. Bat-fans should definitely be reading this series. Read Full Review
With Grayson right around the corner, this issue is a great showcase for an artist on the rise. Read Full Review
Holy unexpected, Batman! I actually liked this issue of Batman Eternal! It progressed the plot to a nice degree. It features characters who make smart decisions (for the most part). It provides an answer to my ongoing complaint about the GCPD (with one tiny exception). And the art is great! Not Ian Bertram great, but it's good, solid Batman art! Who'da thunk this was ever possible! Batman Eternal might actually have legs! Read Full Review
The writers have established an intriguing start to Gotham's trial of the century, so make sure you're there to check it out. Read Full Review