jamesmason's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 19
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1

Sep 28, 2011

It takes a damn good comic to make me feel both guilty and silly for not being aware of its existence. Atomic Robo is one of them and now I have to get up to speed on the previous volumes. And speed is of the essence as Atomic Robo has gotten off to a flying start with this story.

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Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #4

Jan 29, 2012

Atomic Robo is a comic thats pure pulpy fun but is done with top class professionalism and obvious joy in what they do. Its so classy that itd be rude not to read it.

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Danger Club #2

Jun 27, 2012

I have no idea where Danger Club is going to go but I do know that wherever it ends up, it's going to be one hell of an exciting time. It's possibly the most engaging read out there and that is most impressive as there are some really fantastic reads out at this time.

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Dead Space: Liberation #1

Mar 10, 2013

That said, Dead Space: Liberation is a fun read and great to look at. Fans of the game will really enjoy seeing more of the universe and it is a good gateway to one of the better IPs of this generation. One I hope EA brings to the Next-Gen.

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Fathom: Blue Descent #3

Sep 28, 2011

The world of Fathom was always a good concept to me and Im glad that Aspen comics are continuing the stories of this series.

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Skullkickers #1

Oct 26, 2010

If you like your fantasy laced with humour and splattered with bloody action then you really can't miss out on this energetic romp of a book. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue of Skullkickers and am curious to see if they can keep up with the feisty characters they've unleashed unto the world.

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Skullkickers #2

Dec 2, 2010

The writing is to the point and humorous and the art is always bright, colourful and clean. Well worth putting on a standing order as I think Skullkickers is only getting started and theres plenty of killing and looting to be done yet.

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Skullkickers #3

Dec 2, 2010

I think this series will be pleasing to both fantasy and non-fantasy comic readers in that the comic seems to be very content in having pretty much every fantasy-type creature graphically killed by the two main characters. Its in this that Skullkickers is looking to be a worthwhile series to read for a good while yet.

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Skullkickers #4

Dec 23, 2010

Some of the monsters are really quite cool and the action quite literally breakneck. Seeing as the first two issues are more than likely at collector prices Id recommend picking up the inevitable trade as the plot is starting to ramp up quite nicely and the read will be that much more enjoyable. If you were one of the lucky people to have bought the series from the beginning then you have to read this issue and hopefully youll agree that at this rate Skullkickers will get even more popular and for a nice change deservedly so.

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Skullkickers #5

Feb 17, 2011

No-one has an excuse not to get into these series. Even in these nastily cash-strapped times.

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Skullkickers #6

Mar 9, 2011

This issue is a perfectly fine breather and a nice chance to see the characters being worked on by different creative teams. It goes to show that in the right hands the Skullkickers could go on for a long time.

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Skullkickers #8

Jul 19, 2011

If you haven't started reading Skullkickers, start. You need to have some fun in your reading pile and this comic has it in spades. It also has an abundance of dead bodies but this comic certainly doesn't stink. It's the sweet smell of victory or at least that new-comic smell.

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Skullkickers #10

Aug 31, 2011

Last issue had a cool old-school bonus and this one continues the trend (again harking back to the annuals of yesteryear) Each issue of Skullkickers is a dose of good humoured fun and I feel fortunate to read its irreverent, insane and inspired pages. As they always ask nicely check out www.skullkickers.com to get a glimpse of the people who bring what isnt a guilty but genuine pleasure to read.

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Skullkickers #11

Sep 28, 2011

Skullkickers has been on the go for almost a year and shows no signs of fatigue and if anything is maintaining momentum with relative ease. The quality has always been high from all involved and its with no small sense of begrudging (Im Irish, its a cultural thing) admiration that Im amazed to see in these jaded times. The Skullkickers crew may have my respect (totally worthless) but they do have my continued readership and thats priceless (to me it is anyway)

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Skullkickers #12

Dec 6, 2011

The short version is that Skullkickers 12 is a great issue to jump onto or if you're a fan get a friend as a gift to show them why you're a fan.

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Skullkickers #14

Jun 27, 2012

I loved Skullkickers 13 but issue 14 starts strong and stays strong. Kind of like the series as a whole. The whole team mix things up but not in a trite way but an organic fashion. It's so good it's sickening. No comic should be this energetically creative after almost 3 years. Skullkickers just should be this much fun after being around so long. But it is and that's just magical.

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Skullkickers #17

Nov 5, 2012

Skullkickers #17 is now quite the essential read.

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Uncanny Skullkickers #1

Mar 10, 2013

Skullkickers isnt really Uncanny and if I were to riff on the myriad of X-titles out there, Id say that Astonishing Skullkickers is more apt title.

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Uncanny Skullkickers #1

Mar 10, 2013

Knowing full well that there's been a lengthy gap between issues there's a clever and to bring you back up to speed. Even better is a fun and evil storytelling device to keep you aware of how things are going for one of the main characters.

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