THE PRELUDE TO THE ZENESCOPE'S EVENT OF THE YEAR BEGINS HERE! The four realms have been witness to great evil over the centuries. The Dark One, The Dream Eater, The shadow Dragons and Helios but none have threatened existence as we know it as much as...THE BEING. Who is this creature? What does he wants and how do the answers tie into the origins of Sela and the four hunters who banished a legion of monsters centuries ago? A shadow has fallen over the Grimm Universe and nothing will ever be the same!
This 0 issue sets us up with a little history lesson before throwing us head first into the full event with issue #1. I know big crossover events usually aren't that good, and they end up costing a lot to see the whole story. I've gotta say though everything I've read up till now about Unleashed and it's tie-in's has got me thinking it'll be well worth the cover price to see how this adventure plays out. Read Full Review
Grimm Fairy Tales Unleashed #0 is a very good beginning to what should be an excellent event. Recommended. Read Full Review