Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #4

Writer: Brian Clevinger Artist: Scott Wegener Publisher: Red 5 Comics Release Date: December 14, 2011 Critic Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - jamesmason Jan 29, 2012

    Atomic Robo is a comic thats pure pulpy fun but is done with top class professionalism and obvious joy in what they do. Its so classy that itd be rude not to read it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Dec 20, 2011

    Thanks to the help of some low tech trucker know-how, Robo is able to trace the signals back to Hashima Island (where Louis and Martin are about to land). With one issue left (enclosed in a giant crate on his way to the island) Atomic Robo will have to save his friends, uncover the truth behind the conspiracy that wants him dead, and save the world. Best of the week. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dylan B. Tano Dec 23, 2011

    I mentioned that I was consistently amazed by the team of Clevinger and Wegener several times throughout this review. Consistency is the key word. This volume has kept a steady pace so far, and while not as emotionally touching as some of the prior volumes, it does deliver in other ways. There is humor and a steady story of who and why to follow. Robo doesn't seem to be lost in the modern world anymore, and it is nice to see a character develop and have it stick in a world of comics that constantly resets itself. Read this book, I mean it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Dec 22, 2011

    Note:One of the highest compliments I can give Robo is that I've gone 100% digital on this series and I still read it the week it comes out. My pull list get's pretty extensive and I've found that as I switch titles to the "digital" side, it's easy to defer them because I also have OGNs and back issues I'd like to read and those digital issues will never "sell out" and necessitate hunting on eBay. And once you defer a comic, it's amazing how few you truly miss. Atomic Robo is never in that category. I always download it and enjoy it shortly after it comes out". not because it's on my pull list at the comic shop and the owner will think I'm a dick if I don't buy it, but because it's good and I really enjoy it. A LOT of superhero comics are going to struggle in digital for this precise reason, but Robo will be fine. Read Full Review

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