Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1
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Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1

Writer: Brian Clevinger Artist: Scott Wegener Publisher: Red 5 Comics Release Date: September 7, 2011 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Sep 3, 2011

    I've been reviewing and praising Atomic Robo since its debut in 2007. I know I sound like a broken record every time a new issue comes out, but this is the BEST book out there - nothing compares to the adventures, the hijinks, fringe science, and humor that goes into the writing and art. The good news is people are listening. Every day I get new email or Twitter messages from people who finally decided to pick up the book, and want to thank me for the recommendation. Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1 is worth picking up. Do it now, before it is too late. Don't wait for the trade. Run to your local comic book shop and demand you copy today! Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1 earns another 5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Sep 11, 2011

    If you're not reading Atomic Robo, you're doing it wrong. Every comic fan should find a place in their pull list for this little gem because it brings you a sense of fun and amazement that is very rare in comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Sep 6, 2011

    Whatever your thoughts are on DC Comics so-called New 52-- the first full wave of which hits shops this Wednesday-- one central aspect of it cant be denied: the whole massively promoted endeavor amounts to a very public admission on the part of the publisher that, yeah, our books arent that easy for new readers to follow. The fact that DC wants to address this perceived problem is all well and good, but its worth noting that plenty of other creators and publishers have been doing a fine job making their books accessible for quite some time. Case in point: Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegeners Atomic Robo. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - jamesmason Sep 28, 2011

    It takes a damn good comic to make me feel both guilty and silly for not being aware of its existence. Atomic Robo is one of them and now I have to get up to speed on the previous volumes. And speed is of the essence as Atomic Robo has gotten off to a flying start with this story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Sep 9, 2011

    The sales charts would suggest that most of you out there aren't reading Atomic Robo yet, and I'm disappointed: get on it, folks. Like Hellboy or Invincible, it's the kind of pure comic-book fun that I know a lot of you don't feel that you're getting from the Big 2 these days. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 7, 2011

    This wasn't the "big book" I intended to get and enjoy the heck out of this week. I'm not even sure I had this plotted out in my top ten for the week. Nonetheless, I bought it, read it, and enjoyed it. It's a nice change of pace in such a busy week. Read Full Review

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