Simon Ambrose is a brilliant young professor at MIT. Always somewhat out of sync with the rest of the world, Simon is a man of science and does not put much stock in faith. When he discovers that he is the bastard son of the world's greatest wizard Merlin, he is forced to put his skepticism aside and embrace a world of magic and the mayhem it embodies.
Science and magic collide in this introductory priced first issue! For $1, you can't afford to miss this next step in a battle that has been waged for ages!
But this issue is all about the set up. And it does that well. It's a fun read, again $1, there's no excuse to not get it. I think the series will have to be judge as a whole and when that's done, this first issue will rise up a bit in it's standing. Read Full Review
The first issue does what any first issue does, it sets up the main character and gives us an idea of what's going on. It's nothing groundbreaking but still enough to keep a reader interested and wanting more. It's hard to tell if this series is going to pay off in the end, but the first issue was good enough to stick around for a few more and find out. Read Full Review
First issues have quite a hurdle to jump in terms of grabbing the readers attention. Though it has had a few hiccups, Son of Merlin has done a wonderful job making me care about what happens next. It will be interesting to see if they can fix some of the problems had with it in later issues. Good art mixed with a fantastic story premise definitely make Son of Merlin one to watch out for. Read Full Review
Son of Merlin is a cool idea. Camelot has been told and re-told so many times over the years that it is difficult to try something new. This comic book appears to be applying a fresh concept to the idea of bringing the characters into modern times. This is a good start and at a buck you really need to give the comic a shot. This mini is worth keeping your eye on. Read Full Review
I felt this issue paced itself well and didn't bog me down with introductions of too many characters. Nice job Mr. Napton! The art provided by ZID (sounds like a wizard name to me!) is good with interesting designs for the magic effects. Overall the plot was easy to follow and I liked the theme and pacing. Read Full Review
For $1 I'd recommend that people who like mystery, magic, and fantasy elements encroaching into the modern day world of suits & science give this a try. Read Full Review
I'm not saying that Son of Merlin isn't entertaining or doesn't show any promise. It does. It's the first of five issues, so there's still plenty of time (I hope) for this to get moving. The basic premise of the comic is sound: "Can you believe in magic if you're a man of science?" If this conflict is explored and developed, we may have something here. If not, well, we're just kinda left with an assortment of archetypes running around and acting just like we'd expect them to. Read Full Review
I said before that If I could pick a word to sum up the premise of “Son of Merlin,” it would probably be “plain.” Well, if I could use a phrase instead, I would call it “by the books.” It's not that it is bad — for its faults, the first issue still manages to be pretty fun, and while Zid's artwork may not read well (at all), it still looks nice — it just isn't interesting. If the premise seems like it may be your kind of thing, there's no harm in picking it up for its single dollar price tag, but I wouldn't be surprised if you completely forget to pick up the second issue. Read Full Review
Now all that being said there in fact are two major saving graces for this book, it is fu-cking gor-ge-ous. Zid’s art from cover to the final page is outstanding. This is easily some of the best illustrations I’ve seen in comics in recent memory, seriously even if it had no words this would be worth looking at from cover to cover just to say “Damn that’s pretty.” The other thing is the book is only a damn dollar, seriously, that’s it. There are tons of comics out there DEFINITELY far inferior to this one despite its flaws for a lot more cheddar. So if you’re debating what to spend some chump change on well Hell this is a great way to spend 100 pennies, 4 quarters, 10 dimes or any other sum of a dollar. Read Full Review