Overall, this is the start of an awesome 'Original Sin' tie-in. 'All-New Invaders' was a fun book already, but things have been taken to whole other level. It's too early to tell, but it might be my favorite title connected to the crossover. If you're not checking it out, do yourself a favor and add it to your pull list. Read Full Review
The quick summary of Radiance, is to compare her to Dazzler, but Robinson makes it quite clear that Radiance is closer to the power set of "Mighty Avengers" cast member Monica Rambeau. "All-New Invaders" #6 is an interesting change-up from the Kree-focused opener for the series, making it quite apparent that there is no intention to leave the roster as simply Human Torch, Captain America, Winter Soldier and Namor. This is a team that is growing and changing, and Robinson is mining the rich Marvel history to find untapped resources to reinvigorate and introduce to readers. Read Full Review
Tie-in or not, Robinson and new artist Mark Laming keep this train rolling. Seeing Hammond in different scenarios and growing as a character looks to be a growing charm of the series. For now, hes the star of the show and at this point and any other team members appearance is just a bonus. Read Full Review