Uncanny Skullkickers #1
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Uncanny Skullkickers #1

Writer: Jim Zub Artist: Kevin Raganit, Edwin Huang Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: February 27, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 1
8.6Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The UNCANNY SKULLKICKERS: Two hard-headed mercenaries kill monsters and cause havoc in their search for money, fame and adventure! A bold new direction! A perfect jumping-on point! A newly added adjective! Our nineteeth issue, but also a new issue #1! It's all here, people! Don't make us use more exclamation marks!!

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Nick Furious Mar 5, 2013

    Well done Team Skullkickers, even with a new #1 you continue to impress me. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Feb 27, 2013

    The great thing about comics is that their always there to go back and rediscover and with trades and digital versions it’s even easy to get caught up on a great series. I hope that this issue and the next three gimmicky named issues revitalize the fan base for this series because I would like to enjoy endless possibilities of stories told in this world. I don’t mean to further the jab thrown at the “big two” or as I like to call them the “grandparents of the industry”, but this is the best fake first issue I’ve read in the past two years. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Mar 4, 2013

    The cleverness in it all is what makes this book more enjoyable than most that travel down the leisurely path of poking fun at the competition recent trend of renumbering and rebooting their books. All in all, there is always room for more Skullkickers and this new title will no doubt harvest many laughs for years to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Feb 25, 2013

    This series is getting rebooted in order to give it a sales jumpstart and so far it seems to be working. Your local comic book store probably saw the Uncanny in the title and the issue number and ordered heavily. Don't leave those issues on the shelfs as it would not be fair to the store who did not pay that much attention to Previews or to the creators who are trying to get sales momentum or to you the comic book reader who really should give this series a try. Pick this issue up and everyone wins, that seems like a con't lose idea. right? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Daniel Elkin Mar 6, 2013

    Skullkickers is not about ponderous thoughts of existential malaise, nor is it a polemic on how we as a species can minimize our footprint on a world crumbling around us. Skullkickers is about fun, adventure, laughs, and escapism. Zub and Huang are playing with every single fantasy trope there is with this series. Apparently Uncanny Skullkickers marks the beginning of the "jungle adventure." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar Mar 5, 2013

    The art is as always utterly brilliant " Edwin Huang is not someone I knew before this series, but he is perfect for it. The art is excellent quality and has been consistent right from the start " his characters and visuals are just as much a part of what makes the series great as anything. The little details, the expressions, random sound effect-ish thing, all of it combines to add to the sheer fun that is Skullkickers and I personally am definitely looking forward to more! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Crux - Cal Cleary Feb 27, 2013

    Making comics that are this much fun is surprisingly difficult. It requires everyone involved in the creation to be on roughly the same page, to have the same basic vision, something the Uncanny Skullkickers crew doesnt seem to have any trouble with at all. Anyone with a fondness for classic fantasy storytelling monster gods, talking swords and all owes it to themselves to check out this smart, savvy love letter to a genre that just doesnt get the recognition it deserves. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Feb 28, 2013

    Every good thing that has been said about "Skullkickers" can be said about "Uncanny Skullkickers": Jim Zub's jokes are laugh-out-loud funny, the story is exciting, and the artistic team of Edwin Huang and Misty Coates is dynamite. Any new reader who accidentally picks this up with the other three Uncanny books out this week may be a bit surprised, but will close the comic with plenty of impetus to read the trades. Marvel and DC, take note: if you must relaunch a book mid-run, this is how you do it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Feb 27, 2013

    Between the story and the art, Skullkickers is a series that captures the fun of the types of fantasy stories that are told with a twenty sided die at so many dinner tables every week. It's a D&D campaign that's gone completely off the rails. It's been too long of a break for the series. I'm psyched it's back and you should read this to find out why you should be psyched too! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Maxwell Majernik Feb 27, 2013

    A strong showing from the new number #1. A fun change of pace from the grim and gritty continuity heavy comics of today and a welcome addition to any pull list. There is also a very interesting back up featuring comic book script excerpts that anyone even remotely interested in writing a comic book should check out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Feb 26, 2013

    It's also worth pointing out that this issue provides readers with a look "behind the curtain," so to speak as Zub includes a four-page selection from the script for this issue along with notes explaining elements of the script in addition to running commentary explaining, in part, his creative process. While that creative process often differs from one creator to the next, it's clear this is one that helped land Zub a number of successes in comics, and there is plenty within this "bonus content" section that up-and-coming creators will likely find of interest. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Mar 1, 2013

    Uncanny Skullkickers #1 is a great place to pick up this story, and gives you all the back story you need, not that you need much it's such a fun ride you won't care what you missed. Well actually you might care a little bit, but only because you want more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - jamesmason Mar 10, 2013

    Knowing full well that there's been a lengthy gap between issues there's a clever and to bring you back up to speed. Even better is a fun and evil storytelling device to keep you aware of how things are going for one of the main characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - jamesmason Mar 10, 2013

    Skullkickers isnt really Uncanny and if I were to riff on the myriad of X-titles out there, Id say that Astonishing Skullkickers is more apt title. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Poet Mase Feb 27, 2013

    Skullkickers is a title that fans of Deadpool should be reading. It may be tough for some to justify the $3.50 cover price when there's so little that happens, but I think plenty of readers will be too busy smiling at the lunacy to notice. The really cool part of Skullkickers is that Jim Zub actually cares about the craft of making comic books. As he's done in the past, Zub provides access to his script, detailing techniques for aspiring creators. All in all, Uncanny Skullkickers #1is worth at least a chance to win your loyalty. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Mar 4, 2013

    The plot and characters of "Uncanny Skullkickers" #1 serve up a nice portion of Zub and Huang's lighthearted but sharp digs at a mix of jungle survival and epic fantasy tropes, as well as indulging deeply in those same enjoyable tropes to advance the story. It's a lot of fun, and it's great to see Zub and Huang's fantasy and parody title still kicking with energy and ideas. Read Full Review

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