Skullkickers #1
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Skullkickers #1

Writer: Jim Zubkavich Artist: Chris Stevens Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 22, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10
6.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

No one knows where these two warriors came from. The only thing that's clear is that they're two of most ornery trouble-making $%@# that have ever lived. SKULLKICKERS is a fantasy action-comedy: Two mercenaries entangled in a high class assassination plot and nothing - werewolves, skeletons or black magic - will stop them from getting paid. If you love tabletop fantasy RPGs or movies like Army of Darkness, SKULLKICKERS is waiting for you!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Sep 24, 2010

    Until the second printing drops, you are going to have a hard time finding Skullkickers #1. You might have to do some hunting and you might have to pay more than cover price, but trust me, it's worth it. Skullkickers is quirky and entertaining with a highly imaginative approach to the fantasy genre that should have a broad appeal. There is a lot of buzz about this book and, quite frankly, it's wellearned. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - jamesmason Oct 26, 2010

    If you like your fantasy laced with humour and splattered with bloody action then you really can't miss out on this energetic romp of a book. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue of Skullkickers and am curious to see if they can keep up with the feisty characters they've unleashed unto the world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Aug 17, 2010

    In all sincerity I absolutely loved this debut issue! It is not the type of book I would have normally considered picking up but after reading this I will be waiting for this bad boy with eager anticipation. There is a plethora of stories that are ripe to be brought to fruition with this title just on the basis of this first issue and the range the diversity of its premise allows. Not only that but this feels like a property that could actually extend outward from the comics and find its way to your television, computer, or mobile device. Skullkickers was a ton of fun to read and I am looking forward to! Now I dont know how much skull this book will kick but if Zubkavich, Huang, and colorist Misty Coats can maintain this high level of production value it will definitely be kicking a lot of ass! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Mania - Chris Smits Sep 22, 2010

    Dont try to argue with me. Two things that I think should always get the benefit of the doubt are werewolves and an arrow through someones eye. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Richard George Sep 22, 2010

    And that is the biggest challenge facing Zubkavich. The humor is effective at times, but this isn't the funniest book out there. The fantasy elements are present, but I'm not seeing anything completely fresh, something Huang could probably bolster with bolder designs and more energetic compositions. While there's nothing overtly negative for me to say about Skullkickers, I'm waiting for everything about the book to really kick into a higher gear. There seems to be a strong potential here... whether this creative team gets there fast enough to keep readers hooked... that's the big question, isn't it? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Sep 22, 2010

    Bleeding Cool's been saying that this had been getting a unusual amount of buzz prior to its debut. Supposedly, this issue's already re-selling for $15 on eBay. While this debut issue wasn't really my cup of tea, I'm still glad that a creator-owned indy book like this - - something that isn't a licensed property, that isn't continuing a long-running character, that isn't coming from big names - - is making a splash. I hope it continues to do well, even if I won't necessarily be along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 24, 2010

    "Skullkickers" isn't a bad first issue, but I was hoping for more of a strong hook that would make me desperate to read more. This is fantasy in ways we've seen before, although by talented creators. I can see "Skullkickers" drawing in fans of fantasy stories, but so far I'm not convinced it's going to become a runaway juggernaut that crosses reader boundaries. Still, I'd like to be proven wrong. Hopefully next issue will have that draw that makes people desperate for more. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Oct 15, 2010

    Writer Jim Zubkavich crafts modern personalities for these characters despite the fact the mercenary action is set in medieval times. That helps to pep things up a bit, but the novelty wears off after a little while. It certainly makes the almost alien setting and circumstances more accessible for the reader, though. I'm surprised at how little we learn about the two main heroes; I found I wasn't given any real reason to care about or follow these characters. Overall, the designs and violence-driven storytelling put me in mind of early Image Comics, especially Rob Liefeld books. Skullkickers is a purely superficial book and at best, it can serve as someone's guilty pleasure. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex EvansShare this:FacebookStumbleUponDigg Sep 28, 2010

    The one unqualified high-point is the art, which is fantastic and has a kind of polish often not found in an indie comic, let alone one with newer artists. It's comedy-anime at its finest and is lively and energetic throughout, particular thanks to Misty Coats' bold, vibrant colors. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Mike McLarty Sep 22, 2010

    Some positive elements are present and need to be mentioned. Huang and Stevens share penciling duties and I can honestly say that the artwork remained seamless throughout the book. You also get a boost in your dollar value with the inclusion of back matter. Sketches and behind the scenes thought processes are shared and it's obvious to tell that the creators are very enthusiastic and passionate about this project. Unfortunately, enthusiasm and extra pages didn't combat my overall lack of enthusiasm for the book. It should also be noted that any humor elements completely escaped me.For those who enjoy manga-influenced art and a linear sword and sorcery story made up of very familiar themes, this may resonate more strongly with you. This earns 2 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

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