Venom #31

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Declan Shalvey Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 6, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 3
7.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Flash Thompson bids farewell to New York City and head’s to his new home, Philadelphia!As he says good bye to Peter Parker, Betty Brant and all his friends – is something TOXIC on the horizon?!

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Kassim Mirza Feb 14, 2013

    So here's the deal. Are you looking for a character driven title with a protagonist that is both sympathetic and terrifying? Are you looking for a title that is not only filled with great moments of dialogue but with intense action? Then pick up Venom #31. It's a no-brainer. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Axalon0 Feb 7, 2013

    While this peace in his life likely isn't going to last, it was nice to see Flash out of his element and taking time to grow as a character and as a person. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Feb 8, 2013

    If you haven't been reading Venom this issue is as good as any to start. It's a fresh start for the main character so why not jump aboard now before the shit hits the fan as it's bound to do. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Feb 6, 2013

    This is the start of a new adventure for the latest symbiote host, and as expected, it serves as a great jumping on point as well. While this isn't a particularly explosive or exciting beginning, it does cover all the basics that we'd expect to see with Flash making such a big change in his life and there's definitely some fun to be had. Shalvey's work lacks detail at a distance but this is easily overlooked with some of his unique close-ups and how superb his Venom looks.Alright, Flash said his goodbyes and moved in to a not-so-fancy new place... now let's see some more of Eddie Brock/Toxin! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flip Geeks - Kyle Francisco Feb 11, 2013

    I never thought a Venom book would reach 31 issues, but, well, here we are. As far as I'm concerned, this title has earned it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Syndicate - Chris Mailloux Feb 7, 2013

    In the end this was a really strong issue of Venom. Flash beat up bad guys, Venomed (Is that a word? It is now!) out on purpose, and he used more of the potential his suit has. I'm very excited to see Toxin's return and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Thomas J. Angelo Feb 10, 2013

    Though the series no doubt took a hit when Remender left, this issue did a lot to give me more hope for Bunn and the future of Venom. If we continue to get these inside looks at Flash Thompson's mindset, the character will have an opportunity to grow and be further refined. The parts of this series that have worked have shown how Flash has been dealing with the loss of his legs and the balancing of a superheroic lifestyle. There are some great ideas pitched in this issue, and a lot of foreshadowing. I look forward to the next issue in hopes that Bunn is able to get into a rhythm and keep the intrigue coming. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Feb 11, 2013

    Meh.  This comic wasn't horrible, but it really wasn't all that interesting either.  Flash moves in to a new apartment   Flash goes on patrol!  Flash wonders if he beat his neighbor into a coma!  Eddie Brock talks to an old woman!  See, not the most exciting reading.  I mean, it wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't something I'd go out of my way to recommend.  As I said, it was meh. Read Full Review

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