DEATH OF A KING CONTINUES as Aquaman uncovers a shocking secretand a potential allythat could change everything Arthurs ever known about the Seven Seas! Meanwhile, the armies of the Dead King continue to amass as turmoil within Atlantis mounts threatening Arthurs leadership.Plus, whose side are Murk, Tula and Swatt on? Arthurs...or Orms?
Aquaman swims in the coldest and darkest water he has ever been in while searching for the Scavenger as submarines surround an unsuspecting Atlantis. This book is a tidal wave of fun for all and it serves as a major development in the arc. Read Full Review
My only real complaint with the direction of this arc is the depiction of the First Kin. We still know so little about the character even two months after the original reveal, and he doesn't feel like a clear and present danger in the same way the Orm loyalists or the Scavenger do. Not to mention the fact that the idea of a villain being the "first" something seems a bit redundant in light of "Wrath of the First Lantern." Read Full Review
I do wish there was a spoiler-free place where I could lock up my storyline suspicions. In the case of "Aquaman," I'd be able to go back to the suspicions I had in "Aquaman" #19 and say, "See! I was right about the Scavenger!" It's a plot twist that definitely has repercussions despite its forehead-slapping, "Of course!"-inducing obviousness. Johns sometimes sets up the obvious and continues down that road. In this case it pays off by meeting readers' anticipation with dynamic effect. Additionally, the second-to-last page with eight page-width panels stacked on top of each other hits the reader with rapid-fire imagery, leaving the reader wanting more only to find the turn of the page delivers an even steeper cliff to hang from. "Aquaman" #21 is a strong chapter in the adventures of the current King of Atlantis, but it does more to set up even stronger, more electrifying adventures in the months to come. Read Full Review
So not a whole lot happens in this issue, but that's okay with me because the pacing is obviously set up this way on purpose. There's just enough action to keep me turning the pages, just enough mystery to keep me guessing, and just enough "oh shit!" moments to keep me coming back for the next issue. One of which is the cliffhanger ending, wherein the Scavenger locates and proceeds to invade Atlantis. Even though this is a rational course, for some strange reason, I guess I just thought Aquaman would stop him before he even got there. It'll be interesting to see just how Atlantis fares in the wake of the war between Orm and Arthur and the rest of the surface world. And what ramifications will follow when it's all said and done. Read Full Review
As a stand-alone issue though, it's a tad aggravating to read because it's so chaotic and there is so much going on with every single character in the Aquaman world. He's doing the same thing here that he did with the Green Lantern world. He's taking a book that is a mish-mash of broken stories and continuity and making something special out of it. He's sewing the seeds for something that will truly blossom down the road, and I can't wait to be there when it happens. Read Full Review
Johns is really giving Aquaman and interesting world to be a part of, and if his track record with Green Lantern is any indication we can expect some truly wild and inventive stories coming out of the oceans. Read Full Review
While his overall story is intriguing enough, Johns' execution continues to be something of a mixed bag. I really think comic book history will look back on Johns as a great ideas-man, but only an occasionally gifted craftsman. Looking at this issue, you can enjoy his constant additions to the Aquaman mythos, from the brusque Dr. Rhodon to the rejuvenation of forgotten villain Scavenger. But almost spoiling these bright points are moments of unengaging, even dull writing, especially the pontificating monologues. Read Full Review
After that skip of #20 that I won't be covering, let's continue with Death of a King. Hopefully Johns fixes the problem of Arthur and the Ice King (apparently Dead King now?) being barely featured in this issue.
The Good:
I do like the Xebel sub-plot and exploration.
It's very overwhelming (See The Bad) but I think it's designed to be that way. Arthur is King now and has to deal with the consequences of his actions or inactions unlike when he was just a superhero.
It's good that Vulko knows whats going on and that if Arthur talked to him first, he could have better dealt with the Dead King.
Pelletier's art was good like always. He's a consistent artist and it shows.
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